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New Arcoflagellants?

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I've searched the forum without finding anything so hopefully I'm not asking something already covered ...


It seems like a lot of people here have their actual codices based on the reviews and FAQ thread. I'm wondering what the deal is with Arcoflagellants? They seem to be a big mystery when I search the inter webs. People suggest they are quite good, but Battle Scribe does not have any points or stats.


Can someone give me some non-copyright infringing info? A rough estimate of points and comparable statelines, some info on what special rules they have? Thanks.

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Also, Penitent 707 is now a Blackstone Fortress retinue character- you can get rules for him and the mission to unlock him in either the Dec Dwarf or the Blackstone Annual. 


Taddeus, Gotfrett, Pious and Penitent 707 are looking to turn the entire BSF into a shrine for the Emprah!

Ok, thanks ... I updated my Battle Scribe data and now I can add them with stats and points.


I was expecting something a bit more dramatic given the new models (usually GW gives new model kits shiny new/unique rules to drive sales) and the way the reviewers were talking them up -- but I'm not complaining, they are still better than in 7th ed I think and definitely useable. And I'll take the new plastic kit no matter what.

Ok, thanks ... I updated my Battle Scribe data and now I can add them with stats and points.


I was expecting something a bit more dramatic given the new models (usually GW gives new model kits shiny new/unique rules to drive sales) and the way the reviewers were talking them up -- but I'm not complaining, they are still better than in 7th ed I think and definitely useable. And I'll take the new plastic kit no matter what.

They needed NO increase in rules or stats....I happily put a unit of 6 against most infantry and expect them to win my beta victims of the 6 (with a priest + strat for max attacks) include (1round of combat this is) unit of 20 genestylers, 2 units of 10 CSM, unit of primarias and 10 bolter primaris...

That all sounds quite good.


Just shows how long I’ve been out of the hobby (on burnout hiatus) since people were still bemoaning how garbage arcos were last I discussed them.


I think I need to find a way to squeeze a couple more into my current list.


Do you mount them in an immolator or on foot?

Historically I've done them on foot, but the Repentia and Penitent Engines will out pace them, so I think I'm going to rhino them up. I like max squads, so an Immo doesn't really do it for me.


How do you figure that the Repentia and PE will out pace the Arcos?


Repentia have a 6" move, and the ability to re-roll advance and charge rolls while near a Repentia Superior.

With no guns, you will more than likely advance with them any turn they are not able to charge.


PE have a 7" move, but since heavy flamers are heavy weapons, they can not fire when you advance.

So these units will more than likely advance on any turn they are not able to charge.


Arcos have a 7" move, and will more than likely advance on any turn they are not able to charge.


So the Arcos and the PE will cover the same ground on average every turn.


The Repentia currently move -1" per turn in comparison to Arcos without their re-roll to advance / charge.

And while the re-roll to advance / charge will cut that difference a little, but I don't think it will push the Repentia to move noticeably faster than the Arcos.

Yeah, the repentia won't be argent shroud- I'd bloody rose them instead. I also thought heavy flamers were assault, but that's only immolation flamers... So the PE won't outpace the arcos, but the repentia still would.


If it takes two advances to get to hth, being able to reroll both of them, or being able to spend MD for advances will make the repentia get there first every time. A single 1 on an advance roll without access to rerolls or MD will create a 3-5 inch differential. Repentia can also use the Holy Rage Strat to advance and charge in the same turn, and I don't think PE or Arcos can do that either.

That all sounds quite good.


Just shows how long I’ve been out of the hobby (on burnout hiatus) since people were still bemoaning how garbage arcos were last I discussed them.


I think I need to find a way to squeeze a couple more into my current list.


Do you mount them in an immolator or on foot?

Immolators suck now, just take a rhino.

Thanks for the intel.


Sorry to hear that, Immolators were always fun back in the day plus the new models are sweet. But from a purely personal and practical perspective this makes me feel better about not being able to find enough points for an Immolator in my working list!

In the Limited Edition Box set, you get three Arcoflagellants, but I am now wondering if they come in a box of 10 based on the recent pictures from New Year Open Day 2020. I also noticed that the sculpt of those 10 Arcos seems to be different from the Ltd. Edition:




Versus the Limited Edition Box set Arcos:




That all sounds quite good.


Just shows how long I’ve been out of the hobby (on burnout hiatus) since people were still bemoaning how garbage arcos were last I discussed them.


I think I need to find a way to squeeze a couple more into my current list.


Do you mount them in an immolator or on foot?

Immolators suck now, just take a rhino.



How so? They seem fine and rnage 12" Flamer seams good.


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