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[TALE] The Blackguard and the Inquisitor


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Or: An account of Imperial and Suzerain History, from two biased sources.


Dramatis Personae:

- Anacreonis Levantius, Imperial Inquisitor, Ordo Secedus

- Elicea Weneston, Class 4 Archivarius-Redactor, the Black Guard







999.M41. Estral, a world in the ever-switching Borderlands between the Imperium and the Suzerainty, is taken by the former by a combined force of two Astartes cohorts, and several myriads of the Imperial Guard. As the Imperial governor takes office, the ritual passing of information between the two empires’ secret polices takes place. The turn of the millennium approaching, both sides take time to collate the official history of the Galaxy. Histories, in any case.


The Inquisitor deposed his sword in a sign of peace. Despite his ideologically ingrained hatred of the False Empire, he had been sent here as a diplomat as much as a man of law. He poured himself a glass of wine, for this discussion would be long and was, mercifully, recorded by servitors. The Black Guard refused the brewage – alcohol was not part of Suzerain culture, at least not the lower strata of society.


“So, let us begin where all things do, the Inquisitor announced, with the Great Crusade. Surely we shall both admit that the Emperor, blessed be His name, created Eighteen Legions of Space Marines, and appointed His sons the Primarchs to lead them; that he gave to each of them a world to rule, and from there conquer the Galaxy.”


The Blackguard raised a finger. “Correction: the Emperor did not give the Primarchs these worlds; he found those legendary conquerors on their homeworlds, and imbued them with power both physical and military. The Legions precede the Primarchs.”


“First divergence. Shall we agree however, that of those Eighteen, Alexandros Darshan VonSalim was appointed as Warmaster, and given command over his brothers?”


“We shall, but let us not forget that he was a Psyker and a diplomat, and likely used his guiles to manipulate the Emperor, passing over more worthy contenders for the position. Lord Darzalas had been in command of two legions for hundreds of years, and Yucahu had led the Helriders.”


“Let us not forget either, that a few years after the Warmaster’s appointment, said Darzalas was found guilty of Geno-Heresy, and censured in force. Need I remind you that Darzalas threw himself under the banner of the Tempest-Son? Or that of the Helriders, half did as well, one of them after years of posing as a loyal son?”


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