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Smash Chaplain

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Not sure if anyone has tried this out, but I just gave it a run in my last game and man was it awesome.


So the build for this is a Chaplain with Jump Pack. From there, I spent 3 CP to give him Death Visions, Hero of the Chapter and a Relic of Baal. Artisan of War for the trait, plus the Figure of Death relic. For his Litanies, I gave him Mantra of Strength and Recitation of Focus.


Turn one and two, he sat by a Predator using RoF to give it that sweet 2+ to hit. On turn three, in which I made the switch into the Assault Doctrine, I picked the largest of my opponents threats remaining on the table and set him to destroying it.


On the charge, with Mantra of Strength going off, this guy has 7 attacks (before Red Rampage) at S6/AP-3/D4.


This is a lot of dominoes to line up correctly, but it gives Blood Angels a easy second Smash Captain build out that doesn't scream Smash Captain at the enemy. My opponent wasn't ready for him to come out and obliterate anything he touched, which was awesome.


Just wanted to throw this out there, see if anyone else is using this and what results they have seen from it.

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Been intending on doing this for a while honestly, I just need to get around to building and painting a model for one. Death Visions, Angel's Wing and Artisan of War already make him strong, but the litanies put the icing on the cake. And of course, a Chaplain should always be found shepherding a large contingent of Death Company to a glorious end...

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Powerfist + AoW + MoS = min 3 ~ max 5 damage. Which is extremely tasty.


So build would be.



Jump pack




Replace jump pack with Angel's Wing

Give Artisan of War

Take Mantra of strength

DVoS optional


This will make him S9/10 (can't remember which)


With 5~7 attacks on the charge depending on strats


Wounding everything not T9+ on 2s with a minimum of 3 damage, maximum 5 all clocking in at 99 points...That is disgusting...

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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Whilst I applaud the ingenuity, unfortunately you can't use Artisan of War on a Relic of Baal :sad.:


Thanks for catching and correcting! I have since switched up the loadout to be Artisan of War on the regular Crozius, with Mantra of Strength as his Litany. Worked very well against Tyranids in a recent battle, the 4 Damage had the Chaplain taking down a Trygon Prime in one round of combat.

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It's looking like this will be a decent throw away model with the new changes. He can always attempt Mantra of Smash and let Lemartes and Astorath shout the better abilities.


Exactly. While my gaming group has a No Named Characters rule, I run at least two Chaplains in every list now. The litanies are so strong.

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