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(Limited) Off-Topic Section?

Evil Eye

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This may be an absolutely terrible idea, so please excuse me if it is, but would a highly limited off-topic section for discussion of strange non-40K related topics be worth considering? If it were I would say it should absolutely be 100% no serious business (no religion or politics whatsoever) to avoid the kinds of flamewars that can devour forums such as this, and it would need quite strict moderation to avoid being a free-for-all, but for the purposes of "community building" I can see it might have a place; for example, I'm planning on getting into War Thunder and as this is one of my favourite online communities was thinking it would be a great place to get advice/comrades on it, but obviously as it currently falls outside the realms of the forum's topics that would be...difficult.


Again, if this is a stupid idea then feel free to lock this without mercy, but it was just a thought.

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You're right, this is a terrible idea :wink: The B&C prospers due to the focus on the 40k hobby to the exclusion of all else. That's why we're all here after all; it's the only thing that binds everyone together, our only common ground. Add other things to the mix and the waters are muddied considerably, and all the more so due to the global nature of the community.


On the B&C the hobby is all that matters, and I'd wager that's how most people like it too :smile.:


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