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[Tactica] Taus

Chaplain Elijah

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Building my list... i'm up against Tau tomorrow night so if you got any advices i'll take them :sweat:



After posting that i was thinking : the other day a player asked for advices to beat Iron Hand so why not create a specific thread to gather advices about one of the (if not the) most powerful army at the moment.


Concerning my opponent he's a (nice) WAAC so i expect Riptide(s) and Drones (lot of). 1000pts format.


Thanks in advance brothers :)

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Riptides are a classic 'monster or screamer-killer' distractions.


What I mean by that is you have to respect those battlesuits but don't be fooled into wasting your firepower on them, plan to take the Riptide pain, instead focus out anything with a marker light, and obliterate the fire warriors and the drones all love chaff removing weaponry.


Once the accuracy and the Tau weight of fire are reduced they are more manageable, expect casualties i.e. your darkshroud...


My 2 cents.


I may starts a 1k sons thread (my current and topical nemesis for DA!)

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Riptides are a classic 'monster or screamer-killer' distractions.


What I mean by that is you have to respect those battlesuits but don't be fooled into wasting your firepower on them, plan to take the Riptide pain, instead focus out anything with a marker light, and obliterate the fire warriors and the drones all love chaff removing weaponry.


Once the accuracy and the Tau weight of fire are reduced they are more manageable, expect casualties i.e. your darkshroud...


My 2 cents.


I may starts a 1k sons thread (my current and topical nemesis for DA!)


Ok cool thanks, i'm reading through 1D4chan and goonhammer at the moment to gather intel.

If you start a Thousand Sons thread i will participate as i have a cool guy playing them at my club (i fought with them once and against them twice).

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So from what i've understood i need as much saturation as possible to get rid of Shield Drones and get in Combat as fast as possible.

Here's a list with my new Drop Pod, i'm going all in here !



Total = 999pts


/// HQ ///

Asmodai = 110pts

Chaplain Dread = x2 Fists with Storm Bolter = 139pts


/// ELITE ///

Apothecary = 50pts

Company Champion = Warlord & Master of Maneuvre, Shroud of Heroes = 44pts

Company Veterans = Sergeant + 3 Vets with Lightning Claws = 96pts

Company Veterans = Sergeant + 3 Vets with Lightning Claws = 96pts

Dreadnought = Assault Cannon & Fist with Storm Bolter = 114pts

Dreadnought = Assault Cannon & Fist with Storm Bolter = 114pts


/// SUPPORT ///

Devastator Squad = Sergeant + 2 Marines with Bolters, x4 Marines with Missile Launcher = 171pts



Drop Pod = Storm Bolter = 65pts



The Devastators in the back shooting their Missiles, the Apothecary support them (he's mostly there to get the 6th Elite slot).

The 3 Dreads move forward mowing the Drones with Assault Cannons & Storm Bolter before going in Combat.

The Drop Pod is full of nasty : Warlord Company Champion with Relic -1 to be hit will provide a 6'' reroll advance/charge to Asmodai (bubble 6'' reroll CC hits and +1 Attack) and the 8 LC Vets (reroll to-Wound).


What do you think of that ?

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Hey Elijah,


I think your chaplain dread will be priority #1 for your opponent, just as his Riptide will be yours!


I would want that dread as a character and give them shroud of heroes, then give that barnstormer chaplain dread the job of selling its life dearly, there is the strategy for fnp on 6+ too if you can spare a command points but I think you only have 4? So that might be pushing it!


So whilst the chaplain dread is taking all those hits mop up as much chaff as you possiblly can, don't overlook those Devastators fragging the T3 firewarriors with 4+ saves.


This str 8 Krak missiles need to find there targets, don't split fire though!


Then when you have minimised the overwatch/greater good as best you can pile the other 2 Dreads in on that Riptide with Asamodai to buff and hit with any other str 8 you can find, if you can get a few power fists on the champ or sergeants do.


Do you have a librarian? Can you squeeze him in for the apothecary/company Champion? Why? Tau have no psykers, no denys and Aversion (-1 to hit) is useful on that Riptide!


Good luck, put your trust in the Emperor and the lion!

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basic Tau shooting apart from commanders is 4+ without the marker light buff


Darkshroud and aversion on a key unit takes it to 6's then


Kill the marker lights first kill all the infantry second then start on the drones take something like a whirlwind or eliminators that can shoot out of line of sight.


If you try and kill the riptide you'll end up getting blasted with small arms fire, chewing through countless drones then facing a 3++ takes too long target priority is key, just taking out markers means he cant buff to 3+ to hit which is huge and they then can't remove cover


If hes using stealth suits then some ignores cover with a talon master is in order

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basic Tau shooting apart from commanders is 4+ without the marker light buff


Darkshroud and aversion on a key unit takes it to 6's then


Kill the marker lights first kill all the infantry second then start on the drones take something like a whirlwind or eliminators that can shoot out of line of sight.


If you try and kill the riptide you'll end up getting blasted with small arms fire, chewing through countless drones then facing a 3++ takes too long target priority is key, just taking out markers means he cant buff to 3+ to hit which is huge and they then can't remove cover


If hes using stealth suits then some ignores cover with a talon master is in order

basically this, once his markers are gone his melee defense dropped off the face of the map and you can charge in and maul him. If he's too spread out you can also use melees to pick units but you need to be careful as tau players have been known to use this as a jebait.
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Hey Elijah,


I think your chaplain dread will be priority #1 for your opponent, just as his Riptide will be yours!


I would want that dread as a character and give them shroud of heroes, then give that barnstormer chaplain dread the job of selling its life dearly, there is the strategy for fnp on 6+ too if you can spare a command points but I think you only have 4? So that might be pushing it!



Yeah i know he's going to try to take him out by all means. Last time i played the Chaplain in front of him it was against a Ork player and he advised him to focus the Chaplain so he is fully aware of the threat. Unfortunately it has been faq'ed that you can't give a Relic to a Chaplain Dread. Also he's already a Venerable so he got the 6+++ Feel No Pain.

Given he's a character with less than 10 Wounds he can't be shoot at directly so i expect the other two dreads to take heavy punishment while moving forward, for sure i'll lose at least one of them but i'm prepared to that.



So whilst the chaplain dread is taking all those hits mop up as much chaff as you possiblly can, don't overlook those Devastators fragging the T3 firewarriors with 4+ saves.


This str 8 Krak missiles need to find there targets, don't split fire though!


Then when you have minimised the overwatch/greater good as best you can pile the other 2 Dreads in on that Riptide with Asamodai to buff and hit with any other str 8 you can find, if you can get a few power fists on the champ or sergeants do.


Do you have a librarian? Can you squeeze him in for the apothecary/company Champion? Why? Tau have no psykers, no denys and Aversion (-1 to hit) is useful on that Riptide!


Good luck, put your trust in the Emperor and the lion!


If he does focus on the Dreads the Devas could bring some firework on the table. I already played them against his Dark Eldars so he knows Frag Missile can be quite threatening (last time i botched all my shooting, hopefullly i won't this time). In a perfect world i could Krak the Riptide(s) and use the Anti-Flyer stratagem to do Mortal Wounds but there is a very low probability i have the opportunity to do that.


Anyway yes i do have a Librarian (Dark Vengeance) but i don't have a good track record using him so far.


Thanks again Fierce Bear, i shall burn these xenos in holy fire :wink:

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Eliminators for character based and bolters etc for pathfinder and none character based marker lights. Whirlwinds probably work a treat, though never tried it. Dark talons are going to be useful as ever sniping characters and dakkaing everything else down. Just keep them protected if you don't get turn 1.
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His army but there is a missing battlesuit on the photo.

That is a lot of stuff for a 1000pts game...

His faction buff gave him a better weapon range so he was firing at 42'' with Fire Warrior, Rapid at 21'' and with his character Rapid 3. Okay...

The scenario was Maelstrom but i ignored the objectives.


I deployed first.

The 3 Dreads in the middle (reminder the Chaplain is a character), Devastators + Apo' in the back, rest in Deep Strike.


Starting the game.

I move the dreads 8'', no Deep Strike, no charge.

I shoot everything on the drones with the Dreads (Wisdom of the Ancient), same with Devastators. Not a lot of losses, Drones are solid !


He move in position.

4 or 5 target markers on the first dread, Riptide shooting... 20 unsaved wounds (golly gee). Of course the Dread explode and do 6 Mortals to the other Dreads (just great).

Rest of his army shoot on the other regular dread, left with 1 Wound.


Same as before, i wipe the drones.

Deep Strike of Drop Pod with 8 Vets + Asmodai + Champion.

Next the charge and i'm doing it short : 150 (!!!) Overwatch dices latter i've lost the 8 Vets + second Dread and am left with only Asmodai in Combat.


He fall back Asmodai, vaporize him with shooting then do more wounds on the Chaplain Dread.


Doing an advance with the Champion so he could grant his Master of Maneuvre to the Chaplain Dread.

Riptide is finally rip to the taking so i'm trying 3 Kraks + Flak, doing a Mortal Wound and nothing more because he got a 3++ (lol wut).

Chaplain charge and get deleted with Overwatch (what a surprise hey).


What he has left. As for me i still have my Warlord Champion & the Devastators + Apo that wasn't shooted at all game.

I don't mind losing a game to dice rolls!

Sorry but i really want to win this one :sweat:

Purge the Xenos Elijah! :biggrin.:

You show them what a REAL empire is made of!

Well at least i tried but we're so many leagues behind it's not even funny.

Apart from the Overwatch shenaningans that obliterated me i'm really concerned about the Riptide (basically better than a Leviathan for 240pts... come on now).

Anyway this game convinced our club members that Taus are ultra cheesy.

As for me, i feel resignated to probably not playing against them again unless PA4 bring us some joy.

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Ok, so. Some aftermath comments.


1) You seem to have gone full melee. You never go full melee against the T'au (unless you play something like Blood Angels, who can negate Overwatch).


2) If you are still going to go full melee, consider that the real danger is in the fire warrior teams that support the big bad suits. And no commander is going to waste shield drones on fire warriors. Blast them off first, before you engage. Killing 3 squads of T3 W1 S4+ infantry is easy enough with bolters.


I face a list similar to this on a regular basis. What has worked for me is my barebones squad of deathwing. Drop, take 20 shots to wipe out one squad then 20 more to wipe out another. Charge the third.


Seriously, 20 bolter shots can reduce a 6-man team of firewarriors to blue goop.

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My comments are, of course, dependant on your model range. We all play with what we like and what we have.


But, when going against T'au, the best unit to use in my opinion, is bikers. Seriosuly. They have the T to go against their pulse rifles, the 4++ to withstand their riptides, the speed to outmaneuver their gunlines and hunt down their drones, and the weight of shots to clear their screens.


My 1000 point list at present, with which I have had good results against my T'au arch nemesis, if you want to compare, is:



Master with Jump Pack, a Thunder Hammer and a Storm Bolter

Lieutenant with Chainsword and Bolt Pistol


5 Tacticals, with plasma gun, combi plasma and chainsword

5 Tacticals, with plasma gun, combi plasma and chainsword

5 Tacticals, with plasma gun, combi plasma and chainsword


5 Deathwing Terminators, with an Assault Cannon

Dreadnought with Twin Lascannon and Missile Launcher


5 Ravenwing Bikers, with combi melta and two meltaguns


5 Devastators, with one Heavy Bolter (for Helfire Shells) and one Missile Launcher (for Flakk Missiles).


Keep the bikes advancing for their 4++, and use Speed of the Raven to fire. Use the Master to grant them rerrolls, as they go. Drop the DW near them, to boost them. With their combined fire output, you should wipe out the infantry by turn 2, and put some damage on either drones or some suits. Then go for the charge to finish the job.


March the tactical formation down the center line, with the Dread for Wisdom of the Ancients. With the lieutenant on their side, you should be firing at double rerrolls and taking out drones and suits with these guys. Don't forget Weapons from the Dark Age when needed.


The Devastators hold the backline. Use them to pump out Mortal Wounds once the drones are out of the picture.


This is a heavy CP consuming list, so consider Brilliant Strategist as a trait. But, it is also quite a fluffy list... It is a quater-company, after all :D

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Berzul is right, the Tau are a gunline army, for them it's all about how many shots they put out, and yes absurdly long range too.


At half distance each firewarrior can be worth three shots... So everyone you kill is three less shots... ...a Riptide shooting overwatch on its own... Not so scary...


It seems counter intuitive but you have to ignore the Riptides and the drones... The drone damage output isn't a concern.


Wipe out everything else, bolter fire (DW storm bolters, RW bikes, Primaris, tacticals, literally anything with a bolter!) And Assault cannons with rerolls are your friend...


My opinion, the DA codex has a 'synergy' problem, they are a really tough, hard force to play well.



Tau on the other hand... All you have to do is stand at the back, get some makerlights and shoot... oh your charging me great, I (Tau player) get another shooting phase... (Makes up for the fact you can smite him to bits with only dice rolls to stop you).


And don't forget most battlesuits have fly so you have to one-shot them in the fight phase.


Hopefully PA4 (pre-order tomorrow GW, go on!) Will fix the synergy problem and doctrines will provide the extra bit of bit we need for our own gunline...


I think I was tabled the first 3 times against my buddy and his Tau when I got back into the game, we have huge swings now in ace tightly fought games... I've even killed a few Riptides!



Keep the faith son of the Lion!





The points drops have helped,

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Btw, in the list I suggested, a good variant that has also proven effective is:



Take out the Jump Pack Master, and the Assault Cannon on the Terminators.


With those 155 points, bring in Azrael for the plasma Tacticals and a cherub for the Devastators.


You trade of accuracy for the vanguard units, for more survivability for the mid field units.

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Just a quick one re:overwatch. He seemed to get very lucky even factoring in "for the greater good" as he was Bork'an he wasn't rolling it on 5's too right?


Nope, rolling only on 6.

What i do remember exactly is that he rolled ~60 Overwatch against the first Vet squad and got around fifteen 6, wounding on 3's or better, me botching the armor save.

After that i understood i'll never reach Combat and the game was lost for good so i stopped bothering about what was going on.

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