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Chaff Batallion for CP


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So I need more CP, and I was thinking of adding Chaos Nurgle Daemons for Durability against scion plasma/tautox prime gatling guns/hot shot lasguns.


Friend said cultists would be cheaper and less of a buy in.


The othe option is Red CSMs (Renegade Pirates, forgot their name).


What option do you guys think? I'm basically running:


2 Butcher Cannon Contemptor Dreads

9 Enlightened with bows

2 Tzaangor Shamans



2 Daemon Princes

30 Tzaangors

2 5 man Rubric squads

1 5 man Terminator squad

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For comparison with the Red Corsair detachment: 


A 3x Tzaangor + 2x Sorcerer Battallion detachment is 416.


A Cultist version would be 296. 


That is if you were *determined* to stay mono-codex. I know I do personally (Splashing daemons being my only personal exception) 


I personally *usually* try to go Duel-Battallion with my T-sons at least and bring the helm relic. That is usually a decent amount of cp starting at 13. 


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