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2020 To Do List


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I was just browsing some old content and found that I put this up last year, so here's another but with a twist! I'm going to see how I did on my list from last year's thread before continuing with this year's goals and encourage anyone who posted up last time to do the same :thumbsup:


Let's see how I did:



To Do:

- Doomsday Ark completed
- 5x Immortals built up 10x Deathmarks, unpainted
- Plastic Cryptek completed
- Finecast Cryptek built
- Spider completed

To Get:

- 5x Lychguard built, one completed
- Doomsday Ark whole lotta nope after the first one

Bonus Marks:

- 10x Flayed One conversions found ten metal ones, two painted


Better than I thought! :lol: This year I have some new (well, used) models to add to my Legion as well as some new interests to add:


To Do:


Finecast Cryptek

4x Lychguard

8x Flayed Ones

10x Deathmarks

13x Scarabs

40x Warriors

6x Destroyers

3x Annihilation Barges


To Get:


Doom Scythe (maybe two)

Catacomb Command Barge

Lychguard (for Lord and Cryptek conversions)


Bonus Marks:




Tesseract Vault


BUT only if I get everything painted. I'll also need another shelf for the cabinet when I add that monster so that adds a layer.


You're up, fellow Phaerons! What's on the bill for 2020?

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Hehe, I own them but I have so much to do

3 Doom Scyths

Tomb Sentinel

Canoptek Acanthricites(SP?)

A few named characters

Tomb Stalker




Lets see, other things I need to do to divide my attention

Paint a full Salamanders army outside of a single finished 5 man intercessor army(more intercessors, centurions, terminators, braymantle, land raider, 3 land speeders, 2 warsuits

Finish painting Star Phantom tanks. Executioner, Repulsor, two Impulsors, Contemptor

Finish putting together and painting Raven Guard- 9 Inceptors, 10 Scouts, Landspeeder Storm, 10 man Vanguard, some characters, another Eliminator Squad, 2 Whirlwinds

Put together and Paint Night Lord and Alpha Legion Army Mostly paint since they are mostly built overall aside from some raptors and warp talons

Put together and Paint Tau army. Its for an escalation league. 7 hammerhead chassis, 30 fire warriors, ghost keel, cold star, 2 Hazards,

Put together and paint two Legion Core Sets, Shore troopers, 2 At STs, E-Web, Imperial extra stuff, Bossk and Fett, Scouts

Put together and Paint a German Heer army

Put together and complete a German Fallshirmjager army

Put together and complete an American Italian Campaign Army

Finish Painting a Japanese SNLF army.


Wow, looking at this all printed out, I think I have just established my New Years Resolution. Going to try and avoid buying anything else until this gets done.


I really should take a break from buying anything new for awhile

I too am going to be mindful of ETL vows, Midlight. That 880 points in Warriors I have there will hopefully be conquered by my brush over that period of time.


Galron, quite the list there with a wide spread of models! I would need a wall-sized whiteboard to plan my attack on that pile :lol: What weapon options did you do with for the Seraptek?


I unpacked a bunch of old hobby stuff and ended up with a box of unused models that I have now traded in for two Scythes and a Catacomb Command Barge. Didn't think I'd be so far through the "to get" list this quickly!

I need to take stock again soon.  I loaded up a kanban board with all my Necrons and stopped updating it when I was making a lot of progress, then forgot about it until now.  I've been mostly messing around with Chaos lately, but it's time to pack that up and make some progress on the Dynasties again, I think. 


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