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Painting red for custodes?

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I watched a video guide to how to paint black for doing DW, but the guide had him using contrast reds/browns mixed together for different parts of the cloak. Not sure if you are using contrast or not I just ordered a bunch so I have no real idea how to best use them. But the cloak and pouches turned out pretty well. Can find the video if you want to watch it.

For mine I do Mephiston Red > Carroburg Crimson > Evil Suns Scarlet > Fire Dragon Bright (super highlight). The leather is Doombull Brown > Reikland Fleshshade > Wazdakka Red




.... I really need to take a picture of my finished Custodes now that I think of it :lol:

My go to is Khorne Red+ Nuln Oil + Khorne Red + hand mixed Khorne Red and Evil Sunz* + Evil Sunz. The darkness of nuln creates some shadowed areas in stuff like plumes and cloaks which to me make it a bit realistic and also make it pop a bit.

I’m sure there are more professional methods, but that’s what. I have found works wonders in a simo,I’ve yet effective way.


*the imprecise formula I think helps blend it a bit and create a more dynamic effect

Pre shading Method with an Airbrush:


Dark Brown, 45° lighter Brown, Off White from above/in cool spots.


Then thin dark Red over this and refine AS You Like. For the absolute highlights You can Mix some orange into your light Red to make it Pop.

For shading I Like AK streaking grime/dark Brown wash or a Sepia ink or agrax/Seraphim Sepia.


Dont use white, You will get pink.


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