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Imperial Militia Loyalist 1250 pts


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After considering getting into 30k for quite awhile, and kicking around lots of ideas for my imperial militia, I finally have an idea for the start of my list, my goal is to get it up to around 2500 eventually with space for a baneblade or stormhammer to bring it to 3000.


Muster of Worlds:

Survivors of the Dark Age

Warrior Elite


Allegiance: Loyalist



Force Commander: Power Armour, Iron Halo, Blast Pistol, Charnabal Sabre, Cyberfamiliar, 


Platoon Command Cadre: 9 men, carapace armor, boltguns, advanced weapons

Platoon Commander: Blast Pistol, Power Sword, refractor field, meltabombs

Transport: Land Raider Proteus, Twin Heavy Bolter, Pintle Bolter, Extra Armor, Dozer Blade




3x Grenadier Squad: 10 men, bolters, advanced weapons, vexilla

Sergeant: Blast Pistol, Power Sword

Transport: Rhino, Extra Armor, Dozer Blade, Pintle Heavy Bolter


Fast Attack:

Scout Sentinels: 3x, Heavy Flamer, Combat Blades



I know this isn't the best list, but I'm mostly looking for anything I have missed, I have really forgotten a lot of 7th rules and was never to familiar with it to begin with.

My best advice would be swap out the Heavy Bolters for Multi Meltas on your Rhinos as you're lacking in anti tank, you could probably swap out the Extra Armour to fund the upgrade. Extra Armour is really best on assault transports that can't afford to miss movement, but 10 men with Bolters in a Rhino are very much not that. I play Alpha Legion mech vets and Multi Melta Rhinos are my bread and butter, the 15 point upgrade means your opponent can no longer ignore than Rhino once the squad gets out.

Personally, I'd say Multilasers are a better choice on the Sentinels as well, as AV10 2HP in the open will get torn apart even by furying Tacs, let alone the Krak grenades every single marine has. Keep them at range and in cover, with the ability to outflank or shoot and move. Combat blades are 50/50, you don't want to be in combat with Krak grenades, but against a weakened squad it could save you.

Advanced Weapons has no effect on Bolters, it only affects Las and Rotor weaponry. Advanced Lasrifles give you Rapid Fire S4 30" at AP-, or straight Bolters trade 6" for AP5, which you take is up to you. I'd also not recommend the squad Vexilla as +1 to combat res will usually not save you if you're losing combat.

Bolt Pistol is always better than a Blast pistol although I don't remember the points. S5 twin linked is nice, but at 6" it has the same issue the Hotshot Pistol always had in 7th that you'll never get to fire it.

Unless you're taking Gene Crafted for S4 and I4, swap Power Swords for Axes, every man and his dog takes Artificer Armour and you won't hit first anyway. Of course, Power Swords do look cool, and rule of cool should always win, but that's more personal taste. Since I don't know your personal taste, I can only recommend on how good things are on the table.

Lastly, you don't need to buy Power Armour for your Force Commander, Survivors already upgrades his Carapace to a 3+, and the Survivor bonus is capped to 3+, so it's wasted points.

Hope this helps, let me know if you've got any other questions.


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