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Advice for Tzaangor Enlightened?


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I'd like to try out the birds on discs but am unsure how to use them effectively. The pistol/chainsword option seems meh, but I really like the spears and bows. Do prefer one over the other, or are both useful? How many do you take and in what size units? I also run a Tzeentch Daemon detachment so demonic buffs are available if it makes a big difference. Appreciate any input, I love Discs of Tzeentch and believe more things should ride them :P

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Unless you play super casual folks with bad lists who have little knowledge of 40k, you probably won't like the spears. They'll do a charge before crumbling to a slight breeze. At least with the bows, you can keep up in a game dominated by shooting and adjust where you need to apply some damage.


As such, I'd make sure you have a way to put Prescience and a Tzaangor Shaman's aura on them. 6-9 is pretty effective with these 2 combos at once, but 3-5 is meh to ok. 

If you run 6-9 enlightened with bows and have those buffs, their main target would be high toughness units (Land Raiders, Repulsors, Knights, Riptides). You basically just auto wound on 4+ at range and this is valuable if you can't control where your Smites go (ie: chaff in the way to eat the smites, so put the bows on the big stuff to plink wounds off). I would not use these units for killing the enemy's weak stuff- thats what our boltguns or tzaangors are for.


Enlightened are cheap. If someone melts them (they sure can, quite easily), you won't really cry over it. Weaver of Fates helps them out but if you have Magnus or Scarab Occult Terminators, that spell is likely to go on those units instead- Do not commit too much resources to them. Let them work autonomously, other than that Shaman, who is critical. 

Bows all the way, as said above 6-9 is the standard and they don't break the bank points wise. 


I own 12, all bows, and 1 shaman. I do 6/6 + Shaman following them around. This little module is fairly dangerous *AND* fairly cheap! 


As above: Don't use a ton of resources on them (beyond maybe the RR1's aura if placement is good given the range) and they offer good support shooting and can harass even large targets well being what is more or less 2 shot heavy bolters that can move and shoot with a fairly zippy movement stat and assault weaponry. 


They can put out threat far beyond their weight class if the enemy leaves them alone, and they are cheap enough so that when they die....we don't particularly care. 

If a big block of melee Tzaangors or Scarabs is on the field, they need the +1 invul. Not the Enlightened

I certainly agree with that almost always have scarabs was just curious if anyone does it, say in round goats are tied up in cc and maybe no Scarabs on the field or other top priority unit or character needing it.


Probably still not enough to justify.

I've used magnets for years and I had difficulty coming up with a way to magnetize Enlightened & Ahriman in a way that they were secure enough for heavy use and play on the tabletop.. Just my 2cents. It's doable with the models to the discs themselves but I don't trust it. As for the enlightened weapons, you're better off finding a way to "push fit" them.. If I remember correctly, the chest goes inside the torso, or something...

I've done magnets in for my enlightened.


It's somewhat annoying because you've got to get a magnet on each chest and one inside the core of the body. You glue the head onto the body without the the chest placed.


I use parchment paper to prevent the greenstuff I use to hold the magnets in place. This lets me get a solid fit without pieces snapping or detaching.


This is the pictures I kinda followed:



While I'm not a big fan of Enlightened, I'll say that in a more competitive environment the most I get out of them is zooming off to grab or contest something.


There's nothing horrible about that, they just don't really have any punch. I always take the bows, but a very small squad. The thing is in a combination it kind of makes sense. If you take Tzaangors, then it makes sense to take a Shaman. If you take a Shaman, the Enlightened get a bit better since he also buffs them. They also 'bodyguard' him a little bit.


The bottom line is if I have 45 points to burn it would be them. 


However if I have 75+ to throw away... it's definitely Spawn. But I'm a long time 'failed Sorc' fan. 


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