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Looking for advice for Necrons in Tournament play


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So, for whatever reason I've decided that Necrons are the next step in my hobby journey. Yes I'm aware they're not marines, no I haven't been drinking, yes everything is fine in my home life.


That said I am working to a tight deadline, as my first Tournament is the last weekend in February - so I don't have as much time to play test as I normally would and I'm looking for advice to brush in the broad strokes of the list. The Tournament is 1750pts Maelstrom of War, and I'll be working towards a 1750pts ITC event in May - and I'll try to find some other events in-between.


I'm aware the competitive core of a Necron army is the "Doom 6" (triple Doomsday Ark & Triple Doom Scythe) backed up by 25 Tesla Immortals. However (due to points restrictions) I'm wondering - is a Battalion all that important? With marines making short work of infantry a max squad of Tesla Tomb Blades seems more appealing (although the lack of My Will Be Done certainly hurts).


I also think Wraiths are now incredibly interesting at only 250ish points for a full unit (especially as you can get them to a 2++ if they're the Nihilakh Dynasty Code, which pairs well with the DDA's to give them rerolls to hit). They also chew through Primaris (if you get there) and are one of the few units that have the ability to wrap&trap a Knight without being immediately made to regret your choice.


My potential list is below, and the first obvious drawback is only 6cp when 2 of the 4 strats I'll want to use cost 2cp - even with the CP farming trait I'll run dry T2. I don't think this is an immediate deal breaker, I'll just have to be more picky about which strats I use.


Anyway, I'd love some thoughts on the list/anything above - I'm hoping to get everything bought and built up in the next fortnight so I can start testing the lists!



++ Air Wing Detachment +1CP (Necrons) [33 PL, 4CP, 450pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Battle-forged CP [3CP]


Detachment CP [1CP]


Dynasty Choice

. Dynasty: Sautekh


+ Flyer +


Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150pts]


Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150pts]


Doom Scythe [11 PL, 150pts]


++ Outrider Detachment +1CP (Necrons) [36 PL, 1CP, 671pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Detachment CP [1CP]


Dynasty Choice

. Dynasty: Sautekh


+ HQ +


Cryptek [5 PL, 85pts]: Artefact: The Veil of Darkness, Canoptek Cloak, Staff of Light, Warlord


+ Fast Attack +


Canoptek Scarabs [2 PL, 39pts]: 3x Canoptek Scarab Swarm


Destroyers [15 PL, 250pts]

. 5x Destroyer: 5x Gauss Cannon


Tomb Blades [14 PL, 297pts]

. 6 X Tomb Blade: Nebuloscope, Shieldvanes

. . Two Tesla Carbines: 2x Tesla Carbine

. 3 X Tomb Blade: Shadowloom

. . Two Tesla Carbines: 2x Tesla Carbine

. [

++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Necrons) [46 PL, 1CP, 626pts] ++


+ No Force Org Slot +


Detachment CP [1CP]


Dynasty Choice

. Dynasty: Nihilakh


+ HQ +


Lord [5 PL, 59pts]: Voidblade


+ Fast Attack +


Canoptek Wraiths [18 PL, 210pts]

. 5x Canoptek Wraith


+ Heavy Support +


Doomsday Ark [10 PL, 160pts]


Doomsday Ark [10 PL, 160pts]


Heavy Destroyers [3 PL, 37pts]

. Heavy Destroyer: Heavy Gauss Cannon


++ Total: [115 PL, 6CP, 1,747pts] ++

Don't have much time tonight so I'm just going to offer some general advice.


Marines do make short work of infantry currently, but Tesla immortals can be absolutely devastating with the Nephrekh stratagem. As it happens during deployment and not a battle round, you can put as many units of Tesla immortals into deep strike as you want as long as you have the cp to pay for it. Alternatively, the veil of darkness or the Deceiver can be used in conjunction with Mephrit to get the extra AP. Mephrit is also a great pick for Gauss immortals if marines are prevalent in your meta. Veil of darkness + Gauss immortals + Mephrit stratagem = 20 S5 Ap3 shots with exploding sixes. Necrons actually have a lot of ability to get their troops into shooting range safely and make that shooting deadly, so I'd definitely make a batallion.


While I get that a 2+ on wraiths might sound tasty, the tactical application of it is kind of counterproductive. Wraiths are meant to move into the enemy and hit. If wraiths aren't moving and charging, they aren't doing anything for you. Save the objective sitting for troops and scarabs IMO. Best case scenario you'll be using that stratagem turn two after they get into assault, or turn one if an objective happens to be in the path towards whatever enemy unit needs killing. Plus you might have to rely on lucky advance rolls to do that. Personally I'd consider Nephrekh for your wraiths. Auto 6 advance means they're moving a whopping 18 inches turn one and then you burn a single CP to get a turn one charge. Novokh is also good for the reroll ones.


I'm sure people around here are tired of me mentioning Tomb Sentinels, but they're cheaper than DDAs and IMO more reliable. The shots are random but the damage on the guns is flat 3 so you're not having to worry about choosing between a CP reroll on shots or on damage. Plus they've got a decent melee profile so if you dont kill whatever needs killing after using their built in deep strike you can still tie up whatever unit with a charge.


Edit: One more thought for you. If T3 or 5+ armor is prevalent in your meta, consider annihilation barges. They've been considered a meh unit for a while, but they received a further points drop with this CA. At 110 pts a pop (103 with Tesla cannons) they're cheap, quick, and lay down a lot of shots suited for mincing infantry.

Lots of interesting stuff to think about there, thanks! I hadn't considered Gauss at all, although my concern is that if I Veil them into rapid-fire range I'm going to get immediately Auspex Scanned.


I got some feedback on Reddit too, and I think I'm going to drop the Wraiths - which is a shame, because they're incredible models (and since I picked up 2 of the Outrider boxes I have 12...). Since both Chaos and Marines can strip their Invuln, I think that makes them too much of a liability without a reliable way of killing the Psykers. Maybe something I'll revisit when Necrons get their Psychic Awakening book.


Not being able to My Will Be Done the Immortals the turn they drop in also puts me off a little, especially since you won't be Sautekh for the +1 to hit strat. I might playtest it for the May tournament though, since painting time will be limiting!


As for the Tomb Sentinels, the 12" range worries me - but I'll definitely consider them. It would give some nice reliable damage Vs Aggressors etc, but again - 12" range means eating an Auspex Scan to the face.

In my experience, when using auspex scan, it’s only one unit, at -1 to hit, and only within 18 inches, so it’s not the absolute greatest stratagem for marine players to be using precious CP on. Smart placement and threat saturation can negate or blunt its impact, as your opponent may have to choose which unit to target with the strat.

Plus, if the aggressors have boltstorm gauntlets, it’s basically high volume pistol fire—it’s not going to do a whole lot against a T7 multiwound platform. Flamers might be nasty, though, so if they have flamestorm Aggressors watch out.

In my experience, when using auspex scan, it’s only one unit, at -1 to hit, and only within 18 inches, so it’s not the absolute greatest stratagem for marine players to be using precious CP on. Smart placement and threat saturation can negate or blunt its impact, as your opponent may have to choose which unit to target with the strat.

Plus, if the aggressors have boltstorm gauntlets, it’s basically high volume pistol fire—it’s not going to do a whole lot against a T7 multiwound platform. Flamers might be nasty, though, so if they have flamestorm Aggressors watch out.

The -1 to hit doesn't matter too much when there's a Chapter Master involved - by my maths a unit of Boltstorm Aggressors with the usual Reroll characters (and Tactical Doctrine for T2) will do 16.6 wounds to a Deepstriking T7 3+ save unit.


If it had a few more inches range I'd love to try it, but they're a bit expensive for a model I'm not totally sold on!


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