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Primaris Chapter


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Hi folk, after much internal debate ive bit the Primaris bullet and decided to go for a self made chapter.

I decided I wanted a celtic theme and here's what ive come up with



Iron Angels
Chapter Origin....  Unknown
Primarch....  Unknown
Home World ....  Name: Settlement 228
   Segmentum: Segmentum Obscurus
  Sector: Calixis Sector
  Subsector: Golgenna Reach
  System: Unknown
  Population: Unknown
  Affiliation: Imperium
  Class: Frontier World
  Tithe Grade: Unknown
Chapter Master.... Osrin
Fortress monastery... The Fort
Colours....   Gunmetal
Speciality.... Unknown
Battle Cry.... For The Ancestors
The Iron Angels are an almost excusivly Primaris Chapter, the original Iron Angels were depleted almost to a man fighting an un-recorded incursion by an alien threat 200 Terran years before the Indomitas Crusade. The Primaris offspring of the chapter took on the fortress monastery of their forebears and carried out a much needed overhaul.
The only Astartes left in the Fortress were 22 Adeptes Astartes, all officers and specialists had been dead for decades. These 22  Astartes acted as lawmakers and guardians from alien incursions for the many tribes of 228 and recuited labour and tithes from them.
Head hunting is just one of the traditions that the Primaris took from the original chapter which included some tribal beliefs of the human population ie:- veneration of the Ancestors.
ALL comments gratefully recieved


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