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Slaaneshi Iron Warriors colour schemes

Evil Eye

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(Excuse me if this is the wrong forum for this)


I'm planning on including in my Slaanesh CSM force a mini-warband named the Underminers, a squad or two of Iron Warriors who have defected to the Legion of Vice, both as a homage to the days of old when the Iron Warriors were a Slaanesh-dedicated Legion, and also as an excuse to get to mess about with metallic paint schemes. However, aside from that I'm not entirely sure on the colour scheme for these turncoats. Obviously there will be plenty of metallic paints involved but I have a few different ideas for the specifics:


1: "Scream eternal, noisy and chrome"- Making the metallics very high-shine and bright, as if the need for perfection had lead them to obsessively polish and clean their armour until it was mirror-finished. A good excuse to use some Molotow and other really shiny metallics, and would look quite striking, however as the fluff I've come up with for them has them as subterranean warfare experts who introduced Termites to my Slaaneshi coalition, that might be a bit at odds with them being bright and clean.


2: "Industrial metal"- The opposite end of the spectrum, with their armour being dirtied and worn by ceaseless combat, with their signs of devotion to the Dark Prince including acid-etched patterns, bold insignias and other, less delicate decorations. Would be more appropriate for their fluff but would be potentially difficult to make them obviously Slaaneshi.


3: "High on paint fumes"- A bit of a balance between the two, with extensive use of GSW or Turbodork colour-shift paints for the basic metallics, as these could be weathered whilst still being very, very Slaanesh. Could overly divorce them from the whole Iron Warriors theme though.


Another idea I have is taking the iconic hazard stripes and tweaking them juuuuuust a bit, either choosing different colours or altering the pattern (zigzag/thunderbolt patterns for example).


Having their armour depicted as being highly reflective and polished would be the way I'd go. You could also heavily (and I mean really heavily) thin down some more traditional Slaaneshi colours - purple etc - and apply it to various recesses/isolated parts of the armour to give a subtle hint as to their allegiance. The result would be a force that is still recognisable as part of the IVth Legion but which has a sinister aspect that you could play up on units like Chosen, Lords, etc. But all of your ideas sound great!

Kierdale did a Slaaneshi Iron Warrior lord in his Psychopomps thread:

Life has been busy.
The Slaaneshi IW Lord is capeless but, for now, complete:



Combi plasma

Chest eye is pearly (though that doesn’t show so much in the photos)

Base. Idea was that it look like he teleported in a-la an Arnie-terminator, hence he’s stood in a dip. It came out alright.

His looks like it went with the first "brighter coloured Iron Warrior" with the "Hazard Stripes" having become tiger stripe patterns. Could also do like he did and use their Legion symbol to create a Slaaneshi symbol.

That being said:

1: "Scream eternal, noisy and chrome"- Making the metallics very high-shine and bright, as if the need for perfection had lead them to obsessively polish and clean their armour until it was mirror-finished. A good excuse to use some Molotow and other really shiny metallics, and would look quite striking, however as the fluff I've come up with for them has them as subterranean warfare experts who introduced Termites to my Slaaneshi coalition, that might be a bit at odds with them being bright and clean.

2: "Industrial metal"- The opposite end of the spectrum, with their armour being dirtied and worn by ceaseless combat, with their signs of devotion to the Dark Prince including acid-etched patterns, bold insignias and other, less delicate decorations. Would be more appropriate for their fluff but would be potentially difficult to make them obviously Slaaneshi.

3: "High on paint fumes"- A bit of a balance between the two, with extensive use of GSW or Turbodork colour-shift paints for the basic metallics, as these could be weathered whilst still being very, very Slaanesh. Could overly divorce them from the whole Iron Warriors theme though.

Another idea I have is taking the iconic hazard stripes and tweaking them juuuuuust a bit, either choosing different colours or altering the pattern (zigzag/thunderbolt patterns for example).


  1. Isn't that the point with Chaos? Contradictions? Plus, it could be hilarious to think that they're incessantly polishing their armour to a mirror finish, despite being experts in subterranean warfare.
  2. Making them obviously Slaaneshi would have to be done by colour choice. So using Druichii Violet as the wash instead of Agrax/Nuln.
  3. That might work, but as you said, could make them not obviously Iron Warriors.

Thanks for the feedback!

I might go with mostly option 1 with a smidgen of the other two options- specifically, doing most of the panels in the mirror-finish shine of the chrome (or at least a very bright silver) with the joints and some panel lines being dirty and greasy. For one, this would be quite realistic (even bare-metal jets, which look beautifully shiny when clean, often accumulate muck in their seamlines) and for another would be quite symbolic- up close, beneath the glistening veneer, they are as filthy and corrupted as any worshipper of Chaos. Combine that with a few details being done with colourshifts and Bob's your uncle.  I also have some vibrant magenta ink which I could use in some recesses to give the colour palette that subtle Slaanesh vibe.


Again, thank you for the ideas! Also I remember that Lord of Kierdale's, what a beast. I love that "etched" metal pattern and the tiger-stripes for the hazard markings.


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