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Happy New Year All!


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Hi,  I'm new here and new to playing 40k.  I took a circuitous route to the hobby.  But at this point I am trying to decide on what army to build.  I have played a little of warmachine and hordes and while I enjoy the rules, I am more of a fluffy/casual player than most of the wm/h players in my area.  While I do have a couple of Age of Sigmar armies - Nurgle and Khorne mortals/demons being relevant here - it isn't played as often as 40k at my FLGS.


Games Workshop just does too good of a job creating nice models.  I like the idea of a whimsically custom orc army, but not the idea of pushing around 120+ boys.  I like the mix of terminator robots and Egyptian themes in the necrons, the Craftworlds have great looking fliers along with the great psychers, and the possibility of a mixed deathguard/nurgle demon force since I own the demons already.  While tau have great looking suits, I don't want to limit myself to an army that primarily fights in one phase.


But overall, I like combined arms armies filled with cool looking models.  And while the army doesn't have to be toping tournaments, I like to feel I can provide a fun and challenging game for my opponent. So anyway, that's me.  I'm looking forward to the journey!

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