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As I mentioned often (because some people always complain/speak that BT do not support Primaris)

I want to play a list which is mainly (>90% Primaris)


2x Battalion Detachment: 
Black Templars: 
 - 2000 Punkte (PL 111)
***************  4 HQ ***************  
Captain in Gravis Armour
+ Boltstorm gauntlet, Master-crafted power sword  -> 28 Pkt.  - - - > 108 Punkte (PL 7)
(Warlord - +1 on advance and charge and Crusader Helmet)
1 Primaris Lieutenant, 1 x Power sword  - - - > 69 Punkte (PL 5)
(4++ Relic)
1 Primaris Lieutenant, 1 x Power sword  - - - > 69 Punkte (PL 5)
Primaris Chaplain  - - - > 77 Punkte (PL 6)
(Ancient Breviary for 5++)
***************  6 Standard ***************  
5 Intercessor, Bolt rifle, Intercessor Sergeant, Power sword  - - - > 89 Punkte (PL 5)
(relic Sword and Unit get Veteran Upgrade)
5 Intercessor, Bolt rifle, Intercessor Sergeant, Power sword  - - - > 89 Punkte (PL 5)
5 Intercessor, Bolt rifle, Intercessor Sergeant, Power sword  - - - > 89 Punkte (PL 5)
Scout Squad
5 Scouts, 4 x Boltgun
+ Sergeant, 1 x Bolt pistol, 1 x Boltgun  -> 0 Pkt.  - - - > 55 Punkte (PL 4)
Scout Squad
5 Scouts, 4 x Boltgun
+ Sergeant, 1 x Bolt pistol, 1 x Boltgun  -> 0 Pkt.  - - - > 55 Punkte (PL 4)
Scout Squad
5 Scouts, 4 x Boltgun
+ Sergeant, 1 x Bolt pistol, 1 x Boltgun  -> 0 Pkt.  - - - > 55 Punkte (PL 4)
***************  4 Elite ***************  
Invictor Tactical Warsuit, Twin ironhail autocannon, Fragstorm grenade launcher, Heavy bolter, Invictor fist, 2 Ironhail heavy stubber  - - - > 136 Punkte (PL 7)
Invictor Tactical Warsuit, Twin ironhail autocannon, Fragstorm grenade launcher, Heavy bolter, Invictor fist, 2 Ironhail heavy stubber  - - - > 136 Punkte (PL 7)
Invictor Tactical Warsuit, Twin ironhail autocannon, Fragstorm grenade launcher, Heavy bolter, Invictor fist, 2 Ironhail heavy stubber  - - - > 136 Punkte (PL 7)
6 Aggressor, Auto boltstorm gauntlets & Fragstorm grenade launcher  - - - > 222 Punkte (PL 12)
***************  1 Unterstützung ***************  
Repulsor Executioner, Auto launchers, 2 Fragstorm grenade launcher, Heavy onslaught gatling cannon, 2 Storm bolter, Twin heavy bolter, Twin Icarus ironhail heavy stubber, Heavy laser destroyer  - - - > 324 Punkte (PL 16)
***************  3 Transporter ***************  
Impulsor, 2 Storm bolters, Shield Dome  - - - > 97 Punkte (PL 4)
Impulsor, 2 Storm bolters, Shield Dome  - - - > 97 Punkte (PL 4)
Impulsor, 2 Storm bolters, Shield Dome  - - - > 97 Punkte (PL 4)
what do you think? All units get a 4++ at the start of turn 1 - and (what is more important for each match the Aggressors or the Repulsor get 5++)
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I don't know what an Unterstutzung is but it sounds badass :lol:  



Looks like a solid list. I'd also contend that it is 100% primaris. Primaris are made the same as classic marines, they are Neophytes(scouts) before they are Initiates ;) 

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Personally I do not think so. You need a back up AT unit. The executioner is tough but even with a 5 ignore damage it can still be killed if enough is focused at it. I personally recommend a quad las mortis contemptor. Nix one of the invictors for it. 

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Personally I do not think so. You need a back up AT unit. The executioner is tough but even with a 5 ignore damage it can still be killed if enough is focused at it. I personally recommend a quad las mortis contemptor. Nix one of the invictors for it. 

first round i have a 4++ and a 5+++. But if I take two Executioners then the enemy will shoot against the other one who does not have the 5+++. 


And against not fly tank units like predators, tank commander i have "devout push" with one of my Impulsor Intercessors^^

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Last time I played I tried out the same combo, after the 4++ falls off the Repulsor is easy pickings for any army with multiple dedicated AT units even with the 5+++. After the 4++ fell off mine was killed in one turn of return fire, even after I had killed off multiple threats to it. 


Maybe I'm just paranoid by my experiences but I hate not having back up units for any role. Your mileage may vary. 

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Maybe I'm just paranoid by my experiences but I hate not having back up units for any role. Your mileage may vary.

I think point is really valid. It’s very hard to compare tactics as we all play in different scenes and different levels of competitiveness. As an example, I have a shooty, balanced and choppy list and alternate between the three depending on the match up. Sadly for us in this edition, the shooty list (which has 14 lascannons) has been by far the most successful.


Going back to the list in the topic. The Invictors could execute a close combat anti-tank function but the opponent would have to be very inexperienced or very careless to deploy tanks without proper screening bodies.

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Well if we're doin for funzies why not take some of the flamer cannons on the invictors? I love my flamer invictor! Very purge. Much flame. Templary goodness. 


I'd take flamer cannons anyway on the invictor. We don't have a way besides BGNT to ignore shooting penalties and if makes people think twice about charging it. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

How are the 6 Aggressors being used in this list?


Other than that I think it’s a strong aggressive get in your face list. I’m not a fan of power swords or scouts but in the context of a BT I understand the desire to use said units.


I think it could benefit from a changing one unit of Intercessors to the Stalker Bolt Rifle as backfield campers. Would free up points by only needing two Impulsors at that point. Add a Thunder Cannon or something.


I also think 3 Warsuits take up a ton of board space and curious what your plan is for them. With the Autocannon they are better suited to keep at a distance. Which seems counter intuitive to the overall game plan.

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