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In a hypothetical future...


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... where every unit in your codex has access to all the wargear in your codex, limited only by rule of cool and assuming that your opponent can take a 100% veto against anything too egregious if they want to (e.g battlecannons on guardsmen), what units do you build?


Personally it'd be the following:


Land Raider with ectoplasma cannons
Raptors with heavy weapons
Also obligatory bike/terminator/jump pack versions of characters that don't currently have those options
I imagine there's probably playgroups out there doing this kind of stuff already, if you're in one of them please share!
An important note:
=][= This is meant to be a fun 'cool ideas' thread, please don't get sucked into circular arguments about competitiveness or the Hypothetical :cuss Opponent, as often happens =][=
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Everything with Rail weaponry for my T'au. And I mean EVERYTHING. Quad Railrifle Commander? HRR Commander? Railrifle Firewarriors? Railrifle Drones? Railgun Riptides? Railrifle Piranhas? So many possibilities! :D 


Also proper melee weapons for Reivers and a melee weapon for every Bike in a Bike unit. Also shields for bikes. Why yes I want them to be classic cavalry. :P 

Tbf id like to see most tanks have a broader selection of options for things like Sponsons and generic turret heavy weapons to encourage kit bashing. Same for characters tbh, especially the poor Primaris! Though in both cases that means getting the points values right so you dont get no brainer choices. So like for example the 30k Legion Predator or Centurion/Consul is a good example and the Praetor a bad one because while the latter has loads of options most of them are in the shadow of the Paragon blade cookie cutter.

I'd love extended options to customise Guard infantry:

  • Armour: Flak-vests, flak armour and carapace armour options – 6+, 5+ and 4+ respectively;
  • Basic weapons: lasguns, laslocks, autoguns, shotguns, laspistols and blades. 
  • Sergeant to have option to carry the same basic weapon as the squad.
  • Heavy/special weapon options extended to include hotshot volley guns and heavy stubbers.
  • Option to mount on horses, or be accompanied by dogs/cherubs etc.

Veterans to be able to mix and match these options within the squad.

I'd love more options for tanks, mainly land raiders. They hyped a lot in the first Chapter Approved but if you could opt out of giving it sponsons and just have a hull mounted assault cannon or heavy bolter and give it 15/16 transport capacity since the crusader has 12(?).



And I agree with Apologist, giving armies the option to have the same weapon as their squad would be great.

Oh, Shokk Attack Guns everywhere. My first thought is just on the Mek Gun platform. But you could put it everywhere, on everything that can hold a heavier weapon! The single best gun Orks have, EVERYWHERE!!!!


But this lead me to thinking how Battlewagons (and especially Gunwagons) don't have a good main gun. Other than a SAG, giving it access to the Kustom Mega-Zappa (3d3, S8, -3, d6) would actually open up room for a heavy, ranged vehicle. Or the Deffstorm Mega-Shoota (18, S6, -1, 1) as a separate option. These are the main guns from the Morkanaut and Gorkanaut, respectively, and are appropriately killy for the main gun of a heavy tank.

Gameplay wise, I wish Big Shootas (3, S5, -, 1) could be replaced army-wide with Suppa Shootas (3, S6, -1, 1), just because there's enough 3+ saves in cover to make Big Shootas super underwhelming. And maybe Deffguns (d3, S7, -1, 2) as options for Battlewagons as the secondary guns.

Oh, and killsaws for the boss nob in boyz units as well as Warbosses! Power Klaws are super underwhelming everytime you roll that 1 on the damage, so the flat damage 2 would be so much more enjoyable. 

And finally, mega-armor and bike options for most characters. They are status symbols, to a species that cares more about status symbols than practicality. Every ork would be trying to acquire such wargear.

In one of the voxcasts this was addressed. The answer was "just pay the points value of the weapon you want".


Theory no more!!!


Yeah no. I don't need GW to tell me that I can ignore their rules and do my own thing when I play with friends. It's the same dumb thinking they have with Open Play. :D 

Lords of Contagion with actual wargear choices. :teehee: Specifically access to all the nice weapons the Blightlords get, most notably the Flail.


Chaos Land Raiders with twin Blastmaster sponsons and a quad Sonic Blaster turret.

Havocs with Ectoplasma Cannons.


Hive Tyrants with Crushing Claws. Also the return of an option for 2+ saves on them and Carnifexes.

Lords of Contagion with actual wargear choices. :teehee: Specifically access to all the nice weapons the Blightlords get, most notably the Flail.


Chaos Land Raiders with twin Blastmaster sponsons and a quad Sonic Blaster turret.

Havocs with Ectoplasma Cannons.


Hive Tyrants with Crushing Claws. Also the return of an option for 2+ saves on them and Carnifexes.


No love for the return of sonic dreads ? :sad.:


Lords of Contagion with actual wargear choices. :teehee: Specifically access to all the nice weapons the Blightlords get, most notably the Flail.


Chaos Land Raiders with twin Blastmaster sponsons and a quad Sonic Blaster turret.

Havocs with Ectoplasma Cannons.


Hive Tyrants with Crushing Claws. Also the return of an option for 2+ saves on them and Carnifexes.


No love for the return of sonic dreads ? :sad.:



Sonic Dreads still exist in the rules. Just not as model you could buy. ;) 


But yeah sonic weaponry for everything please! :D 


Lords of Contagion with actual wargear choices. :teehee: Specifically access to all the nice weapons the Blightlords get, most notably the Flail.


Chaos Land Raiders with twin Blastmaster sponsons and a quad Sonic Blaster turret.

Havocs with Ectoplasma Cannons.


Hive Tyrants with Crushing Claws. Also the return of an option for 2+ saves on them and Carnifexes.


No love for the return of sonic dreads ? :sad.:


Honestly the temptation was just to put "Sonic weapons on literally anything with a ranged weapon". :D

canoness with a jump pack.....


seraphim all with rosarius and dual inferno pistols


zeraphim all with power swords & stormsheilds 


Dominons with 10 stormbolters!


Retirbutors with 10 heavy flamers! (run + shoot + re-roll number of hits...)




@Indefragable... only if the Sisters get the Eviscerators back at all!


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