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Land speeder tempests


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It’s cheap, buuut it’s a bit of a split personality vehicle.


Its launcher is a little bit limp at strength 6. It’s fine for clearing chaff and the -3 ap 2 Damage is nice vs meq and teq, but it doesn’t have the punch to hurt vehicles and super tough monsters. Lacking jink and ravenwing keyword is also a big minus for me. The autocannon is fine for doing what it does.


For exactly the same points though you can take a ravenwing typhoon that gets 2d6 S4 shots in frag mode which is more than enough for clearing weaker chaff or 2 strength 8 shots with D6 damage that’ll be more reliable against mech. It also gets Ravenwing keyword for stratagems, interaction with characters and jink. Additionally, it has more flexible arming options if you’re willing to pay the points to get it to do what you want it to do.


There are just better options for doing what the tempest does. It is a nice model and if you want to get it and run it for that, that’s totally your choice, but there’s a reason why it got such a hefty points drop imo.


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