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Raven Guards 4th Company

Brother Callidan

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Hello out there I was wondering if i could get some help with my army. I will be using this page to show off what I have done as well but thought I would post my list just incase there are some changes to be made along the way.


Being in Canada I cant justify spending money on Forge World stuff and I want to stick with Primaris. I have been reading Goonhammers Raven Guard Tactics and when I first started the list I took my first steps with the list on Warzone Morloc 40k list. The Ravens against Necron Battle Report.

I am partial to a troop heavy army keeping with the fluff of the 4th but it does say they are using Repulsors since there is no tracks to cover up. (Though every thing I have read about Repulsor's grave engines say they would still have a hard time covering up the crushed ground they would make:whistling: ) 


This list is meant to be just a fun list to play I still have about 231 Pts left just don't know what to do with it. Any suggestions would help.


So here it goes



4th Company 1769


Primaris Chaplain (Warlord) Master of Ambush Bolt Pistol, Crozius Arcanum


Phobos Librarian - Force Sword, Bolt Pistol, Shadowstep, Enveloping Darkness


10 Intercessor Squad (Vets 2 Cp) - Assualt Bolters

     Sergeant - Thunder Hammer


5 Intercessor Squad - Stalker Bolters


10 Infiltrator Squad - Comms Array


Pts 668


Phobos Captain


6 Aggressor Squad - Boltstorm Gauntlets

  Sergeant - MC Boltstorm Gauntlets (1 Cp


Warsuit - Incendium Cannon 


Warsuit - Incendium Cannon


Pts 572


Phobos Lieutenant - Ex Tenebris


3 Eliminators - Bolt Sniper Rifles 


3 Eliminators - Bolt Sniper Rifles


Repulsor Executioner - Heavy Laser Destroyer, Heavy Stubber


Pts 529


Thanks for reading 



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Do you have any plans to do any conversion work on your Chaplain?


I ask because Chaplain Cordae is assigned to the 4th, and he is known for wearing the skeleton of a roc on his armor. He also uses a jump pack, so if fluff accurate is your goal that might not jibe.

Welcome to the Ravenspire.


I am partial to a troop heavy army keeping with the fluff of the 4th but it does say they are using Repulsors since there is no tracks to cover up. (Though every thing I have read about Repulsor's grave engines say they would still have a hard time covering up the crushed ground they would make:whistling: )

Well, typical GW move - "We want you to buy that thing, so here's a one-liner about how they do work with it, because...well, just because."


As for your list, most stuff reads just about right - but going for 10 man units is usually not advised, unless you want to use Master of Ambush or certain strats. 10 man units get issues with morale, are less flexible when it comes to covering ground, and you lose the free sergeant upgrade of a second squad (and all the equipment options that come with it). 2 units of 5 cost exactly the same as one unit of 10. Especially for the Infiltrators - at 2x5 units, their scramblers can cover a lot more ground.


Intercessors - the assault bolt rifle is currently the best version for us, so that's good. The stalkers offer little that regular bolt rifles don't (since you spend everything but round 1 in tactical doctrine), but that's rather irrelevant on just one small unit.


Something on the general approach that you should think about:

The one thing RG excels at is deployment for board control. To that end, there must be early pressure (double Invictor and MoA Chaplain/Agressors cover that area), but there need to be enough backup bodies nearby to plug any gaps and tie down more units. Infiltrators start on the center (but are expensive), the cheaper version to stock up on bodies would be Incursors. Autobolt intercessors can advance there. But the stalker Intercessors will never get there, and the Repulsor will be quite a few points that don't. I'd aim for most the remaining points to be able to get there, to add a bit of meat to it.


A few units that might work, and fill your remaining points:

Shrike...yes, he's not always running around with your company, but converting that model to look like a different captain would open up one of the most useful character options you can get. Full reroll to hit is always nice, unparalleled speed, charge reroll bubble, nice wargear. Primaris lack speed and flexibility, and this guy brings exactly that. And in BL stories, every single RG captain has jump pack and lightning claws anyway...


Inceptors with assault bolters - high speed, good range (adding up to 28" threat range without advancing), ridiculous number of quality shots, quite resilient, and from turn 2+ they get AP-2. And they perfectly synergize with Shrike, forming a flying wrecking ball of lead. These guys have won me more than one game recently, and the pushfits are really cheap (and not that different from the expensive multiparts, which are monopose too).


The last recommendation would be a Thunderfire Cannon. Yes, it's not a primaris gunner (unless you convert, which I am currently doing), but the flexibility (and synergy with the Repulsor) is extreme. 60" range, average 8 shots, doesn't need line of sight, BS2+ and the Tremor Shells strat are good enough already, but you get a free techmarine that can fix your Repulsor each round - while also shooting the TFC, shooting his own guns at nearby units, and maybe hitting said nearby units with servo arms. And it's dirt cheap in points.



Is the list you posted of models you have already purchased, or intend to purchase?


Do you want to stick to Primaris entries only (in terms of the codex) or are you willing to use non-primaris entries but with primaris models (for counts-as). Example:



One thing you will find a challenge, should you opt to stick to primaris-entry only models is anti-tank. What I mean by that is there are two effective ways to deal with armor as marines: Shoot it from range, or whack it with a hammer in close combat (or just give it the bad touch to stop it from firing, repeatedly). This is currently the biggest flaw in the primaris lineup of units. The Repulsor Executioner is the best unit for this, but as you mentioned it feels a tad unfluffy to RG. Your current list looks good, but it will struggle against certain list types (like Knights).


Otherwise I like your list. Brother MN is right on the money in regards to the Infiltrators and 10-Man units. I do like the 10-Man Intercessor unit with Veterans, so keep that.


If you're looking for the easiest plug-and-play option into your current list, its probably another unit of 6 Aggressors. This puts you 9? points away from 2k.


There has been extensive debate of the Incendium vs Autocannon on the Warsuits, and while I initially believed in the Incendium Cannon, I now agree with most the autocannon is the better choice. There are multiple threads you can read on the matter, but I would suggest this one


Once you chime in with your priorities in terms of aesthetics, I would be happy to give more specific advice. Since your list has specific constraints (both aesthetically and financially) I want to make sure any advice I give falls within those boundaries. 

The following is a rough list based on what you have posted already. It assumes you have built the Warsuits and Repulsor in a “fixed” manner. ie no magnets.


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [104 PL, 2,000pts] ++


**Chapter Selection** One Assumes Raven Guard


+ HQ +


Captain in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 99pts]: Camo cloak, Master-crafted instigator bolt carbine


Librarian in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 101pts]: Camo cloak, Force sword


Lieutenants in Phobos Armor [5 PL, 81pts]

. Lieutenant in Phobos Armour

. . Occulus Bolt Carbine and Bolt Pistol: Grav-chute, Master-crafted occulus bolt rifle


Primaris Chaplain [4 PL, 77pts]: 1. Litany of Faith, Litany of Hate


+ Troops +


Infiltrator Squad [11 PL, 230pts]: 9x Infilltrator, Infiltrator Comms Array, Infiltrator Sergeant


Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 85pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle

. 4x Intercessor

. Intercessor Sergeant


Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 170pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle

. 9x Intercessor

. Intercessor Sergeant


+ Elites +


Aggressor Squad [10 PL, 222pts]: 5x Aggressor, Aggressor Sergeant

. Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets/Fragstorm Grenade Launcher


Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 131pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Incendium cannon, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber


Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 131pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Incendium cannon, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber


+ Fast Attack +


Inceptor Squad [14 PL, 205pts]: Assault bolter x2, 4x Inceptor, Inceptor Sergeant


+ Heavy Support +


Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 72pts]

. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle, Camo cloak

. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper: 2x Bolt sniper rifle, 2x Camo cloak


Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 72pts]

. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle, Camo cloak

. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper: 2x Bolt sniper rifle, 2x Camo cloak


Repulsor Executioner [15 PL, 324pts]: 2x Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy Laser Destroyer, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, 2x Storm bolter, Twin Heavy Bolter, Twin Icarus Ironhail Heavy Stubber


++ Total: [104 PL, 2,000pts] ++

I know it’s a chunk but I’d strongly suggest adding aJump Captain and taking out the Repulsor at some point if you want to put a fine edge on your army’s blade later on.

I'll second the Inceptors. Right now it looks like the majority of your list is starting on the board. You've got concealed deployment on several units to push forward and take board control but there is something to be said for having one (or a couple) units that you can drop wherever to plug holes or assassinate a target.


3 Inceptors gets you 18 STR 5 AP-2 shots wherever you want/need it on turn 2 (or later if you hold off). They are great to plug a hole in your line or take advantage of a gap your opponent left. They will delete a MEQ character in one round of shooting. They're fast with 10" of movement and can FLY so they go where you want them too. Drop them in cover and your opponent will have to either ignore them or dedicate more firepower than they're worth to remove them.

Thank you all for your advice


This is what I have been up to. Pictures aren't the best like some of you guys and gals can do but I work with what I got :biggrin.:






Do you have any plans to do any conversion work on your Chaplain?

I ask because Chaplain Cordae is assigned to the 4th, and he is known for wearing the skeleton of a roc on his armor. He also uses a jump pack, so if fluff accurate is your goal that might not jibe.

I read up on that Chaplain and he sounds cool but me and green stuff don't see eye to eye. I did see a cool conversion on YouTube using a Dark Imperium Lt. and bits from the plastic Chaplain and AoS bits. I think I have most of the stuff kicking around here and thought I would give it a shot.




There has been extensive debate of the Incendium vs Autocannon on the Warsuits, and while I initially believed in the Incendium Cannon, I now agree with most the autocannon is the better choice. There are multiple threads you can read on the matter, but I would suggest this one


I have added this thread to my to do list to read. I have only started building the Infiltrators, right now got five on the way. I still have all the shadow spear box. I think I have 10 Intercessors kicking around in the great mountain of plastic. And I have to 2 Warsuits in the box still.


I would like to keep the army to just Primaris but if its not feasible then I could see what I can do with small conversions. I think I should have about enough Vanguard Vets to make a 10 man squad thanks to them being in every Start Collecting. 


 A few units that might work, and fill your remaining points:

Shrike...yes, he's not always running around with your company, but converting that model to look like a different captain would open up one of the most useful character options you can get. Full reroll to hit is always nice, unparalleled speed, charge reroll bubble, nice wargear. Primaris lack speed and flexibility, and this guy brings exactly that. And in BL stories, every single RG captain has jump pack and lightning claws anyway...


The last recommendation would be a Thunderfire Cannon. Yes, it's not a primaris gunner (unless you convert, which I am currently doing), but the flexibility (and synergy with the Repulsor) is extreme. 60" range, average 8 shots, doesn't need line of sight, BS2+ and the Tremor Shells strat are good enough already, but you get a free techmarine that can fix your Repulsor each round - while also shooting the TFC, shooting his own guns at nearby units, and maybe hitting said nearby units with servo arms. And it's dirt cheap in points.

Well Shrike is the Chapter Master now so I Think he might grace the 4th with his presence now and again.


I have been looking at the Thunder Fire Cannon but cant think of how to convert one. Was looking at the Kataphrons as a base just don't know what to do about the gun. Don't know the size but I was thinking that maybe the Hunter gun might be able to be persuaded to work with a little saw work.



I know it’s a chunk but I’d strongly suggest adding aJump Captain and taking out the Repulsor at some point if you want to put a fine edge on your army’s blade later on.



 Just a question why would you take out the Executioner?


It sound so far that I for sure need to put a squad of Inceptors in. I will take the advice on splitting up the Infiltrators in to 2 5 man units. So should I just drop the 5 man Intercessors then?

Response about the Executioner ... it's approx. 1/6 of your point resources for a list that wants to operate as an infantry heavy unit. It's a magnet for any anti-tank weapon your opponent has. It's not that long ago the meta was designed to kill Knights Turn 1. Its my opinion that it's better having those Lascannons "wasted" taking out an Aggressor model. One at a time if they're lucky. 


I'm a big fan of 5 man Aggressor squads. I wouldn't recommend this kind of swap for any other Astartes Chapter, but Raven Guard are uniquely suited to really get work out of Aggressors on the cheap no other unit can match. Not Ultramarines, not White Scars ... and as a bonus you can afford to field a third Eliminator squad and those boys rock when maxed out.


5 cents :)




There has been extensive debate of the Incendium vs Autocannon on the Warsuits, and while I initially believed in the Incendium Cannon, I now agree with most the autocannon is the better choice. There are multiple threads you can read on the matter, but I would suggest this one


I have added this thread to my to do list to read. I have only started building the Infiltrators, right now got five on the way. I still have all the shadow spear box. I think I have 10 Intercessors kicking around in the great mountain of plastic. And I have to 2 Warsuits in the box still.


I would like to keep the army to just Primaris but if its not feasible then I could see what I can do with small conversions. I think I should have about enough Vanguard Vets to make a 10 man squad thanks to them being in every Start Collecting.  


The Vanguard Vet box and a box (or half box) of Reviers will get you a couple of smash captains straight away that look very convincing, if you decide to go that route.



 A few units that might work, and fill your remaining points:

Shrike...yes, he's not always running around with your company, but converting that model to look like a different captain would open up one of the most useful character options you can get. Full reroll to hit is always nice, unparalleled speed, charge reroll bubble, nice wargear. Primaris lack speed and flexibility, and this guy brings exactly that. And in BL stories, every single RG captain has jump pack and lightning claws anyway...


The last recommendation would be a Thunderfire Cannon. Yes, it's not a primaris gunner (unless you convert, which I am currently doing), but the flexibility (and synergy with the Repulsor) is extreme. 60" range, average 8 shots, doesn't need line of sight, BS2+ and the Tremor Shells strat are good enough already, but you get a free techmarine that can fix your Repulsor each round - while also shooting the TFC, shooting his own guns at nearby units, and maybe hitting said nearby units with servo arms. And it's dirt cheap in points.

Well Shrike is the Chapter Master now so I Think he might grace the 4th with his presence now and again.


I have been looking at the Thunder Fire Cannon but cant think of how to convert one. Was looking at the Kataphrons as a base just don't know what to do about the gun. Don't know the size but I was thinking that maybe the Hunter gun might be able to be persuaded to work with a little saw work. 


If I can make a suggestion - as someone who just got done building two GW Thunderfires - I would highly recommend going the Kromlech route:




It's a better kit that is easier to assemble and will be a better overall product - for less money.


They also sell bits to convert your own techmarine. You could use those on a primaris body to keep your primaris theme as well.




I know it’s a chunk but I’d strongly suggest adding aJump Captain and taking out the Repulsor at some point if you want to put a fine edge on your army’s blade later on.



 Just a question why would you take out the Executioner?


It sound so far that I for sure need to put a squad of Inceptors in. I will take the advice on splitting up the Infiltrators in to 2 5 man units. So should I just drop the 5 man Intercessors then?


Lastly, in regards to the Repulsor and Dracos' comments (as well as mine): The problem with the Executioner is you really need 2 of them in a 2k list for them to get the job done, and as he mentioned, many lists are capable of blowing up one a turn, which means you cannot rely on it. Given out CT/Super Tactic don't really benefit vehicles all that well (at least comparatively to other Chapters), we lack synergy with these units. Between that and the points cost investment, you will find most Raven Guard lists will leverage infantry as their AT tool.


Obviously this can be a lot of different things, only some of which are Primaris:


  • Optimal choices:
    • Centurions (Both assault and Grav-Dev)
    • Smash Captains
    • Grav Devastators in a Pod (Or SFTS) - with the stratagem
  • Functional but sub-optimal
    • Hellblasters
    • Plasma-Inceptors
    • Las Fusil Eliminators

That all being said, the Repulsor platform is a great weapons platform. Against some lists it will be very survivable with its 2+ with our CT and with Fly and a 10" (5") movement, it's possible on some maps to hide it from LOS T1 to protect it. Against others it will die, easily, and never get a shot off and feel like a waste of points. It's also good to remember target saturation, for both your list and your opponents. The less armor you field, the less valuable it becomes. Every opponent is going to bring some form of AT, if you only have the one Repulsor, all their AT is going to get pointed at that. Obviously you have the warsuits, so they should serve as decent distractions, but that will largely determine if you get 1st or 2nd turn. If you're going 2nd, they will need to be deployed back, and likely will get ignored in the early stages of the game.


Just some food for thought! :wink:




Do you have any plans to do any conversion work on your Chaplain?


I ask because Chaplain Cordae is assigned to the 4th, and he is known for wearing the skeleton of a roc on his armor. He also uses a jump pack, so if fluff accurate is your goal that might not jibe.

I read up on that Chaplain and he sounds cool but me and green stuff don't see eye to eye. I did see a cool conversion on YouTube using a Dark Imperium Lt. and bits from the plastic Chaplain and AoS bits. I think I have most of the stuff kicking around here and thought I would give it a shot.

I kitbashed mine with the body of Ivanus Enkomi (Minotaurs Chaplain from Forgeworld) and a raven skull helmet from Zinge Industries.


I'm no good with green stuff either, so I usually look for existing parts to kitbash with.



  • Optimal choices:
    • Centurions (Both assault and Grav-Dev)
    • Smash Captains
    • Grav Devastators in a Pod (Or SFTS) - with the stratagem
  • Functional but sub-optimal
    • Hellblasters
    • Plasma-Inceptors
    • Las Fusil Eliminators



I do have enough parts to build a squad of Devs with grav cannons and a drop pod plus a box of Hellblasters. Though I read that Hellblasters aren't worth using. If they are what type of Incinerator wold be best for them? would I go assault or stick with the normal variant? 



Ok new list. Changed some stuff around don't know if im on the right track. Couldn't figure out how to add the Inceptors in the list yet. I didn't put in all the given Wargear that you have to take to save time like the Fragstorm launchers on the Aggressors but any thing that needed to be put there is there. 



Raven Guard Pts 1993 6 cp after the deductions 


Battalion Detachment Pts 593 +3 cp 


Primaris Chaplain (warlord) Master of Ambush


Phobos Librarian 


10 Vet Intercessors - Assault Bolt rifles

      Sergeant - Thunder Hammer


5 Infiltrators - Comms Array 


5 Infiltrators - Comms Array 


Vanguard Detachment 568 +1 Cp


Phobos Captain






6 Aggressors - Boltstorm Gauntlets

Sergeant - MC Boltstorm Gauntlets 


Spearhead Detachment Pts 304 +1 CP


Phobos Lieutenant - Ex Tenebris


3 Eliminators - Bolt Sniper Rifles 


3 Eliminators - Bolt Sniper Rifles 


3 Eliminators - Las Fusil


Vanguard Detachment Pts 528 +1 CP


Captain - Jump pack, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield 


3 Aggressor - Boltstorm Gauntlets 


5 Vanguard Vets - 2 Storm shields and Chain Swords, 2 Thunder Hammers

Sergeant - Thunder Hammer



5 Vanguard Vets - 2 Storm shields and Chain Swords, 2 Thunder Hammers

Sergeant - Thunder Hammer


Thank you all for your responses 


3 Eliminators - Bolt Sniper Rifles 


3 Eliminators - Bolt Sniper Rifles 


3 Eliminators - Las Fusil

Small thing to add, though it won't change the models involved:

With the Guided Aim rule, the sergeant should not fire unless you are in tactical doctrine and target characters (buffing them enough to compensate), you are out of LoS (and need the no-LoS ammo), or you already lost a model (so the buff would only affect one shot). The math involved is a bit extensive, but in general sacrificing the sergeant's shot for +1 to hit/wound improves the average output. Even more so when buffing the las-fusil.

I'd spread the 3 las-fusils over all 3 squads, and have 1x las and 2x BSRs per squad, sarge always with BSR (since he won't shoot that often).

That way, there is not any single squad standing out as the "Kill these guys first" squad, and depending on what you are facing, you can remove the las-fusil or the sniper as first casualty.

Are you sure that you can do that MajorNelse? It says every Eliminator can be equipped with one of the gun options. Other units that have weapon options have any model can be equipped with this or that. If I’m wrong then that’s a great idea

You're right - both non-sergeant Eliminators have to have the same, just the sergeant can choose freely. In that case, I guess the choice is for the sarge to save some points by pointing at targets with a rifle over his shoulder, not another expensive portable lascannon.

List looks pretty good! I do have a couple more tweak-suggestions:


  1. Move the MC on the Aggressor Sergeant over to the Thunder Hammer on the Captain. Having the Smash Cap deal out 4 dmg for each successful attack makes him all the more lethal against his intended targets: big baddies. You will also get more return out of the fight when you die/fight twice stratagems, which you will likely use.
  2. Condense the two Vanguard Veteran squads into one squad. For the sake of morale/points, you could reduce them down to 8 in number, or keep at 10. While in genreal MSU is the better choice, these guys have 3 potential strategems you want to use on them (sometimes 4), which means keeping them in one unit is a better return on those CP spent (Infiltrators, Strike From The Shadows, See But Remain Unseen, and fight twice). There are even a handful of other strats that will be good candidates for them
  3. You currently have 4 detachments (Battalion, 1x Spearhead, 2x Vanguard. The vanguards will need to be condensed, as 3 detachments is the limit at this points level.
  4. I'm not a fan of Las fusils as you really want the Eliminators to be shooting at characters 100% of the time, so I would recommend all bolt rifles, all the time
  5. With regards to Hellblasters, they aren't great, but at least we can Strike From the Shadows them so they can't get alpha'd off the board. I used to play mine all the time before they nerfed the Ancient banner allowing you to shoot back when they died, but now with how good Centurions are (and the Aggressor/Gravis buff), I just don't find them strong enough to contend for the points. They are OK AT in a pinch, but not great. If you do decide to try them out, they are best run in one of two ways: a small unit in an Impulsor transport of a big blob of 8-10 alongside an Ancient with a banner (and maybe an apothecary) dropped into the middle of the board. The Rapid Fire variant is best, by a country mile.

Based on my above suggestions, I remade your list in battlescribe, here is what I have


Raven Guard Battalion (+5CP) Battleforged (+3CP) Relics of the Chapter (-1 CP) Veteran Intercessors (-2 CP)


101 Pts Librarian, Phobos Armor: Enveloping Darkness, Tenebrous Curse

77   Pts Primaris Chaplain: Hero of the Chapter - Master of Ambush


110 Pts Infiltrator Squad (5)

110 Pts Infiltrator Squad (5)

197 Pts Intercessor Squad - Auto Bolt Rifles (9), 1x Aux Grenade Launcher, Sergeant - Auto Bolt Rifle + Thunder Hammer


Raven Guard Spearhead (+1CP)


81   Pts Lieutenant in Phobos Armor: Ex Tenebris


72   Pts Eliminator Squad: Bolt Sniper Rifles (3)

72   Pts Eliminator Squad: Bolt Sniper Rifles (3)

72   Pts Eliminator Squad: Bolt Sniper Rifles (3)


Raven Guard Vanguard (+1CP)


143 Pts Shadow Captain Smash: Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer (Master Crafted). Warlord - The Imperium's Sword, Master of the Tri-Fold Path: Shadowmaster (-1CP)


222 Pts Aggressor Squad (6): Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets+ Fragstorm Launchers

222 Pts Aggressor Squad (6): Auto Boltstorm Gauntlets+ Fragstorm Launchers

136 Pts Invictor Tactical Warsuit: Twin Ironhail autocannon

136 Pts Invictor Tactical Warsuit: Twin Ironhail autocannon

249 Pts Vanguard Veterans w/ Jump Packs: Chainsword + Storm Shield (4), Thunder Hammer + Storm Shield (4), Veteran Sergeant - Chainsword + Thunder Hammer


1999 of 2000 Points


  • This gets your 10 CP, 5 of which is spent pre-game (Vet Intercessors -2, Hero of the Chapter -1, Master of the Tri-Fold Path -1, and Extra Relic -1)
    • You likely spend at least 2 CP pre-game post deploy for SFTS  or Infiltrators on one unit of Aggressors (the ones not being Master of Ambushed), and Infiltrators on the VanVets. This means you start the game with 2-3 CP
  • I moved around a few things, condensed the VanVets, dropped the spare HQ due to the 4 detachments issue, and dumped the las fusils. This allowed me to get you autocannons on the Warsuits, and 3 more aggressors.
  • This list is one I would have a blast to play, all day long. I would only consider deviating from something like this, should you opt to go a different route for the double battalion for more CP. That will make you more flexible and easier to score objectives, but weaken your punch. 

 Damn board ate half my post...grrr.

Another use for a full unit of Vanguard Veterans is a vehicle for the Hammer of Wrath Strategem. 5+ to deal a mortal wound when they charge. Per model.


Not something I'd bank on regularly, but if you really need to take a few more wounds off something to kill it, that strat on a 10 man squad should net you 3 MW with statistical reliability. You might have an amazing roll and get like 7, or an awful one and get none. But you should average around 3.

What was the nerf with the ancient and hellblasters?


Specifically the nerf was with the Relic - Standard of the Emperor Ascendant. The relic used to prompt the fight/shoot again attack on a 3+ (as opposed to the standard 4+). If you were running a Hellblaster bomb, this relic was basically mandatory. When the new codex (8.5) dropped, the Relic lost that portion of its rules - one of the few nerfs Space Marines got going from the 8th Ed Codex to 8.5.


It's minor, but when you're trying to get every ounce out of 33pt models, an extra 17% chance on death is non-negligible. 


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