UniWolf Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 Don't know if this is the right place to put this so sorry if its wrong but has anyone noticed GW's increased advertising for the new Mortal Realms Magazine? I was watching the rugby today on BT Sport and one of the adverts was for the magazines, and it got me thinking that 1) I never saw these advertisements for 40k conquest and 2) isn't a sports channel an odd place to advertise? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Tyler Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 The Mortal Realms Magazine is about the Age of Sigmar, so discussion about that magazine isn't relevant here. However, discussion about GW's advertising is relevant here. Note that this discussion is being moved to the Amicus Aedes forum. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460219 Share on other sites More sharing options...
m_r_parker Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 I think they did the same thing with Conquest, and possibly something else. These are magazines aimed at introducing new players / customers to the hobby, rather than catering to existing client bases, so a broader advertising campaign is needed. Existing customers already know about WHC and online forums, TV adverts help to catch those who are completely unfamiliar with the brand. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460221 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lord Marshal Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 I don't recall seeing a Conquest ad, but I've definitely seen Mortal Realms a few times. What was the Lord of the Rings one called? Anyway, that had adverts too, back in the day. And of course, DREADNOORRTTT! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460233 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 There’s also this one from the company promoting their shops. American advert I believe https://youtu.be/du0emDgJ-L4 Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460240 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UniWolf Posted January 12, 2020 Author Share Posted January 12, 2020 I completely agree that adverts on TV are needed to get new people involved but I just thought that a more general station to advertise than a sporting one would be more appropriate. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460241 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Halandaar Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 Conquest definitely was advertised on TV when it launched too. But it's worth bearing in mind the the magazines are both run by Hachette Partworks, not GW themselves, so the advertising (and where it runs) isn't down to GW. EDIT - I've seen the Mortal Realms as on Channel 4, so it is definitely also running on more general channels too. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460242 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DBadger Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 I remember the same amount of advertising when the LotR miniatures magazine came out all those years ago. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460248 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Potato Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 Yeah, Conquest was heavily advertised on TV when that was first launched - for maybe the first 3 weeks of the magazine. I expect Mortal Realms will follow the same pattern. I’ve seen adverts for Mortal Realms on pretty much every channel I’ve watched over the weekend, both Sky and Terrestrial, for what it’s worth. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460268 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wispy Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 GW added a marketing head a couple years ago, around when they were working on the first wave of Primaris minis. Wouldn't surprise me it was a fully fledged department now. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460300 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 I think GW in general are slowly pushing more into the mainstream, truth be told though advertsiing in the past has been non-existant mainly because they've never really needed it. As far back as I can remember of my time in the hobby (1985-86) beyond the collaboration with MB games for Heroquest and Space Crusade I've not seen that many adverts. I think that word of mouth has always served them well, White Dwarf and for the most part us hobbyists have carried them. Now that "Geek" culture has been on the rise in recent years I think now is the time for this kind of thing. These days they've cracked the social media scene with their use of Facebook and made excellent progression with Warhammer TV which I am certain will expand further into the mainstream with their shows which in themselves if presented well witll act as further advertising. Freeing up their licence to let companies pump out computer games hasn't hurt either although I would be surprised if they ever captured the lightening in the bottle that was Space Crusade and Dawn of War that influneced so many to get into the hobby. Maybe the animated shows, time witll tell I guess. Then you have the likes of the B&C and the many, many other forums that have given free customer post sales support. Given the era of the hobby that I grew up in with next to no plastic kits and no internet, mail order was done by hand written forms in the post it's been a radical change for some of us, especially in the last few years. It's an interesting time to be in the hobby and I am sure more good things are to come. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460307 Share on other sites More sharing options...
battle captain corpus Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 The biggest advert they have is free and it's us as hobbyists. We're the ones who realistically introduce the majority of new blood into the hobby. Thats also why every store is a recruitment centre to offer intros and getting started sets. They dont actually need everything else, the webstore does that for them. But we the hobbyists are the adverts. ;) BCC Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460330 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 I’ve always noticed in January that there’s a big influx of hobby subscription magazines straight after Christmas in the UK and we’re always bombarded with adverts on telly ranging from build a boat or car to learning how to knit etc etc so this really isn’t nothing new in that sense just maybe for us GW fans it’s surprising to see your hobby on the tv. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460340 Share on other sites More sharing options...
UniWolf Posted January 12, 2020 Author Share Posted January 12, 2020 Obviously I have missed adverts on standard terrestrial TV haha I do think that GW need to advertise standard 40k on TV though. Word of mouth has done GW well so far but I think the number of new players will massively increase with increased advertising. I would like a monthly campaign magazine to be released. Used to play LoTR and really enjoyed the small battles/campaigns that came with those magazines, and they kept me playing the game when other motivation dropped. I don't think that TV adverts will automatically make someone buy a start collecting box, but they will perk the interests of a few people that will make them look online and get the ball rolling from there Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460348 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Shepherd Posted January 12, 2020 Share Posted January 12, 2020 Don't know if this is the right place to put this so sorry if its wrong but has anyone noticed GW's increased advertising for the new Mortal Realms Magazine? I was watching the rugby today on BT Sport and one of the adverts was for the magazines, and it got me thinking that 1) I never saw these advertisements for 40k conquest and 2) isn't a sports channel an odd place to advertise? To generalise, rugby is mostly a middle class fanbase and generally an older one (especially compared to soccer) so its a good spot for it be it nostalgia or hey your kids would like this Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460350 Share on other sites More sharing options...
MegaVolt87 Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 I remember the same amount of advertising when the LotR miniatures magazine came out all those years ago. Same, here in OZ they were on "dead air" free to air TV slots though. They were alongside other ads, how to put this- adult oriented services advertising at that time of night. Probably cheaper $$$ space for slots at late night. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460452 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Perry Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 I remember the same amount of advertising when the LotR miniatures magazine came out all those years ago. Same, here in OZ they were on "dead air" free to air TV slots though. They were alongside other ads, how to put this- adult oriented services advertising at that time of night. Probably cheaper $$$ space for slots at late night. Or they know their market Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460609 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vermintide Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 Actually I think there's a lot for sports nerds to like about the hobby. I use the term "sports nerd" specifically because a lot of your stereotypically braindead lager-drinking football LADS are actually practical statisticians, keeping track of where every team is in the league, how many goals and attempts each striker has had and all that stuff. Lots of them are already playing a Fantasy Football league, which is one step away from being a tabletop games geek already.I've definitely noticed a lot of the competitive players on the tournament scene actually have a background in sports. Being a nerd legitimately is cool these days it seems, so lots of people you wouldn't expect are getting into this stuff, the old high school trope of sports and geek hobbies being mutually exclusive is pretty outdated by the looks of it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460628 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fajita Fan Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 We need a really famous celebrity to be into this. Several years ago it got out in the media how the Green Bay Packers offensive line were big into Settlers of Catan (yuck) and the game saw a massive spike in popularity. It was sold out across the state of Wisconsin and had to be trucked in from distributors in other states. If Aaron Rodgers or Lebron James posted a picture of themselves playing at a GW or their painted figures we’d be mainstream pretty fast. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460639 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Claws and Effect Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 In the US it would likely be worth it to advertise on Cartoon Network during the Adult Swim block. Anime and more mature content cartoons. There is a LOT of overlap there. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460658 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 I completely agree that adverts on TV are needed to get new people involved but I just thought that a more general station to advertise than a sporting one would be more appropriate. Does TV advertising still work? I ask because we gave up TV in 2006. I've heard TV is in a large decline as well. When I have seen adds over the last few years I am some what amazed at what's being advertised and some what in disbelief at what passes for adds and TV for that matter. Yuck. I'm not sure TV adds would be worth the energy. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460659 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Shepherd Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 I completely agree that adverts on TV are needed to get new people involved but I just thought that a more general station to advertise than a sporting one would be more appropriate. Does TV advertising still work? I ask because we gave up TV in 2006. I've heard TV is in a large decline as well. When I have seen adds over the last few years I am some what amazed at what's being advertised and some what in disbelief at what passes for adds and TV for that matter. Yuck.I'm not sure TV adds would be worth the energy. Youre largely right, though live sport is one of the few things that people still watch emmmm... live Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460678 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Warhead01 Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 I completely agree that adverts on TV are needed to get new people involved but I just thought that a more general station to advertise than a sporting one would be more appropriate.Does TV advertising still work? I ask because we gave up TV in 2006. I've heard TV is in a large decline as well. When I have seen adds over the last few years I am some what amazed at what's being advertised and some what in disbelief at what passes for adds and TV for that matter. Yuck.I'm not sure TV adds would be worth the energy. Youre largely right, though live sport is one of the few things that people still watch emmmm... live I think Gw making a show or two in their Warhammer settings would be good advertising, much like star wars, G.I.Joe and everything else with a toy but I think it should aim a little higher. It needs a fan base that gets really sucked in like the GoT's audience. Even though I gave up on TV I still find shows and movies, just like everyone else. I just consume so much less than I ever used to. I was going to joke that Media is a dying media. Who knows. Funny enough I do remember a commercial for Warhammer 40,000 back in the 90'2 that played maybe one time, if it aired more I only saw it the one time. Something along the lines of kids playing and the dialing was something like, "Oh no! a Tryanid attack! I'll use my Space Marines!" Or something like that. I do recall GW has a green screen now..lol and some animation plans? If I remember. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460736 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doghouse Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 We need a really famous celebrity to be into this. Several years ago it got out in the media how the Green Bay Packers offensive line were big into Settlers of Catan (yuck) and the game saw a massive spike in popularity. It was sold out across the state of Wisconsin and had to be trucked in from distributors in other states. If Aaron Rodgers or Lebron James posted a picture of themselves playing at a GW or their painted figures we’d be mainstream pretty fast. There's been quite a few over the years, Robin WIlliams was an Eldar player if I remember rightly. With D&D resurging so strongly and so many celebrities into that I wouldn't be surprised that once things get a bit more mainstream a few more will come out in support at some point. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460762 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fajita Fan Posted January 13, 2020 Share Posted January 13, 2020 I know about him but he won't be doing anything more unfortunately. Heck I don't know if I even heard about him playing before he died. :( Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/361186-gw-advertising/#findComment-5460874 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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