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Using stratagems


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CP re-roll has a place. There's no personal rule about using it or not. If it's my last shot against a single infantry model that's holding an objective, and it would win the game to remove it, of course you would use a re-roll to make sure you wound and do so.

CP re-roll has a place. There's no personal rule about using it or not. If it's my last shot against a single infantry model that's holding an objective, and it would win the game to remove it, of course you would use a re-roll to make sure you wound and do so.

Searing hot take: it should be removed from the game as it takes some of the fun away. Exasperated by mass cp armies. And/or limited to once per turn

I treat CP Re-Rolls the same way as Team Re-Rolls in Bloodbowl:


ONLY use them if changing the outcome would change the "score" (in this case victory points), and the roll is a 2+ or 3+, otherwise there will be a better use for it at a later point.


So for 40k, for example, would re-rolling a 1 or 2 for damage remove their tank AND score an objective? Would getting that charge off either claim the objective for you or clear their unit from it.



I will often spend a CP to reroll a vehicle explode chance if it's clear that I lost the game already.


It's actually worked enough times to amuse me, once it killed the smash captain that killed my Dreadnaught and earned me Slay the Warlord.

  • 2 weeks later...

As a Raven Guard player, my army kind of relies on its Strategems to be good. Because let's face it, their passive Chapter Tactic is...not great.


I generally run with 10 command points and spend 4 of them before the game.


One of the things that annoyed me about 8th edition is the sheer number of abilities that used to be inherent to units now being Strategems.


I see how that can work given they don't let you just buy them straight out of the codex anymore for more points like the old DA codex difference between chaplains and interrogator chaplains, or the difference in librarian levels.


CP and stratagems at the release of 8th seemed like a way to add some cool tricks everyone and, ironically, additional power to non-elite armies. However, I think what we've all seen is that elite units don't necessarily have the same edge they used to in earlier editions. Since then, CP has become a true secondary economy (along with points) for codex design and for building lists.


More directly to the topic:

Here's how I use them and view them: what units do I like and want to use? What stratagems support them - directly or the play style they go with? Does my first draft list give me enough CP to use them two to three times each? Do I just have to suck it up that I won't have excess CP because of the list I want to play?


My Deathwing are never going to be able to play evenly when it comes to CP, but I still play them because I enjoy doing so. My Guard have enough CP that I don't really worry about budgeting. It's the armies in the middle that require tough choices. 

  • 3 weeks later...

Man, this thread has me eyeballing my Calidus assassin....  How can I get her back on the feild...  The ability to play the game in the enemy CP pool is intoxicating.


I tend to get 11 CP out of my I Knight soup list.  Right now 4 are spent before game.  I try to not reroll until the end of a game.  I am pulling units from 4 books, so keeping track of all the strats is hard.  I Knight, SM, RG supp, =][=.  Now I'm dreaming off squeezing in a Assassin.... 


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