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Miniature Showcase: Visarch/Archon


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My Visarch/ Archon /Troupe Master is now fully painted and ready to lead my force of Corrupted Ynnari. Really happy with how this guy turned out. Some people say I should repaint his sword, as he doesent look like a guy who should be wielding a rusty sword. But I say "Maybe". I dont see this guy caring.... for what they use, they have one goal and one goal only, kill for the God of Death. And maybe I will repaint it in a very dark, grey green color :whistling:
 Loved this project, loved the model, loved that I got distracted from work while I was painting him up. :rolleyes:

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I actually feel like the sword is fine where it is, it doesn't take away from the rest of the model. And ya if he's a badass he won't care if his sword is rusty he probably likes it that way!

 Thanks man. I think the same way about his sword. Just pick up any sharp object and slice your opponents throat with it. Thats what is going on in his mind.



That Visarch/Archon is amazing. Great conversion and a great colour scheme to match. The pink streaks and the eye make-up really give it a Glam-turned-Black Metal look. Love it

 Thanks! He is actually the only one with those shades. As every one else in is force is corrupted, and the corruption spills in blood from their eyes.


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