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Uses for DA new "Super Doctrine"


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It is already being discussed in the PA rumors thread, but how do you plan to use the new DA "Super Doctrine" in your army?


+6" to range for Heavy/Rapid Fire weapons, +3" to range for Assault/Pistol weapons, while Devastator Doctrine is active.


Here is my list, off the top --


1 - Leviathon Dread -- 30" range Stormcannon Arrays, 24" range Grav Flux Bombards, and 24" range Cyclonic Melta Lances (so 12" melts range when disembarking from a Dread Drop Pod) will all be tasty.


2 - Devastators in cover -- With 30" range Grav Cannons make for a great Fire Base dominating the center of the board.


3 - Drop Pod full of two squads of 5 Company Vets -- With SS and 11" range Flamers should be great at clearing screens and hordes turn 1.


4 - Rapier Carriers -- With Quad Launchers, they will have the option for Shatter Shells: Hvy4 S8 AP-3 Dmg3 with 30" range... pretty devastating against Tanks/Multi-wound models.


5 - Vindicators -- With D6 x S10 AP-4 DmgD6 shots, all at 30" range.


6 - Intercessors -- With the ability to get RF2 at 36"... that means you can put out 40 x S4 AP-1 Dmg1 shots at 36" range, rerolling 1s to hit without any character support.


7 - Land Speeder Vengeance -- D6 x S8 AP-4 Dmg4 shots (with Weapons of the Dark Age), all at 42" range... this is basically a D6 shot Multimelta with 42" range!

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I didn’t know ours was leaked. I love it!! If it’s true then I’m going to keep it simple. 42” range on stalker bolt rifles and heavy hellblasters will be amazing. I kinda built my Dark Angels to be “anti salamanders” and this only helps.

Repulsor Executioner with plasma and Redemptor Dreadnought with gatlings both greatly benefits from devastator super-doctrine. They have a lot of weapons with low range and ap, so +6" and -1 ap helps them a lot.

Also, Hellblasters will be grateful for additional range. And, of course, Intercessors, they become even more universal.

I didn’t know ours was leaked. I love it!! If it’s true then I’m going to keep it simple. 42” range on stalker bolt rifles and heavy hellblasters will be amazing. I kinda built my Dark Angels to be “anti salamanders” and this only helps.

“Anti-Salamanders?” Lol. Did somebody get their fingers burned?


One of my good friends and former frequent opponents plays Salamanders and is one of my thought at foes. All those “cheating” free re-rolls ;)

There is few things to consider to get the best from it :


- First, our Super Doctrine : While in Devastator Doctrine, Heavy and Rapid Fire weapons get +6" range, Assault and Pistol weapons get +3" range

- Devastator Doctrine also grant +1AP to Heavy Weapons

- All our units benefit from Grim Resolve, including Vehicles

- Our Litany (it's a bubble btw) : when a friendly DARK ANGELS INFANTRY unit that is within 6" of this unit and did not ADVANCE or FALL BACK this turn is chosen to shoot with, models in that unit can shoot with ranged weapons as if their unit had remained stationary.



So what could be good with these ?


- The obvious and currently most competitive is Leviathan + our Litany for 20 shoots 2+ to hit reroll the 1's at 38'' range S7 AP-3 Dmg2.


- Unrelated to thread but worth speaking of is Chaplain Dread with Inner Circle stratagem, put him next to a Ancient with the new Warlord trait (DW units within 6" reroll melee wounds versus CHARACTERS or models with 8+ Wounds) and Mantra of Strength. On the charge 7 attacks 2+ to-hit (reroll the 1's) S16 (full reroll against 8+ Wounds models) AP-3 Dmg4. He's a Imperial Knight killer. For more lulz give him a Drop Pod to deep strike along Deathwing Knights who would use +1S and DW bubble to the fullest.


- Squad(s) of Aggressors along a Chaplain with our Litany and Master of Maneuver (both are bubbles). T1 you reroll advance + shoot at 21'' without penalty, T2 you switch to Tactical Doctrine, move and then shoot two times at 23'' with Grim Resolve active and AP-1.


- For those who've read the Tau Tactica : 10 Vets with Storm Bolters & Storm Shield inside a Drop Pod. T1 Deep Strike, 42 shoots at 15''. Enjoy your 3++ to survive retaliation and then T2 benefit from Grim Resolve + Bolter Discipline + Tactical Doctrine.


- Plasma Devastators with Recitation of Focus (litany) and Weapons of the Dark Age. 4D3 shoots hit on 2+ reroll the 1's at 42'' S8 AP-4 Dmg3. Just add a Lieutenant already.


- Sicaran Punisher + our litanie = 27 (!) shoots hit on 3+ reroll the 1's S5 AP-2 Dmg1 at 56'' range


- Scorpius for 6D3 shoots at 54'' without LoS hit on 3+ reroll the 1's S6 AP-3 Dmg2, add a lieutenant + chaplain with catechism of Fire and you wound T5 on 2+ reroll the 1's, any Primaris unit caught out of cover will DIE


- You don't like Primaris castle ? Deathstorm Drop Pod with Missile Array : each turn all the units at 24'' or closer take 2 shoots on 4+ reroll the 1's S8 AP-3 Dmg D3

Guest MistaGav


- The obvious and currently most competitive is Leviathan + our Litany for 20 shoots 2+ to hit reroll the 1's at 38'' range S7 AP-3 Dmg2.

- Sicaran Punisher + our litanie = 27 (!) shoots hit on 3+ reroll the 1's S5 AP-2 Dmg1 at 56'' range

Where are you getting that range from? It's just a 6" range increase.



- The obvious and currently most competitive is Leviathan + our Litany for 20 shoots 2+ to hit reroll the 1's at 38'' range S7 AP-3 Dmg2.

- Sicaran Punisher + our litanie = 27 (!) shoots hit on 3+ reroll the 1's S5 AP-2 Dmg1 at 56'' range

Where are you getting that range from? It's just a 6" range increase.



With our Litanie you can move & shoot but you count as having not moved so you get Grim Resolve and do not suffer from -1 to hit from Heavy Weapons.

does the super doctrine suddenly make veteran suicide drops useful again? i mean now you have a bunch of combi meltas with a 36" boltgun and an 18" meltagun. thats a really strong, or u could go combi plasma with weapons of the dark age and give some specialist backliners a good thorough plasma hosing? what is everyone else opinion on such a tactic, drop in t1 under super doctrine, immedeatly annihilate say a squad of oblits or salamanders aggressors, or heck give the shield captain general something to dwell upon as he decideds where he wants to move and what targets he wants to delete. deleting units isnt as easy for the shield captain general when hes been forced to make some 20 overcharged plasma weapon saves

What I'm eager to try out is a talonmaster that has +12 inch range (6+6 from the relic) and +1 to hit with the no penalty for moving and shooting along with some black knights! I hope they update the chapter master rerolls for azrael, sammy, and belial! also 5x Landspeeder Typhoons with 54 inch range and a 70 inch threat range lol

Brothers, what do you think about Stalker bolter rifle intercessors? With devastator doctrine they will produce 42" s4 ap3 d2 shots. Looking good, isn't it? We can take units of 5 to cap home points, and with 42" range they will also contribute to battle. Or we can take unit of 10 and move it alongside Azrael/Chaplain castle, rocking 2d shots and sniping enemy characters.


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