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I know, I know, I ain't been around much. Blame a miserable past few months, (now in quarantine, and only got some of my projects and stuff dropped off a few days ago) but I did it. Last part of Vow 1 (the vets were in that Luna Woof shot earlier) is done.

The Praetor, IE, Little Horus Aximand in glorious green. There's still a touch of work I'll likely do on the blade and maybe on the skin, but he's done for now.


Now I'm gonna go cough my lungs out and sleep. So far as I know I don't have Corona, but I do frigging have something courtesy of my godmother back from Rwanda.

Thanks Marshal Vespasian, my dude.  Actually the face wasn't too hard, just more experimentation with some ocher oil after a few layers of airbrushing.  Need to go back in with some red and purple ink.  The cloak is actually the herald stock cloak, nothing special about it, Mournitall was clipped from a Custodes blade and hollowed out.   Surprisingly simple, all things considered.  

Thanks Marshal Vespasian, my dude. Actually the face wasn't too hard, just more experimentation with some ocher oil after a few layers of airbrushing. Need to go back in with some red and purple ink. The cloak is actually the herald stock cloak, nothing special about it, Mournitall was clipped from a Custodes blade and hollowed out. Surprisingly simple, all things considered.

Howd you do that?

I am honest I have some problems with faces. I am tryong darren lathams method but airbrushing a few layers and then doing some oils might be an awesome method

And here we go: I give you the Liberace of the Heresy himself: Lord Commander Eidolon



Pics turned out a bit darker than in real life... :ermm:

For the glory of Alpharius and the Warmaster I declare my second vow complete.

Rhino for the troops


And a Quad Launcher for some long range support.


Captain Semper, loving the Dark Angel Preator nice work.

It looks like those of us loyal to the Warmaster are getting some good completions in, we’ve just got a couple of weeks left lets see if we can get a clean sweep with everyone completing their vows.



An update! I waited until I had something interesting to share. I've reached the point where it's all over bar the details (plasma gun, free-hand work, assembly, and basing) for the Veteran Tactical Squad. Here's the test model (because he's not a floating assortment of limbs).









@ Vykes: Your Little Horus actually looks like Horus... HOW DID YOU DO THAT? Magnificent work as ever! :smile.:

@ Grotsmasha: Man that Primarch... Wow! Excellent work on the metal hands The backpack seems daunting, both in putting together and painting it... Lovely model and lovely work on one of the most overlooked Primarchs... And you sir are a Delegatus - provided you complete the two Rhinos... It will be a pity to miss the title of Delegatus on account of two lowly Rhinos..

@ Vogon: thanks for your kind words mate! :smile.: And congratulations on completing your vow too! :thumbsup: And yes it looks like the Loyalists are running out of steam...


taken a break to work on some primaris marines and an ultramarine 30k marine for giggles so il post an update to the last son of horus when his oils are dry. im so annoyed that this lock down hit as i was scheduled to pick up the parts to add a second contemptor that i cant finish now :*( 1st world problems eh



Howd you do that?

I am honest I have some problems with faces. I am tryong darren lathams method but airbrushing a few layers and then doing some oils might be an awesome method






@ Vykes: Your Little Horus actually looks like Horus... HOW DID YOU DO THAT? Magnificent work as ever! :smile.:




Thanks mates.  It's kinda scary but the head is just the usual plastic bare head you get from the mk IV kit (think it was the mk IV, might be the MK III.... I have a fair number of them)  So I'll see if I can do up a quick tutorial or something about it.  It really genuinely wasn't hard to do, just some new experimentation. 


I'm actually thinking of snapping up a Heroforge head and looking at some models to make up Tarik to actually do up a full mourneval group.  


taken a break to work on some primaris marines and an ultramarine 30k marine for giggles so il post an update to the last son of horus when his oils are dry. im so annoyed that this lock down hit as i was scheduled to pick up the parts to add a second contemptor that i cant finish now :*( 1st world problems eh


I hear ya Sarabando, I hear ya.  Lockdown has cut off my supplies as I'm sick and in quarantine, and FW isn't shipping out any goodies or I'm still thinking on at least a Raider or something (which could easily get done up in a week).  Bah.  Oh well, definitely our 1st world problems, even here in sunny sunny -looks outside- freezing Canada.  

I'm back. Messed up my dominant wrist and couldn't paint with the cast on. It bummed me out enough that I haven't logged on. Anyway, I'm back on track and finished my current project.


Now I'm starting on the Deredeo and will have it done this week.

Started the last 5 guys, should be finished by tomorrow. Did get sidetracked and painted some wolves that were not part of the vow which helped slow down my progress, but hey I have a few more guys painted that I wouldnt have. :tu: 

Still got tons to paint and since my gf just started her surgical rotation theres like 30 minutes every morning where I can paint / assemble.

I am still good for another two month of lockdown at least. 30 mk iv, 10 mk iii and 5 tartaros, as well as 3 vindicators are still in the pipeline. Oh and a command squad. Bought a friends aborted heresy starting kit off him for cheap.

Edited by Marshal Vespasian

I put old badges in a spoiler to save space. This event ends in about a week. Maybe we can start another, chill event as a bridge to ETL?

There's always grots 12 month hobby challenge if you're still wanting to partake in a painting challenge. http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/360767-12-months-of-hobby-2020/


Especially if you have some filthy xenos to paint!

Edited by Dwango

Just need to do the trim on these last guys and then I think Im done. Might do some freehand on the dread and rhino but thats not essential atm... With the last few touch ups and mistake fixes that need doing I should be done by tonight... Now to venture out for food, sooner go later when people have decided to go home but mans gotta eat... 

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