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How 2 highlight Steel Legion Drab?


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Hey folks and pros, bland question: how do you guys highlight the Citadel colour Steel Legion Drab?


I'm in the process of improving quality and speed of my paintjobs and have almost always done good when following tutorials by the GW official sources. Now so far I couldn't find any tutorials or guides on with which colour (preferably from the Citadel system) I could highlight SLD. Would be extremely useful to have a premixed colour that fits the tone and gives sufficient brightening as it is part of my Cadian camo and I already got 20 models finished apart from this step, with more to come...


Maybe you guys could help me out with either official or personal advice?

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The GW website says either tallarn sand or baneblade brown and then karak stone.




So if you want just one colour I would go with karak stone or baneblade brown.

The GW website says either tallarn sand or baneblade brown and then karak stone.




So if you want just one colour I would go with karak stone or baneblade brown.

Oh my, I remember this now. I actually tried this combination some time ago but it always turned out too bright and somewhat off to my perception.


Guess that's it with the official side...anyone got some personal recommendations?


Edit: Tallarn Sand also doesn't cut it for me, too yellowish.

I use karak stone in a fairly broad highlight, but then tone it back down and blend it in with a not-heavy coat of thinned wash (roughly 1:1 medium to wash). Depending upon the effect I'm after, it's usually agrax for clothing or seraphim sepia for wrappings. I then emphasise any particuly deep folds with a little unthinned agrax if needed.


I prefer not to do sharp edge highlighting on cloth, I find it looks 'wrong' as in reality only hard objects usually have defined, visible edges.


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