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Which loyalist Primarch would you like to see next?


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I would like to see Lion, Corax, and Russ. While Russ (tutored by valdor) has developed into the warrior king, a cross between him now and his vision self and being more of a odin-esque figure.


Lion being more of a public leader, letting the "avenging bean counter" do what he likes to do and perform logistics. Russ meanwhile takes up the fight leading overt operation with bulk of SM/IG, while Corax leads covert operations with more specialized units like Deathwatch/RG/Grey Knights to hunt daemons and break traitor logistics


However that is way to functional for 40k, so it won't happen.

The Lion would be a good foil for Guilliman. Guilliman has no more right to leadership than any other Primarch, and the juxtaposition of two of the Great Crusades most competent commanders vying for control of the Imperium would be nice to see given how most struggles like that go. Russ as an older, wiser general who exiled himself to the forefront of the imperial wars and avoiding taking part in the Lion and Guilliman’s politicking would be a great third leg of a triumvirate. Corax and Khan coming back would be less useful in the narrative. They fill the same character trope. Two of them just crowds the stage. I severely doubt Primarchs returning would add anything useful to the setting. Guillimans return has proven that time and time again. Anything he’s been involved in would be more impactful as a human or marine commander, but if they’re dead set on bringing the Primarchs back the only way to do it is to create an environment where no one is truly in charge and each acts a feudal lord of his own little slice of narrative.

It will (hopefully) clearly be the Lion. He is hinted as awake and waiting for his moment to emerge in the last Dark Angel Codex.

Eh they’ve basically set that up for everyone that has a “living” primarch. Wolf codex basically checked its watch and it read: WOLFTIME.

Based on what the warp seems to have done to him, Corax. He’d be a great foil to the more strategic approach of Guilliman (e.g. fine, you fight your wars, but I’m taking my chapters to lop off the enemy’s head), and I can envisage a cool model where Corax is shape shifting into a flock of ravens.


Might be hard to explain to the rest of the imperium why he’s essential a daemon primarch though...

Torn on this. There have been hints dropped by GW for the return many of the MIA Primarchs, but I want to know what role they would fill other than a foil/embuggerance to Guilliman.


Corax seems the most interesting. Effectively a daemon and only interested in taking out his brothers, so won't rock the Imperial boat.


Someone else put forward the idea of the Lion was off fighting Chaos beyond the rift but no one knows because of the lack of reliable Comms across the rift. I like the concept and would have him operating close to where the Eye of Terror was located, rallying the remains of the Imperial forces in that theatre.


This scenario would also work for any of the others (Vulkan, Dorn or the Khan) as well. Which would allow the Lion to do what DA do best and chase down Luther and the Fallen - if he thinks that's even important. They started that not him after all. lol

Based on what the warp seems to have done to him, Corax. He’d be a great foil to the more strategic approach of Guilliman (e.g. fine, you fight your wars, but I’m taking my chapters to lop off the enemy’s head), and I can envisage a cool model where Corax is shape shifting into a flock of ravens.


Might be hard to explain to the rest of the imperium why he’s essential a daemon primarch though...

They're all warp creatures. It's just that Corax has embraced that fact without being consumed by it. Much like any other character that was given power by the villain and turned it against them.


If he's a daemon, then pretty much every Living Saint is as well, since it's basically just a semantics argument whether the Emperor is a warp god at this point.


Based on what the warp seems to have done to him, Corax. He’d be a great foil to the more strategic approach of Guilliman (e.g. fine, you fight your wars, but I’m taking my chapters to lop off the enemy’s head), and I can envisage a cool model where Corax is shape shifting into a flock of ravens.


Might be hard to explain to the rest of the imperium why he’s essential a daemon primarch though...

They're all warp creatures. It's just that Corax has embraced that fact without being consumed by it. Much like any other character that was given power by the villain and turned it against them.


If he's a daemon, then pretty much every Living Saint is as well, since it's basically just a semantics argument whether the Emperor is a warp god at this point.

Good point, but I’m not sure the imperium is as rational as you are ;-)

As a son of Corax, I would love to see the Ravenlord return, but I think the Lion returning first would be best for the setting.


Would be interesting to see how it would play out- would Guilliman and him fight for control or would the Lion take the helm of the crusade while RG handles the logistics/rebuilding? A stand off between them could make for an easy way to introduce Russ as well, he could return to act as the peacekeeper/mediator between them.


On a side note, I would like to see the "daemon" aspect of Corax retconned to be a psychic projection, like his ability to turn invisible. Would make more sense instead of him being a loyal daemon Primarch in my opinion.

I would really like the loyal Fulgrim to return from the Fabius books. It would create a nice triangle between Gman and daemon Fulgrim. At the same time warp corax returns. The contrast between a loyal primarch who's form has changed potentially and a fallen primarch who has (through cloning) returned pure.

If we do see another loyalist Primarch come back, I think it would be quite nice if they weren't just a carbon copy of their Heresy era self. Obviously Roboute was in stasis so it kind of makes sense for him to be in a similar physical and mental state. But the others? I feel if they just pop back up exactly how they were 10,000 or so years ago would be kind of dull to be honest.


A Corax or Russ completely changed by their time in the warp would be awesome, I've seen mention of an older and wisened Odin'esque Russ, or a warp infused Corax. Dorn returning broken, shattered, and minus a hand after his capture by Chaos or wherever the hell he has been. In the same breath, a furious Crusading Dorn would be awesome. Basically I just hope they move their personal stories and appearances onwards a little if they do decide to bring any more back.


My personal choice though, would be the Khan. I just think the possibilities for the model itself would be awesome.

The Lion and Russ coming back to form their own independent Imperial factions as foils to Guilliman.


It would definitely add some much needed pathos in this noblebright universe.

Besides, they already copied the Ruinstorm from the Heresy, they might as well do another version of Imperium Secundus.


The Lion and Russ coming back to form their own independent Imperial factions as foils to Guilliman.


It would definitely add some much needed pathos in this noblebright universe.

Besides, they already copied the Ruinstorm from the Heresy, they might as well do another version of Imperium Secundus.


There's nothing noblebright about what's currently happening in the 40k universe though.
I'm not seeing a noblebright setting. Most the recent books I've read and the lore GW releasing seem to suggest the galaxy is in a pretty grim state. Every entry I've read about RG seems to suggest he is under a huge amount of pressure just to hold all the pieces of the imperium together.


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