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Which loyalist Primarch would you like to see next?


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No disrespect intended towards anyone, but I'm of the opinion that all of the "Primarch switches sides" ideas would be pretty much a slap to the face for players on both sides, regardless of said switching being towards the Imperium or towards Chaos. One side would lose a Primarch they could've had, and the other gets a Primarch in place of one of the others they could've had and actually wanted. I don't know, it just seems silly to me.

As fun of a brain or story exercise as it is to think about I totally agree with this. I get rustled as it is when thinking about wulfen Russ so if he suddenly turned for reasons I’d be really sad. I wouldn’t want that for anyone.


I wouldn't think Wulfenruss needs to be a bad guy.  Mental exercise: the Wolves always knew their role was to be the Emperor's executioners per "Burning of Prospero" so if he turned feral looking in service to the Allfather I think he'd most likely embrace whatever his wyrd led him to.  I don't want him to turn feral because they'd make him look like the Wulfen models with their dog legs that wouldn't support the weight of a biped.  GW's "bigger is better" mentality makes me afraid that would be the art direction but I hope I'm pleasantly surprised.


With respect to art direction the 40k Robute is more ornate than his 30k model and Ultramarines are the GW box art chapter of choice so it's logical he was the first new primarch model.  Which loyal primarch's 40k armor and weapons would look the coolest?  Maybe that's which model GW would release next?  They're a mini company first and story/game company second. I think the Lion's 40k armor would be the most ornate and detailed.


I think you missed his point a bit. It wasn't that Wulfen Russ would have to switch sides, but more 'I already hate the idea of them doing this (comparatively less extreme) thing to 'my guy', so having him switch sides would be even worse. Therefore nobody should have to go through that'.


But on topic. It's very 'watch the world burn', but a part of me wants Sanguinius and Ferrus to return. No fancy gets outs like Ascended Sanguinor or LoTD Ferrus, 2 whole body resurrections. Why? So much of the recent fluff has been :censored: tier imo, I'm morbidly curious to see both how the studio would do it, and how the community would react.

With so much cash on the table, I'm surprised GW hasn't dropped both the Lion and Russ by now.  Shocked, really.

There were rumors at guillimans release that it would be 3 years for a other loyalist to be released. GW wanted to cement roboutes position in the imperium before moving the storyline. However if that rumor is true, we are nearng that 3 years...

With so much cash on the table, I'm surprised GW hasn't dropped both the Lion and Russ by now.  Shocked, really.

Same here, for a brief moment in early 8th, we all thought that GW would be dropping a Primarch every 6 months but it didn't pan out that way.


Instead they have been used to launch something NEW. Guilliman essentially ushered in 8th edition whilst both the Chaos Primarchs heralded the arrival of their Legions as stand-alone forces (although just barely in the case of 1K Sons).


Going by the same logic, we might reasonably expect to see another loyalist at the start of 9th whilst the Chaos Primarchs wait in line for their legion to get upgraded.


There have been several hints of Fulgrim being active in multiple PA books so I think he will be the next Chaos Primarch. That being the case, I think the idea of his being counter-parted by the loyalist clone of Fulgrim would be an interesting twist. However I don't think that is likely for 2 reasons.


1. Bobby-G would have a hard time trusting a clone of Fulgrim. What evidence would he ever accept he would not go them same way as the original?

2. With the ECs staying firmly in the Chaos camp, what role would Fulgrim 2.0 have in an Imperial army? He would not have his own legion/chapter to buff (unless you count the Sons of the Phoenix :wink: ).


For this reason, I suspect that both Clone-Fulgrim and Loyalist Omegon will never happen. They are cool as ideas but won't gel with GW's overall sales and marketing strategy.


I think the Lion will be the next Primarch back since we know where he is and that he is fully healed. His return would also synergise with a revamp of the Unforgiven. We know some more Primaris fast attack units are in the pipeline with a heavy speeder and what looks like new bikes so that is a revamped Ravenwing right there. From a narrative point of view, whilst he and Guilliman resolved their differences at the end of Ruinstorm, I think there is more than enough lingering tension between the two to be narratively intersting.

Right, G-man's sons likely outnumber the Lion's sons by a significant multiplier


...other than G-man's line, do we know which lines are numerous than others?


My understanding is that:

SW have no successors

RG have few

IH have few

Salamanders have few

WS have some

IF have more

BA have more

DA have more

UM have most

It's more than likely going to be the Lion, then Russ (likely in that order) for Loyalist Primarchs. Everything else for Loyalists is up in the air.


Space Wolves definitely have successors now and Salamanders most likely do.

Space Wolves have one, and only one, confirmed Primaris Successor.


Right, G-man's sons likely outnumber the Lion's sons by a significant multiplier

...other than G-man's line, do we know which lines are numerous than others?

My understanding is that:
SW have no successors
RG have few
IH have few
Salamanders have few
WS have some
IF have more
BA have more
DA have more
UM have most

It's implied that the Dark Angels are nearly the same as Ultramarines, if only because of how stable the I Legion gene-seed is, there's an extremely high likelihood that a lot of the "unknown progenitor" chapters are of Dark Angel descent and aren't aware of it. Salamanders were (and according to their supplement, still are) actually in the same boat as pre-Primaris Space Wolves: 0 successors

Ferrus Manus. Made of necron living metal (looking like colossus from deadpool) Semi consciously serving the necrons yet also going after the Emperors Children to remove the threat of Fulgrim being a thorn in the Imperial regents side.

It's implied that the Dark Angels are nearly the same as Ultramarines, if only because of how stable the I Legion gene-seed is, there's an extremely high likelihood that a lot of the "unknown progenitor" chapters are of Dark Angel descent and aren't aware of it.

Interesting, I always had the opposite take because of stability of the gene-seed is often mentioned in lore side-by-side with how odd it is that the High Lords so rarely authorize its use in a new Founding. I do think you could be right about the "unknown progenitor" part. If we look at the options, the only loyalist gene-seed without obvious phenotypical changes (and complete gene-seed) comes from:

  • Dark Angels
  • Iron Hands
  • White Scars (pretty sure the phenotype there is Chogoris and not the gene-seed)
  • Ultramarines
  • Salamanders (maybe? I can't remember if it is still lore that the odd skin and eye stuff is due to a unique interaction with the radiation that sloshes around Nocturne)

Right, G-man's sons likely outnumber the Lion's sons by a significant multiplier


...other than G-man's line, do we know which lines are numerous than others?


My understanding is that:

SW have no successors

RG have few

IH have few

Salamanders have few

WS have some

IF have more

BA have more

DA have more

UM have most

IIRC the numbers in Codex were 65% Ultramarine stock (to be fair, some of these are from other legions just thinking they are Ultramarines, but it's rare), 15% Dark Angels (which doesn't mean closet traitors, a lot of these finds the whole unforgiven business silly or declared being done with it in the past), with the remaining 20% being mostly BA and IF (roughly 3-4% for BA if Dante series is any indication, maybe a bit more for IF) followed by IH and WS. For some reason, Salamanders like SW have zero official descendants, with RG being close to IH.

I thought the Black Dragons were Salamander successors? Only SW are confirmed at zero successors (other than failed Wolf Brothers)

Theorized, but not confirmed. The Salamanders certainly don't like the implication of the Black Dragons being Successors :lol:

Ah, right. Googled it, says Storm Giants, Fire Lords, and Black Dragons are suspected.


About the post-Guilliman SW successors, were the recruits of Fenrisian stock?Or does it not matter with the Primaris?

The Fire Lords being suspected Salamanders successors makes me want to smack whoever wrote that into the codices with the book Legion of the Damned. The Fire Lords are started to be Imperial Fists successor in that novel, simply one with a fire fetish.


As to the Primaris Space Wolves.... We have no idea currently. We don't even know if the Wolfspear have the Canis Helix.

Ah, right. Googled it, says Storm Giants, Fire Lords, and Black Dragons are suspected.

About the post-Guilliman SW successors, were the recruits of Fenrisian stock?Or does it not matter with the Primaris?

SW successors were recruited from Fenris. Bjarni (only named SW Primaris in the books) remembers Fenris, and was upset he was going to a successor chapter on another planet.


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