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Which loyalist Primarch would you like to see next?


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I came across a theory (I think it may have been from Wolf Lord Rho' s vids, love those) that Malcador was a perpetual. If so, and he was reborn after his sacrifice, he could have been running the show from behind the scene in some way, potentially with the help of Dorn if his disappearance was staged. I kind of like the idea that a returning Primarch was there all along and with Guilliman making all of these changes, steps forward and makes it clear that the changes aren't welcome and there is some kind of schism/tension.


I read a very long post (I forget who by, sorry) over on the sm section that talked through the 'king in yellow' from the Abnett inquisition books and theorized who it could be and it really got the conspiracy theories going for me.

I think the Khan would be the most interesting choice.


1) playstyle would be substantially different than RobbieG. IMO more of a beat stick with deployment tricks than a bunch of auras.


2) wild card in the setting and has some unfinished business with Morty.


Edit: When I say wildcard I'm not suggesting that him and GMan are going to clash, I think the setting is too bleak for that happen. It's more going be how parts of the imperium react to the Khan, and what trouble having him around brings to their doorstep.

I thought the Black Dragons were Salamander successors? Only SW are confirmed at zero successors (other than failed Wolf Brothers)

Black Dragons aren't. One of their number was effectively adopted by the Salamanders and made an honorary member of their Chapter, but paternity test came out negative, Black Dragon origins are unknown but not Salamander in nature (which makes sense as the Black Dragons share nothing with the Salamanders besides dragon iconography).

The Black Dragons are part of the 21st "Cursed Founding". Some of these chapters had chimeric geneseed, drawn from more than one progenitor so it is possible that the Black Dragons do not have a single parent chapter.

If I had to pick one rather than put all of them back in the box so to speak, I'd say Corax.

We know he's alive and hunting daemon primarchs, and he could easily be more of an "Imperium aligned super-assassin" rather than just for ravenguard, with of course bonus for the Ravens sons if he takes to the field with them.

But mostly because Corax would probably be the easiest to bring back into the narrative without :cussing it up more.


He isn't interested in governance or fixing the Imperium, he's here to kill monsters.

So it'd be fairly simple to write him as appearing wherever chaos intrusions are the worst to slay their champions from the shadows.

You could write a reunion scene for him and Gman, which would be kinda fun because Corax has accepted his nature whereas gman hasn't, and then have Corax briefly appear to his sons, then dissapear again on his quest.


That or Russ, because Odin/Russ would be awesome, but they'll probably mess it up and make him riding 2 chained thunderwolves like a skateboard or some :cuss.

Gotta one-up grimnars Santa sled somehow

Russ is probably the most popular primarch, even relative to G-man.


I don't think GW would bring him back just yet. Narratively, he's quite flexible. He has the independent streak of Corax and the Khan, but a wisened, world-weary version of him would have the dramatic heft of a Lion or Dorn.

They should have brought Russ back, rather than the Ultramarine one. Would have been much more fun seeing his take on things and leading.

He is not really that sort of leader. He is quite aware that his primary skill is in hitting things.

The Space Wolves also aren't in the vanilla codex. The first Primarch was always going to be Guilliman. The Ultramarines are the cover art of the main Astartes codex.


The next Primarch will be either Russ or The Lion. I'd rather Russ because I'm terrified of what they'll do to the Lion.

Oh I see...where was this mentioned? A codex? Was it his armour and the Emp's Spear?

7th edition codex, it's a relic. However it says that SW believe it is the armor of Russ but scholars say it isn't. Judging by the fact of how large Primarchs are, I doubt a SM could wear it making it seem like this isn't Russ's actual armor but maybe one of his companions.


The Spear of Russ is currently on Fenris and was used against Magnus.

Only loyalist primarch I truly care about is Sanguinius... And I don't think that should happen.


So my vote is for Alpharius/Omegon.  There's always a lot of fun space to work in when the Alpha Legion is involved.


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