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Which loyalist Primarch would you like to see next?


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Personally I'd like to see Alpharius/Omegon come back. Yes yes, I know he's (they're) technically labeled under the traitor side, but I feel like out of all the Primarchs that could come back, he would be the one that could most drastically impact the storyline.


Every Primarch that has gone missing so far has had a clear agenda as far as what side they're fighting on. You can easily categorize all of them into "good guys" and "bad guys." There is only one primarch out of the lot that you can't do that with, and that's A/O.


I would love to see the absolute curveball it would throw into the storyline if a loyalist A/O came back into the mix. Fighting for millennia behind the scenes as a "traitor," only to be revealed as a loyalist all along? Or even better, have one brother come back as a loyalist and one fighting for Chaos!


Point is, I think we can all agree the storylines for the other loyalist primarchs will be somewhat predictable. A/O coming back into the fold would be something that nobody would be able to guess at.

But Omegon would refer to himself as Alpharius :-)

Don't all the AL do that anyway? :wink:


3p2r74.jpgvia Imgflip Meme Generator


Purely from a selfish PoV, I would like Russ to be next as I am SW player and I would love my own centrepiece Primarch.


Isn't is impossible for Russ to even become a Wulfen because he didn't drink from the Cup of Wulfen or something like that? I'll admit I'm no expert on Space Wolves lore, but I do recall hearing something along those lines in one of the "Wulfen Russ" conversations.


And I also cast my vote towards Odin Russ. Older, wiser, one-eyed, but still a warrior king. Perfect counterpart to Magnus too.

Yeah, Russ himself can't be a Wulfen because he himself lacks the Canis Helix. His sons, yes. Himself? No.



Personally I don't think he needs it..


As for what primarch I want to see returning? The Lion, hands down. Not particularly a fan of by-the-book Roboute, definitely looking for something a bit unorthodox. 

However, what I'd REALLY like to see, is one or both of the unkown primarchs finally making an appearance.

For one thing, nothing is known about them, so the possibilities are endless.

For another, it's been some thirty years of suspense. Throw us a bone already?

They're long dead. They were killed before the Heresy happened, along with their Legions, by Russ and the Wolves.

Personally, I might like to see Dorn return in some capacity (Alive)


That being said, I'd be very disappointed if he didn't have his very own Centurion suit, and I'm not just saying that because I've been binging TTSD lately...

Despite the preferences of certain SW fans, to what extent Russ and the SW contributed to the demise of the two lost legions is (to put it mildly) deliberately uncertain on the part of BL and FW.

Indeed. It is possible that the 2nd and 11th were lost in the Rangdan Xenocides, the following fluff supports the loss of multiple legions in this campaign.


Whole Expeditionary fleets went to their deaths without a single survivor, worlds were laid waste, dozens of Titan Legions were obliterated and by the end, entire Space Marine Legions [REDACTED SECTION] lost to the Imperium. Much of what happened during this abyssal conflict is still locked under seal, but what can be said is that with the breaking of the Labyrinth of Night by the Emperor, the threat was at last stymied.

Simmilarly, the Wolves' reputation as the Emperor's sanction could refer to Russ's confrontation with Angron during the Ghenna Scouring.


However Gehenna was a messy accident rather than one Legion purging another. Several Primarchs in the HH series claim to dread the prospect of the Wolves being unleashed again. We also have the short story "The Chamber at the End of Memory" which hints that what happened to the lost Primarchs was much worse than simply defeat against an aggressive Xenos. Such a fate would have been tragic for the nascent Imperium but not worth memory-wiping the surviving Primarchs over.



Guest Triszin

For the best out come?


Guilliman: logistics, governing

Corax: intellegince, coordination (multiplier to guillimans abilities)

Lion: warmaster, strategics (guilliman and corax are multipliers to lions abilities)


But this is 40k and we won't get what we need.





On russ being the executioner, I think they have that name because they had to mercy kill a legion/primarch that was either taken over (rangdan/enslaver), or badly mutated and deteriorated.

Angron's lot are brutal, but not methodical enough. This is why the DA and SW were sent to purge all the humans that came in contact with the Rangda, versus other Legions. It has been hinted that this may have gave them the title the executioners, or at least reinforced it.


For extermination/execution, the emperor needed some precision still that the WE, and more especially Angron would not have. A colder brutality is more fitting.

Id be more scared of Angrons lot being the axemen than the wolves. I've never really brought russ being the whole "executioner" lark.


a bunch of wild berserkers is scary, but can be manipulated into traps and tactical blunders. A more disciplined, yet still savage, force is scary as they can be unpredictable and not prone to making the former mentioned blunders. I have kept stating this, but BL authors are not military strategist (or have any military experience from what I read) and thus have failed to demonstrate this for multiple legions, and has caused the whole meme about legions.


IF is a good example of "hurr durr I am fortifying this position", when realistically they would have scout, secure, advance, hold, strengthen, repeat. Such as the recon scouting a location, breachers secure a line from the previous location, tactical marines to hold the postition, then heavies/vehicles/support elements to strengthen the position. Its extremely effective, if you can pull it off and is a very logical solution that fits Dorn. However BL writers have just made Dorn/IF be "Build a wall, foritify wall, wait for enemy".

I've never really brought russ being the whole "executioner" lark.

This is one of the failings of the HH series IMHO in that have told, rather than shown this side of Russ. We are repeatedly told in the early HH books that several Primarchs fear seeing the Wolves loosed on a brother Legion again (Magnus and Sanguinius both state it outright). Yet we are never shown the events that lead to this fear and we rarely see this side of Russ. Even when sent to Prospero, he pleads with Magnus to surrender rather than force a fight.

There is really no need for executioners (or exterminators) to be "savage". They just have to be efficient and disciplined.


A true sanction would be like the one attempted at Istvaan (which happened to lack the VIth). You send seven legions to crush three.


I've never really brought russ being the whole "executioner" lark.

This is one of the failings of the HH series IMHO in that have told, rather than shown this side of Russ. We are repeatedly told in the early HH books that several Primarchs fear seeing the Wolves loosed on a brother Legion again (Magnus and Sanguinius both state it outright). Yet we are never shown the events that lead to this fear and we rarely see this side of Russ. Even when sent to Prospero, he pleads with Magnus to surrender rather than force a fight.



Or when we have been shown, it's stuff that pales in comparison to what other Legions have done. From memory, there's a discussion in Prospero Burns between the main character and an Imperial Army soldier discussing why the Wolves are so scary, and the soldier says something about how he fought alongside the Wolves and they even used the weapons of the enemy when their own weapons broke, and just how determined and scary this made them. Also, they dropped a moon on their enemies once. How this all translates into Primarch-level pants-wetting terror is beyond me.

Guest Triszin

Or you could understand it as:

Other legions fear what the unleashing of the SW implies, i.e. the Emperor has turned against you.

Might be the best interpretation of it, I've seen.



The emperor was adament, that the wolves, Russ, we're loyal, and he would never have to worry about Russ not being loyal.


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