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Chogorian Brotherhood 2,500pts


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Hey guys, looking for some critique on this 2.5k White Scars Chogorian brotherhood list. 



Praetor           200                           


Paragon Blade   

Iron Halo              

Cyber Hawk        

Digital Lasers                


Command Squad x5        290

Bikes x5                                

MB x5                                  

Power Axe x2                     

Power Sword x2               

Power Fist              



Legion Outriders x9       370

MB x9                                   

Power Axe x3                    


Power Axe                                    


Legion Outriders x9       370

MB x9                                 

Power Axe x3                     


Power Axe                                 


Legion Skyhunter x9     

Vulkite Culverins x3          375


Fast Attack

Land Speeder Squad x3 

Multi Melta x3                   

Graviton gun              195


Javelin Speeder 

TL MIssile Launcher              


Hunter Killer x2          75


Javelin Speeder 

TL MIssile Launcher              


Hunter Killer x2           75


Heavy Support

Caestus Assault Ram       

Frag Launcher                             

Missile launchers           325



Ebon Keshig x5                  225


I feel like I have a lot of bases covered with this list making a lot of my units very flexible. The outriders and biker command squad are my heavy hitters, zooming up the board taking out tanks and infantry as needed. Javs and speeders are anti-tank with Jet bikes being infantry killers/harassers. Keshig come in the Assault ram and kill something that needs to die.


The list looks like it synergizes well but I haven't tested it, that's why you guys with experience might be able to see something I can't.


I look forward to nay feedback. Thanks for stopping by :smile.:


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It's a very cool list, White Scars to the core. It's so fluffy I'd probably let it roll as it is.


My main problem with this list is hardly your fault. Bikes are overpriced. Command squad on bikes is extremly overpriced - really, 58 pts on average per member looks like a joke. It's nigh impossible for them to make their points back. Yes, they are powerful with 4A on charge on WS5, they do have 6" fearless aura and T5, 2+ is really cool. So maybe you will be happy with their performance but I'd advise picking targets very carefully - you don't have an Inv save so don't try to go toe to toe with big boys like terminators.


If you want Fearless you might be interested in taking Chaplain or Herald (though I'm not sure if he can ride a bike...), both also provides very nice buffs to your bikers ( Hatred / WS5). But obviously you can just stick to theCommand squad.


Your Anti-armour firepower is pretty close ranged and vulnerable to Armoured Ceramite. However, you've mitigated it somehow by taking a few Missiles and Grav guns, melta bombs are also very dangerous on such a fast unit like bikes. So let's hope it's enough.


Last concern of mine is a general lack of anti-marine firepower, like plasma guns or some low ap blasts. Skyhunter will kill some marines due to sheer volume of fire, but they are hardly MEQ killers. If you want a squad dead, you just gotta do it close and personal. Fortunately bikes are fast and that Caestus with Keshig really helps, but still, you might have a very annoying unit sitting in the back of the enemy lines, and only very limited ways to eliminate it.


But really, those are but tiny issues. I don't think any changes are absolutely necessary. Your list is coherent and fluffy and seems to be pretty balanced to me.

Looks sick although I think it might have a tough time against some lists. Lautrec says it all, you're bikes are pricey so you'll feel very thin against big blobs of infantry. I'm trying to visualise it against a troop heavy, rhino riding, spartan supported death guard list... it could struggle against a resilient match up. In the right objective game it'll shine but I feel like attrition might get you.


At first glance it looks a touch limited on the anti AV front particularly against ceramited AV 14. I don't know if your rite of war limits it but it might be worth taking that Command Squad as a group of anvillus riding terminators with a bunch of chain fists. This could support your Ebon unit, would be highly mobile, hard hitting and more game changing than the biker Command Squad. Based on how expensive your praetor is, you could also consider Quin Xa. It's a different path to take but still fluffy - solid terminator elite supported by a flanking core of bikes.


Overall there's no real need to change anything, it's a solid list. Love your troop and speeder set up. It'll be great fun to play - I'm just worried you'll hit turn 3 and be significantly worn down. Just keep those bikes in a low gear screamin up the field with a few lucky jinks, you'll be sweet. Let us know how it performs!

Love it. I'd drop the Command Squad though, for aforementioned reasons, and get a couple bike-ridin' Apothecaries (and maybe a Chaplain?).

Also, I'd switch the Ebon Keshig for some scoring Legion Terminators (can always paint them up as Keshig) who'll also provide some AT with their Chain Fists.

As cool as the Cyber-Hawk is, you only have one unit actually benefiting from the bonuses it provides, since it only works on infantry.


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