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Can GSC take Baneblade variants?


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Trying to make sense of the Brood Brothers rule...


...one reading of it is that only IG stuff in the GSC Codex itself with <Brood Brothers> can be taken. Another reading of it is that any IG unit in existence (other than named characters et al) can be taken, but must replace <Regiment> with <Brood Brothers> and thus lose out on Regimental Doctrines etc...


TL;DR: Can GSC take any variety of Baneblade?


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Short answer yes. As long as you have 1 detachment of gsc. The codex entries with brood brothers are included to be a part of gsc detachments without said detachment losing the cult creed. And As long as the baneblade wasn't a named character or specialist detachment. They don't get any guard special rules or gsc abilities.


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