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Tales of Gamers: Iyanden Edition


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So in the next month or so my local gaming group is going to be doing another Tales of Gamers event.


The army I'm going to be doing for this is Iyanden, mostly since the Tau I'm working on now is too far ahead.


The armies are built in 250 pts blocks, building onto of what came before. Each block is to be completed in about three weeks with a battle against each opponent during that time or afterwards depending on scheduling. The end goal is a 2k army.


Last time I did Imperial Knights, you can see how that went here.

This time I'll be facing against the following armies so far:


Chaos Knights w/ nurgle daemon support
Imperial Guard - Steel Legion themed
Sisters of Battle


We might add one or two more, the last one we had six.


General Army Design


So I had this Iyanden army design on the books for a while. It's core is built on the current Aeldari Getting Started box.


Core of the force is three squads of Wraithguard in wave serpents. Each squad is a different weapon type. So one wraithblade, one wraithcannon and one D-scythes, each lead by a spiritseer.

These are supported by three war walkers and three wraithlords. Armed to taste with the heavy weapons magged so I can swap out depending on the army I'm facing.


I'm thinking of turning one of the wraithlords into a Wraithseer because why not?


Once done I'll add in a wraithknight, but that is way down the line.


My biggest issue outside of the knight player is I'd like to keep my purchases to a minimum since I'm trying to pay off a large debt to the government.


I'm not without resources though. I have the following kits:

Aeldari Getting Started x2
Wave Serpent kit (one already done)
Hornet kit x3
Lynx kit


These should keep me in the running for a bit. I'm going to try and stash $20 a month and hopefully have enough to get the third starting kit or say frak it and get the knight. Not sure yet.


First Block


To start I am looking at a squad of wraithguard, not sure on the weapons yet and a spiritseer. We tend not to care about force comp for the first two blocks. At 750 pts though you should have no issues making a legal detachment.


On the future list I am looking for suggestions on the wraithguard weapons. I do want to have a squad of wraithblades, but not sure if the starting squad should be cannons or d-scythes.



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As far as Wraithguard, it’s a really tough choice. Both are hard to use optimally, but with Wraithcannons you fo have the solid option of deep striking them and becoming as immediate threat. They also have a reasonably small footprint which helps. 

D-Scythes have an easier time starting in a vehicle since they can get out 3” advance and shoot. And they are difficult to assault. 

I have been using Wraithguard a fair bit since the start of 8th edition and my feeling is that if you are running a single squad and have a Serpent available, D-Scythes are the best option for a single squad.


The Serpent and the ability to Advance and shoot without penalty largely negates the difference in range between them and Wraithcannons. Against armoured targets, they are almost as good as Wraithcannons (6.67 wounds on average against T7/8 2+ vs 7.78 wounds for the Wraithcannons). Against infantry however they do twice as much damage as well as having some serious overwatch to deter charging.


This is before you take buffs or Craftworld traits into account but D-scythes are my go-to choice when building all-comers lists.

Seems that D-scythes are the way to go so far.


I am going to have them in a wave serpent asap. Just the first block is only 250 pts so that is the spiritseer and 5 wraithguard.


I was thinking of just going Iyanden for the craftworld trait in general, but I'm guessing Alotic would be better starting. Give me a defense as I'm closing the gap.


What is the conciseness on bonesingers?
I have some extra parts from my biker squads and some old high elves that I might be able to piece one or more together.

Sadly neither Alaitoc nor Iyanden benefit Wraithguard a great deal. For Iyanden, their high Ld and small squad size (usually) means that they rarely take losses from Morale. For Alaitoc, the short range of their weaponry means they need to operate near the enemy which means they often lose the defensive bonus, at least against nearby enemy.


The important thing to remember is that paint scheme does not determine rules, particularly if you are using a custom livery so don't feel constrained. There is some value to taking Ulthwé initially as a 6+++ on every unit in your army is always helpful. Once you add more units, you may find that one of the existing traits turns out to fit your evolving play style.


Bonesingers are nice but I am not convinced they are particularly competitive. Then again D3 wounds repaired or D3 damage Smited (Smitten, Smote?) on your enemy can be handy. Their most obvious use is a cheap Elite unit if you are running a Brigade detachment.

Sadly neither Alaitoc nor Iyanden benefit Wraithguard a great deal. For Iyanden, their high Ld and small squad size (usually) means that they rarely take losses from Morale. For Alaitoc, the short range of their weaponry means they need to operate near the enemy which means they often lose the defensive bonus, at least against nearby enemy.


The important thing to remember is that paint scheme does not determine rules, particularly if you are using a custom livery so don't feel constrained. There is some value to taking Ulthwé initially as a 6+++ on every unit in your army is always helpful. Once you add more units, you may find that one of the existing traits turns out to fit your evolving play style.


Bonesingers are nice but I am not convinced they are particularly competitive. Then again D3 wounds repaired or D3 damage Smited (Smitten, Smote?) on your enemy can be handy. Their most obvious use is a cheap Elite unit if you are running a Brigade detachment.


I have a custom scheme, seen here on my wave serpent. I have a wraithblade painted as a test model but don't have a pict in my gallery yet.

Serpent final


Anyway I'm going to look into Ulthwé as well as the custom craftworld traits from PA. I remember looking thru a store copy and picking two that made my vehicle heavy force tanky. Will see if any in the group picked it up.

Since the core of this force is going to be a squad of five wraithguard in a serpent I could fit in a bonsinger and spiritseer with them in the transport.


As a side note this isn't a real competitive group. So not worried if it will be real good on the tourny circuit.

Be keeping an eye on this as i'm starting a similar army myself! Good luck to you.


For the Craftworld traits I can't look beyond the custom "choose any 2" in the PA book. Expert Crafters is perfect for units with a small number of high powered shots (so, your whole army!) and Wrath of the Dead is re-roll 1's for all Wraith Constructs (most of your army). 

Be keeping an eye on this as i'm starting a similar army myself! Good luck to you.


For the Craftworld traits I can't look beyond the custom "choose any 2" in the PA book. Expert Crafters is perfect for units with a small number of high powered shots (so, your whole army!) and Wrath of the Dead is re-roll 1's for all Wraith Constructs (most of your army). 


Buddy of mine brought PA to me yesterday. I'm thinking more of the 5+++ and yeah Wraith of the Dead is too good.

There's a 5+++? Missed that one! I know there's the 6+++ Ulthwé trait, whats the name of the one that gives 5+++ because that would be huge for Wraiths!


I'd the still go for Expert Crafters over Wrath of the Dead, it just gels so well with smaller squads of cannon Wraiths as well as all the Grav Tanks.


Had your first game yet?

Expert Crafters is indeed very good. It doesn't hurt that it synergises with MSU which is often a good strategy anyway in 8th edition. I usually only take large squads if I plan to target them with specific stratagems or psychic powers.

There's a 5+++? Missed that one! I know there's the 6+++ Ulthwé trait, whats the name of the one that gives 5+++ because that would be huge for Wraiths!


I'd the still go for Expert Crafters over Wrath of the Dead, it just gels so well with smaller squads of cannon Wraiths as well as all the Grav Tanks.


Had your first game yet?


Not yet, most likely not until the end of Febuary. The event hasn't official started yet. It's looking like we're starting Feb 1st and then we have three weeks to do our 250 pts.


5+++ is mortal wounds only.

Expert crafters is the best trait ever! Helps so much with the low quantity high quality attacks of wraith units


Could have sworn it was a straight up 5+++. If I'm wrong I'll slot something else. I'm going for Wraith over Expert Crafters because I'm doing a squad of D-scythes first. Once I get more units I'll swap traits.

Ah there it is, mortal wounds. 5+++ army wide would have been a bit much really. Expert Crafters and Wrath of the Dead for me for sure then.


I’ll keep an eye out for Battle reports! At the moment I’m fishing on eBay for cheap deals (so stop bidding of Wraithguard you lot!) because I have 3 other armies that need finishing before I start another... Alas my self control was one of the first casualties of 8th edition.

Ah there it is, mortal wounds. 5+++ army wide would have been a bit much really. Expert Crafters and Wrath of the Dead for me for sure then.


I’ll keep an eye out for Battle reports! At the moment I’m fishing on eBay for cheap deals (so stop bidding of Wraithguard you lot!) because I have 3 other armies that need finishing before I start another... Alas my self control was one of the first casualties of 8th edition.


Not the only one. I'm working on a Tau army already. Then the Eldar for the group event, then I have a small force of Imperial Knights to get ready for a fall tournament.


This does not include working on my Primaris Ultramarine army and my mixed chapter Crusade army I'm painting units for.


And the blocks of terrain I still have to work on, including this beast that I'm going to fill with the new ZM kits.



Plus the small child worth of anime kits I'd like to get done before the end of the year.


On task I'll just go for Diviner of Fate for the 6++, keep the guard player from wiping me out with mass melta fire.

That 6++ i'm just not sure about. It's such a small chance of stopping damage that the defensive increase on something like Wraith Guard is tiny. Makes more sense for big horde units. There's also the Vigilus detachment so a Spiritseer can dish out his invulnerable save to a Wraith unit.

Ok, so for the first round I'm going for Master of Concealment and Wrath of the Dead.


Hear me out. So since I'm doing a squad of d-scythes the concealment will give me a bonus to my save as I move up. If the enemy is within 12" to negate the bonus then they are within flamer/assault range. Also wrath allows for rerolls of 1's instead of just 1 reroll.


Also while planning out my next 250 pts it accrued to me that I can do a Spearhead detachment via a Wraithlord, 2 warwalkers and a spiritseer. If I do those then taking Expert Crafters and either Children of Vaul (heal the warwalkers) or stick with Wrath.


Wraithlord is going dual flamer and glaive, not sure on the shoulder weapons but dual starcannons are sounding good. For the warwalkers at least to start (I'll make it so I can swap weapons) would be a shuriken cannon and star cannon.


Not sure if this would be a better start though it's looking like it. Less wounds, but lots more firepower to send down field.


Sorry if this seems like I'm flip-floping but I don't have many models to paint and I'm a bit limited on resources.

Also the final member dropped in so the players for this are:


Aeldari - Iyanden heavy (me)
Chaos - Knights with daemon support
Imperial Guard - Steel Legion MI
Chaos - Slannesh daemons
Sisters of Battle
Sisters of Battle


First round starts Saturday. I've already started building the wraithguard.

Wraithlord is going dual flamer and glaive, not sure on the shoulder weapons but dual starcannons are sounding good. For the warwalkers at least to start (I'll make it so I can swap weapons) would be a shuriken cannon and star cannon.


I would be tempted to put heavy weapons on the War walkers and dual shuricannons on the Wraithlord. My reasoning is that the War walkers are quite happy to park somewhere with good LOS and lay down supporting fire. You might want to consider Starcannon + AML for the War Walkers. Both are respectable all-rounder weapons and the AML has good range and grants access to the anti-air stratagem which is useful if you have no Reapers.


To leverage Wraithlords, you really want to get them close to the enemy so weapons that can shoot without penalty when moving (or even Advancing) are a good idea. A dual Shuricannon Wraithlord can advance 11.5" on average on T1 and still shoot. Turn 2 he will likely be in position to charge something with 4 S9, Ap-4, D6D attacks. For 122 points he is not too pricey but your opponent cannot afford to ignore him and he can shred hordes with his shooting or threaten large targets in melee. Advance him next to the Wraithguard and your opponent will not really have any good options.

I'll take the weapon options under advisement. Course I frakked up anyway. All three even under the original weapon selections was ~250 pts, not including the spiritseer.


So I'm over pointed on the first tier. Will do the spearhead for the next tier as it does fit there.


Here is a pict of a wraithblade I did a while back that kind of started this whole thing. I'll be doing a squad of them for a later addition. This is the scheme I'm going for on all the foot troops.



And finished the sub-assembly of the d-scythes. I had started painting a wraithcannon one so it's been retasked since I only have 10 wraithguard total.

D scythewip1

So while organizing my stuff for the coming build up I ended up finding a large amount of guard kits, mostly tanks. So after a little thought I switched my army for the event from Aeldari to Guard. Mostly due to the fact that I can build a force I'm comfortable with without having to buy new kits and I would need to get the third getting started/wave serpent to make the force I want for the Aeldari.


I'm still going to work on the force as I want to paint as much of my collection as possible this year.


Thank you all for your advise and patience with me. I'll post here my work on painting the force on the side, just that it will be a secondary project and not my main focus.

Over to the Guard forum with you then! You'll get plenty of advice and encouragement there. Are you using the new Psychic Awakening rules?


Already started a thread there


And yeah, granted I choose to switch before the PA preview, but that sort of cemented the choice.


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