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Nighthowler’s LVO challenge


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Way to make me envious! I tried to model up something similar a few editions back with BA dreads, but they're just hidden away now. I wish I had waited for the wulfen dreads, they are so much more awesome with shield and axe, but your grey with those dreads... now that's what I'm really liking!


Can't wait to see more :)

Ok, last update before LVO.

Bad news is I ran out of time, so i didn't get wash, highlight, transfers, or weathering done, and the bases are just painted in a slightly lighter shade of grey than the miniatures so no snow or rocks or anything (the photos below were actually taken before the bases were painted, so they still look like they're the same color, but I would never play with a model painted the same color as it's base; I mean, how embarrassing would that be?).

Good news is everything should be tabletop ready.

Without further ado, here are my "finished" models (I'll actually finish them after I get back from LVO).

Here's my WGBL. This picture is actually before I "finished" him, the wolf claws are painted with the same blues that the axe edges on the axe & shield dreads are.


Here's on of my "finished" Wulfen Dreads.


One of my "finished" Venerable Dreads.


My "finished" Bjorn.


One of the "finished" Wolf Priest Dreads. These guys will be getting skull helmets and some skull trophies glued on once I get to Vegas to make them more "wolf-priesty".


Finally, here the boys are all packed up and ready to travel.


Thanks again for everyone's support! Hope you enjoyed watching my progress. I'm hoping to upload some pictures of my opponent's armies and maybe some very brief batreps (if I'm able to remember what happened).

You paint and detail the models very well.

Thanks! This was quite the rush job, and I’m not really done with the army even though they’re ready for the tournament. They need wash, highlight, some transfers, weathering, and proper bases before they’re “really” finished. But I’ll probably start a separate thread for my army after LVO. It’s been over 8 years since I really had the time or space to paint. It’s really nice to be back at it, and this little challenge really got the juices flowing.

Man, for anyone who hasn’t been to LVO before, I highly recommend it. I lost every game, but holy cow it was so much fun.


I know I said I’d try to upload some battle reports, but I don’t think I remember the games well enough to give a satisfying report.


Once I finish highlighting, weathering, and basing everything I’ll start a WIP thread with pics of the finished army and any new models I start working on.


In the meantime, a huge thanks to everyone who cheered me on and helped me make it in time. It was awesome to meet THE PeteySodes in person, and it was great to finally get to the LVO after all these years.


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