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Anyone notice the artwork?


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Unless it’s an older print that I haven’t seen before although I doubt because of how much of a 40k dork I am. Has anyone looked at the artwork from the warhammer community dark angel preview. It’s a primaris marine with a power sword possibly a mid battle Lazarus. No biggie smalls there.


The thing behind him. Looks like an abomination Cypher. Skeletal hands and Nurgle rotted face. But a big big sword on his back. Just my curiosity is peaked.



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Yep I think most of us have seen it. It's Lazzy alright. He's mid-stride and he's looking chunky! Emnity's edge looks sharp, long, and thin like a real sword. He's WEARING the Winged Hussar helmet *Grumble Grumble*. I will buy it if it goes on Warhammerart.com as a Print.


We have no idea what the thing behind him is as far as I know? A blade serf? Some weird Servitor? Doesn't seeem to be an enemy.

Someone suggested that it might be a Watcher. The perspectives are confusing, but it does appear to be of much smaller size. And we’ve never seen beyond the hood of a Watcher, so it’s possible given that there’s well established lore of Watchers accompanying DA into battle and providing psychic support.

Someone suggested that it might be a Watcher. The perspectives are confusing, but it does appear to be of much smaller size. And we’ve never seen beyond the hood of a Watcher, so it’s possible given that there’s well established lore of Watchers accompanying DA into battle and providing psychic support.

Well humans are much smaller than primaris so.....


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