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'Ardcoat, stormshield and paint

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So I'm getting near finishing my dreadnought for the L&T event but I was thinking how I'm going to do the last stage and came up with a issue as I don't really know enough about these sealing paints.


My plan is to use the stormshield as a matt sealer on the model (as I don't want a shiney gunmetal just a dull one) but I was going to use some stirland mud on the base and a bit on the feet as well typhus corrosion further up to 'blend' in the mud with the model. Now this bit I was going to coat in ardcoat to make it glossy and, most importantly, look wet but will this cause problems with the stormshield sealer that has been already applied to the model?




A slightly confused No Foes Remain.

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