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Incurser Tactics (Ultramarines)


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Ok, so I'm late to the Vanguard train. I've finally supplemented my Shadowspear units with a box of Incursers and Eliminators. So I'm bringing Las Fusils and ignore cover guns to the table.

The Eliminators I've got experience with, so they are easy to use.

However the Incursers are a new unit for me. I suspect fielding 2 units of 5 is better for a couple reasons.

1 Fill out a Battalion faster.

2 You can't overkill all 10 guys if it's 2 squads, basic MSU strategy.


So how are you Ultramarines commanders using them?


As stated I have a complete set of the Shadowspear units, and a Warsuit as well. My non-vanguard Primaris I have pretty much anything I need.

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Incursors are awesome, and in a lot of ways are superior to the Intercessor in the current meta.


Ignoring cover and hit modifiers is huge, especially with the Tactical Doctrine active.  Ignoring cover makes them effectively -3AP against things like Eliminators/stealthy-marines.  The bonus attacks from their CCW is a nice bump and smoke grenades go a long way towards helping them survive for a couple of turns on an objective.  Pack all that into an advance deploy unit and you get a TON of flexibility.

How do you kit your Warsuit ?

Currently I run it with the Heavy Flamer type weapon.

I've used it as a turn one charger suicide shock assault unit, worked well. I want to use the Iron Hail Autocannon but that up close "12 flame attack is just too good.

 I'm working on a double battalion list currently. Tacticus and Phobos based,  boots on the ground. Troopers and walkers only. 

2 Redemptors in the first Battalion.
1 Warsuit in the second. 
It's not going to be a tourney level list,  but I hope it's fun. 

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [64 PL, 975pts] ++
+ HQ +
Primaris Captain [5 PL, 86pts]: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle, Power sword
Primaris Lieutenants [4 PL, 69pts]
. Primaris Lieutenant: Master-crafted auto bolt rifle
+ Troops +
Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 106pts]: Bolt rifle
. 5x Intercessor
. Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword
Intercessor Squad [5 PL, 89pts]: Stalker Bolt Rifle
. 4x Intercessor
. Intercessor Sergeant: Power sword
Intercessor Squad [10 PL, 117pts]: Auto Bolt Rifle
. 5x Intercessor
. Intercessor Sergeant: Power fist
+ Elites +
Redemptor Dreadnought [7 PL, 155pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
Redemptor Dreadnought [7 PL, 155pts]: 2x Storm Bolters, Heavy Onslaught Gatling Cannon, Onslaught Gatling Cannon
+ Heavy Support +
Hellblaster Squad [16 PL, 198pts]: Plasma incinerator
. 5x Hellblaster
. Hellblaster Sergeant: Bolt pistol
++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [50 PL, 1,010pts] ++
+ HQ +
Captain in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 99pts]: Camo cloak, Master-crafted instigator bolt carbine
Librarian in Phobos Armour [5 PL, 101pts]: 3) Mind Raid, 5) Tenebrous Curse, Camo cloak, Force sword
Lieutenants in Phobos Armor [5 PL, 81pts]
. Lieutenant in Phobos Armour
. . Occulus Bolt Carbine and Bolt Pistol: Grav-chute, Master-crafted occulus bolt rifle
+ Troops +
Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]: Haywire Mine, 4x Incursor, Incursor Sergeant
Incursor Squad [5 PL, 105pts]: Haywire Mine, 4x Incursor, Incursor Sergeant
Infiltrator Squad [11 PL, 208pts]: 8x Infilltrator, Infiltrator Comms Array, Infiltrator Sergeant
+ Elites +
Invictor Tactical Warsuit [6 PL, 131pts]: Fragstorm Grenade Launcher, Heavy bolter, Incendium cannon, 2x Ironhail Heavy Stubber
+ Heavy Support +
Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 72pts]
. Eliminator Sergeant: Bolt sniper rifle, Camo cloak
. 2x Eliminator with Bolt Sniper: 2x Bolt sniper rifle, 2x Camo cloak
Eliminator Squad [4 PL, 108pts]
. Eliminator Sergeant: Camo cloak, Las Fusil
. 2x Eliminator with Las Fusil: 2x Camo cloak, 2x Las Fusil
++ Total: [114 PL, 1,985pts] ++

I think I'm going to pick up a box of these soon. I already have the Infiltrators from Shadowspear, and I do enjoy using them, although I only really take MSU given their price.



Incursors are awesome, and in a lot of ways are superior to the Intercessor in the current meta.


Ignoring cover and hit modifiers is huge, especially with the Tactical Doctrine active.  Ignoring cover makes them effectively -3AP against things like Eliminators/stealthy-marines.  The bonus attacks from their CCW is a nice bump and smoke grenades go a long way towards helping them survive for a couple of turns on an objective.  Pack all that into an advance deploy unit and you get a TON of flexibility.


I'm interested to try the Incursors for the reasons you've listed, I think they'll have some great utility and a Phobos themed army would also be pretty cool

I'm pretty close to an entire Vanguard army.

The Shadowspear units + Warsuit + Eliminators[Las Fusil] + Incursers + Reivers [2 squads of 10]


I don't know if it would be a useful tactic, but with reserves this army could deploy entirely outside its own deployment zone.


I think another 10 man unit of Incursers, another Warsuit and maybe an additional squad of Las Fusil Eliminators. That would get me in the ballpark of 2k.

I keep flip flopping on infiltrators and incursors. Would be interested to see how they perform given the Infiltrators have better shooting (msu squad rapid firing will roll 4.16 wounds vs T4 compared to 3.33 for the incursors) and the massive deep strike denial.


You can still cover a big chunk of the board for area denial with incursors and they are better in combat, but the units they bully in combat would be bullied by the infiltrators as well

I take 2 five man units of Infiltrators to cover vast swathes of the board.

I think I want to go heavier on Incursers. Really get up in the enemy's face, couple Warsuits 20 Incursers some Cpt support, and some Eliminators action.

Try to own the midfield early.


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