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Are SoB fun to play?

Plague _Lord

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Long time DG player here. Always loved the look and feel of an Ordo Hereticus army with loads of penitents and sister support but the cos of the models threw me off. With the new plastics I'm thinking of building a small force, but have to know if tge army is fun. I play for the fluff but like the gaming experience so I would say I play semi-competitive.

Are sisters for me?



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What do you like about DG? That's a good start. Not every army can be for everyone, after all...


Given how lacking DG is in fun mechanics compared to the more recently updated forces, it's actually pretty likely you'll find the Sisters pretty fun. I find them a true joy to play.

Are Sisters fun to play?


They are an army of intolerant, homicidal female pyromaniaces and that is pure awesome ;)


Seriously though I find them to be a lot of fun and its an edge of the seat ride: they are T3 with tons of short range nastiness, loving getting to 6" range but generally avoiding melee (except for some Units), so its like dancing on the edge :teehee: 


I switched over to Sisters from Space Marines as my main army in 2003 and I have really enjoyed playing them ever since, and now they are better than they have ever been. 

They are very fun for me. They take the weakness of my Eldar, the save of my Black Legion, the purity of my GK and the firmness of my necrons. So yes they are a blast for me. Not knowing your style, it's hard to say if you'll have fun but I enjoyed my DG when I has mine and my sisters even more.

They are very fun for me. They take the weakness of my Eldar, the save of my Black Legion, the purity of my GK and the firmness of my necrons. So yes they are a blast for me. Not knowing your style, it's hard to say if you'll have fun but I enjoyed my DG when I has mine and my sisters even more.

Well DG were my first 40k army back during edition 3.5 and I love them to this day. The toughness of the army and unique playstyle (infantry that doesn't die to a stiff breeze) coupled with tge fluff just does it for me. What I like in general is balance. All my lists are a nice balance of infantry, armour, hardhitting characters, shooting and close combat. Basically I like to have an answer to anything an opponent can throw at me, while at the same time trying to win through objectives. I actually dislike tabling opponents. So flexibility, fluffiness (the army has to play true tp the fluff) and cool minis of course is what does it for me.


Tldr - the army has to have nice strategies and synergies so every game can feel different as opposed to the linear playstyle of some armies like tau for example.

You know... I've seen a lot of diversity in armies and tactics, lots of "good" units... a whole flight of different ideas and building options that I think makes it easy to find something enjoyable within the army.


If you like crawling up the table and smashing the opponent in the face?  Bloody Rose Mortifiers, Repentia, and maybe even Zephyrim.


Want to make an intolerably resilient army?  Valorous heart... anything... thought I think they work best as a gunline


Want a TAC army that rewards a bit of everything?  Our Martyred Lady seems to fill this role nicely.


Sacred Rose, Ebon Chalice, and Argent Shroud also have their own specialized styles, but I think those are a bit more hyper focused on what they do.  So if you're coming from Death Guard... you know where the lists are pretty much variants of spamming Disgustingly Resilient and trying to be as tough as (demi-)humanly possible... you'll find a lot of really snazzy things to do with the army of 3T models.


That being said... welcome to the world of 3T models where everything can, and will, hurt you!


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