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Allies for Sisters


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I’ve recently picked up a box of sisters, and I’m sure a few of you, like me, have a mountain of plastic yet to be conquered, which could offer out a force to be allied in with a sisters force.


I’m just curious as to others thoughts on allies? I understand that there are bonuses for taking a mono sisters force, but are there allies make these potentially worth losing out on?


I’m interested in both Gameplay and Thematic reasoning myself, initially I was interested in adding a detachment of Tempestus to make a Witchhunter force.


What are everyone’s thoughts?

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Imperial Guard are an excellent thematic and practical choice to ally with sisters. They provide cheap cp’s and longe range firepower and don’t lose their regimental bonuses when souping. Losing Sacred Rites is not nearly as crushing as losing say, Combat Doctrines, and the extra cp’s are well worth losing SR, especially since the sisters are pretty cp reliant. I personally plan on allying in my two Cadian battalions with a Martyred Lady battalion.

Inquisitors won't lose your Sacred Rite bonus. And Assassins are almost worth losing the sacred rites bonus for. Both bring things the girls lack; psychic powers/mortal wounds/psychic defense and character sniping/psychic defense respectively.

I feel like Sisters can build for psychic defense fairly easily?


-2 to cast relic, -1 from null rods and +3 to deny rolls + reroll deny Imagifier (venerated saint?) Means you have a reasonable chance to deny any psykers even without the miracle dice or the 4+ strategem deny


That said, we don't have any snipers, so if that's why you want an assassin, it might be worth it.


Inquisitors won't lose your Sacred Rite bonus. And Assassins are almost worth losing the sacred rites bonus for. Both bring things the girls lack; psychic powers/mortal wounds/psychic defense and character sniping/psychic defense respectively.

I feel like Sisters can build for psychic defense fairly easily?


-2 to cast relic, -1 from null rods and +3 to deny rolls + reroll deny Imagifier (venerated saint?) Means you have a reasonable chance to deny any psykers even without the miracle dice or the 4+ strategem deny


That said, we don't have any snipers, so if that's why you want an assassin, it might be worth it.



This is true, but if you need a toolbox unit that easily slots in without giving up sacred rites or causing you to use relics, wargear, etc. either Coteaz or Greyfax are reasonably cheap and can also bring some offense/utility (no overwatch, mortal wounds, etc etc).

the things the sisters lack - 


psychic powers

high toughness units

vaired long range firepower

ranged Mortal Wounds

reliable /continued CP regeneation 


If your allies fill 2 or mor of these then it maybe worth it ....play style & personal themes dependant.

Thanks for the responses guys!


So general consensus is that Inquisition will be good regardless, as a bonus that doesn’t lose you any benefits, but if you’re not too fussy about those benefits, Guard are definitely a good option.


I must admit I haven’t played much, so I’m still getting to grips with working out the best compliments to other armies.


What would you guys recommend as particularly helpful units from other forces?

I used to put Sisters with Guard a fair bit back in the day, it works really well thematically and they offer a lot Sisters benefit from or are lacking in. Lots of bodies from infantry and long ranged guns in particular, as well as heavy armour if you want it (can't go wrong with a Russ). Added bonus in that it's easier to get this from Guard than ever before :)


The Inquisition are an obvious one, but there's not quite as much to gain - great for theme though, or if you don't want to lose any benefits which is probably the first question you need to ask.

Sisters lack antihorde so something like guard or marines

Wait. Do they?


We have a 4x stormbolter Dominion squad, pumping out 14/28 shots depending on range.


We have the ability to take more flamers than any other factions


Bloody Rose Seraphim drop in, and spam 4d6 str 3 AP -1 auto hits, plus can shoot up to 16 ap-1 bolt pistols in the movement phase


We have Mortifiers (dual assault bolters and 15 str 6 ap-1 attacks each)


Bloody Rose Celestians can drop a stupid amount of str 4 ap -1 attacks (2 base +1 for order trait, +1 for priest, reroll all misses) for 40 melee attacks and 20 bolter shots that round


Arcoflaggelants get 3d3 str 5 AP -1 attacks and reroll misses.


St Katherine moves our basic girls up to WS 3. Add in Bloody Rose + Priest + Imagifier makes each SoB attack as hard as a primaries marine, but with better ap.


We have so much anti horde, and can even horde up as good as any other horde.

to add to MoshJasons list...


PEngines - dual heavy flamer, + flails as well

Exorcsit - conflageraton rockets..

Heavy bolters... like lots

Heavy flamers... with a 12" range ... and if we want (ie pick the right order) they can run and gun!

Immolators - thats 2D6 assault heavy flamers + heavy bolter



Nah hoards arent our problem....

Sisters attend even close to being able to take more flamers "than any other faction."


GSC can take troops squads of 20, each armed with a hand flamer, and then proceed to cult ambush said squads. 960 points for 120d6 deep striking/ambushing auto-hitting shots...

Sisters attend even close to being able to take more flamers "than any other faction."


GSC can take troops squads of 20, each armed with a hand flamer, and then proceed to cult ambush said squads. 960 points for 120d6 deep striking/ambushing auto-hitting shots...

Maybe, but our basic five woman squad can take 3 flamers or 2 flamers and a heavy flamers, or 1 heavy 1 standard and 1 hand.


Our dominions can take 5 flamers, retributors 4 heavy and 1 Combi, Seraphim 4 hand flamers, Penitents/Morts can take 2 heavy flamers which can be pistol, or immolators have a 2d6 12" heavy flamer, or canoness can take a (one use) mortal wound flamer which one subfaction can keep reusing. I feel like I am missing some?


It's not unusual for me to end up with less bolters than flamers/meltas in my lists.


And unlike genecult, we usually don't die to a single lasgun, so we actually get to use our flamers.


Sisters attend even close to being able to take more flamers "than any other faction."


GSC can take troops squads of 20, each armed with a hand flamer, and then proceed to cult ambush said squads. 960 points for 120d6 deep striking/ambushing auto-hitting shots...

Maybe, but our basic five woman squad can take 3 flamers or 2 flamers and a heavy flamers, or 1 heavy 1 standard and 1 hand.


Our dominions can take 5 flamers, retributors 4 heavy and 1 Combi, Seraphim 4 hand flamers, Penitents/Morts can take 2 heavy flamers which can be pistol, or immolators have a 2d6 12" heavy flamer, or canoness can take a (one use) mortal wound flamer which one subfaction can keep reusing. I feel like I am missing some?


It's not unusual for me to end up with less bolters than flamers/meltas in my lists.


And unlike genecult, we usually don't die to a single lasgun, so we actually get to use our flamers.

His statement was still true though, they can take more. And Death guard can take flamers on their lords/term lords, Daemon prince's, 2 per plague marines, combis on terms or some special/heavy, free hand flamers on bodyguard terms, dual flamers that scale with Str on multiple vehicles, and a 2d6 Str -3ap 3D flamer character. And a majority of those have the 1" extra range and plague weapon rule for free reroll wounds of 1.


And unlike sisters, they definately don't die to a single lasgun, and get to use their flamers.


And that's not even mentioning the salamders with their free +1 to wound with flamers... His point was not everyone sees the sisters as "The" flamer faction.



Sisters attend even close to being able to take more flamers "than any other faction."


GSC can take troops squads of 20, each armed with a hand flamer, and then proceed to cult ambush said squads. 960 points for 120d6 deep striking/ambushing auto-hitting shots...

Maybe, but our basic five woman squad can take 3 flamers or 2 flamers and a heavy flamers, or 1 heavy 1 standard and 1 hand.


Our dominions can take 5 flamers, retributors 4 heavy and 1 Combi, Seraphim 4 hand flamers, Penitents/Morts can take 2 heavy flamers which can be pistol, or immolators have a 2d6 12" heavy flamer, or canoness can take a (one use) mortal wound flamer which one subfaction can keep reusing. I feel like I am missing some?


It's not unusual for me to end up with less bolters than flamers/meltas in my lists.


And unlike genecult, we usually don't die to a single lasgun, so we actually get to use our flamers.

His statement was still true though, they can take more. And Death guard can take flamers on their lords/term lords, Daemon prince's, 2 per plague marines, combis on terms or some special/heavy, free hand flamers on bodyguard terms, dual flamers that scale with Str on multiple vehicles, and a 2d6 Str -3ap 3D flamer character. And a majority of those have the 1" extra range and plague weapon rule for free reroll wounds of 1.


And unlike sisters, they definately don't die to a single lasgun, and get to use their flamers.


And that's not even mentioning the salamders with their free +1 to wound with flamers... His point was not everyone sees the sisters as "The" flamer faction.

Eh, sisters have just as many flamers as any of those factions. The point being, if you think sisters lack anti-horde, you aren't playing the same sisters as anyone else. We have more anti-horde than we do anything, and really only lack long ranged antthing -- our melee and close ranged anti tank, elite and anti horde are pretty solid.

Agreed with MoshJason above, antihorde is one thing we do quite well.  Just to add to it, the thing we miss is long range "ignoring LOS" shooting (because the exorcist 48" shoot with 12" move is still pretty good range).


And we lack consistent ranged weapons of  D2 or D3 at S6/S7 AP-2 or AP-3.  However, this is slightly mitigated by the miracle dice mechanic and the proliferation of Dd6 weapons. 

Going off of the list I saw about what sisters lacked, I'm a guard player looking to branch to sisters of battle, I'd like to highlight how a few guardsmen can be a huge boon for the sisters:


1) Reliable /continued CP regeneation

2) Psychic powers+Ranged Mortal Wounds

3) High toughness units+Vairied long range firepower



1) Reliable /continued CP regeneation


The guard is known for being able to put bodies on the field. Let's put together a skeleton battalion. Literally the cheapest 2nd cheapest battalion you can make for the guard (2nd because the cheapest mixes scions with regular guard, giving you 15 less bodies to save 15 points - not worth it):


Company Commander x2 = 60pts total


INF Squads x3 = 120pts


Total Cost: 180pts

Total Bodies: 32

Total Characters: 2

Total Commands: 4 - Commands are like free spells you can drop on guard infantry, except they can't be denied. Things like reroll 1s or fight immediately. Not something that should be overlooked.

CP Gained: 5

Optional Relic: Kurov's Aquila - each time your opponent uses a stratagem, roll a d6. 5+ you gain 1CP.




Not a bad build, but why don't we tweak it a bit to cover some of the other areas the sisters voiced concern over?



2) Psychic powers+Ranged Mortal Wounds


The astropath is a beast not to be taken lightly. It is a 15 point character psyker filling an elite slot if you don't take the telepathica stave. And honestly why would you? He is an S3 T3 squishy human. You don't want him in melee.


In terms of smiting, this guy is underwhelming. You are only allowed to roll 1d6 instead of 2d6 in an attempt to manifest this power. That means you can never roll a d6 for mortals with smite but it also means you'll never perils of the warp with smite either. Astral divination, the ability to select a unit during the shooting phase within 18" to have their cover ignored for friendly guard within 6" of the psyker, is admittedly less impressive because sisters lack a matching keyword. But don't forget about it if you decide to rely on guard for ranged firepower!


So what does this puny human psyker give you?


45 points to manifest 3 psyker powers during the psychic phase and 3 more psyker denial if needed. Powers like the psychic malestrom aren't nerfed to only rolling 1d6, making them a work around for the less reliable smite. FYI Psychic Malestrom - select unit within 18", if manifests, roll a d6. On 2+ mortal wound, unless nerfed, roll again. 3+ mortal wound. Continue until you stop wounding them or you miss your roll. Gaze of the Emperor - Draw a straight, 2d6" line from the psyker. Roll a dice for each model the center line passes over. On a 4+ that model's unit suffers a mortal. Terrifying vision - If manifested, subtract 2 from its leadership until the start of the next turn. Others are guard specific support only consider if you run more guard.


Assuming you agree with me, we'll add Astropathx3 for 45 points to the list. FYI Those 3 characters are cheaper than 1 guard primaris psyker (HQ):


Company Commander x2 = 60pts total


INF Squads x3 = 120pts

Astropath w/(GoE, PM, TV) x3 = 45pts



Total Cost: 225pts

Total Bodies: 35

Total Characters: 5

Total Commands: 4 - Commands are like free spells you can drop on guard infantry, except they can't be denied. Things like reroll 1s or fight immediately. Not something that should be overlooked.

CP Gained: 5

Optional Relic: Kurov's Aquila - each time your opponent uses a stratagem, roll a d6. 5+ you gain 1CP.

Psychic Manifest Attempts: 3 (Smite or other ranged mortal attacks)

Psychic Denial Attempts: 3



Now for the more expensive options:


3) High toughness units+Vairied long range firepower


Easy answer here is the Leman Russ. T8 Tank with W12 whose main battle cannon has a 72" range doing Heavy D6 shots at S8, AP-2, D3 damage. 2D6 number of shots if you move at half speed or less. Sure, its hitting as a BS of 4, but at least your main cannon doesn't suffer movement penalties for heavy weapons. Oh, and it comes with a heavy bolter (that does suffer from moving and firing) for a total of 137 points. Though there are plenty of turret variants out there if you don't like that specific cannon's abilities because if there's one thing guard does care about; its heavy tanks. Seriously, they have T7 'scout' tanks and even a T7 'elite' tank. And if you get bored with land based tanks, I can sell you a flying tank known as the Valkyrie T7 with 14 wounds for a meager 117 points.


But what if you want indirect fire?


You could go with the cheap heavy weapons team sporting 3 mortars. 45 points to fire 3d6, S4, AP0, D1 shots that ignore line of sight. Not a bad deal but I suspect you are more interested in indirect fire that packs a punch. I refer you to the Basilisk Cannon! A mere 108 points and you too can have your enemies question their life choices. The cannon on this baby can reach out and touch people at 240", not that you'll need that for anything other than Armageddon play...It fires Heavy D6 shots at S9, AP 3, D3 damage with the added bonus of letting you roll twice for number of shots fired and picking the higher of the two numbers. Admittedly it is a bit flimsy at T6 and only having W11, but it is a vehicle that should never be seen in the first place.


Now we have a list hitting all of those concerns that by no means is optimized coming in at:


Company Commander x2 = 60pts total


INF Squads x3 = 120pts

Astropath w/(GoE, PM, NS) x3 = 45pts Note I changed one psychic power to Night Shroud. It's a -1 to being hit during the shooting phase for guard. Put it on the Russ to make it that much harder to hit because that cannon is worth more than a -2 to moral or a smite, depending on the army you face)


Leman Russ x1 = 137pts

Basilisk x1 = 108pts


Total Cost: 470pts

Total Bodies: 35

Total Characters: 5

Total Commands: 4

Total Tanks: 1

Total Artillery Pieces: 1

CP Gained: 5

Optional Relic: Kurov's Aquila - each time your opponent uses a stratagem, roll a d6. 5+ you gain 1CP.

Psychic Manifest Attempts: 3 (Smite or other ranged mortal attacks)

Psychic Denial Attempts: 3



Feel free to mix and match as you like.

  • 2 weeks later...

I like Hereticus Inquisitor allies. First, it's fluffy- they've dialed back the Chamber Militant concept quite a bit, but I will always remember.


What I like them for is the Terrify psychic power, which denies a unit the ability to fire overwatch. This helps Penitent units to get into combat more easily. It also brings psychic capability and real Deny the Witch. I really like strats like Heroine in the Making; the equivalent for Inquisition is Inquisitorial Mandate. Use'm both and bring 3 warlords, 'cuz the Inquisition is Baller! If you use a generic Hereticus, you also get to take a relic, but I usually use Greyfax because the model is awesome. I like her double Deny the Witch at +1 and the MC Condemnor / Power Sword combo is pretty decent for wargear. The No Escape WL Trait isn't amazing, but if you ever though an enemy unit was going to survive, you could use her to lock someone into a fight.


Cyclonic Torpedo is pretty cool too, considering we need ways to deal mortal wounds; sure you can only use it once, but if there's a group of enemy units huddled to take advantage of an aura, it can lay down the hurt.


Finally, an Inquisitor doesn't break your Rites.


I would LOVE to play in a 2 on 2 game: Hereticus & Sisters vs. Chaos Cultists/ Marines and Malleus & Greyknight vs. Daemons.

You could also go Xenos & Sisters vs. GSC and Nids.


Even better? Hit a kill team/ Inquisitor 28 style game with the Inquisitor and Acolytes as they investigate the threat, then call in the Chamber for full on 40k once your target is acquired.


Now if you want to talk about an actual allied army, SoS are also often used as tools by the Hereticus. If you were going up against a particularly psychic enemy, this is a pretty formidable sledgehammer. In this case, I would attach the Inquisitor to the Null Maiden detachment. Aleya is coming, and she could be either SoS HQ or Elite, so the dynamic might change. SoS might also get PA content in addition to Aleya, and that could make this alliance even more advantageous.


I agree with the earlier comment about Guard being a good compliment; they are strong where we are weak and we are strong where they are weak. The new build your own regiment rules might contain a set of options that really fit thematically. 


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