Lysimachus Posted January 22, 2020 Share Posted January 22, 2020 (edited) Hello all! I'm just starting out with an idea for kill team and thought I'd ask for any advice re list building people have. It will be an Astartes team, I'm building it for my DIY Chapter, the Emperor's Blade. If you're interested in the fluff, here's a link - ...but suffice to say they're a very religious Chapter, their main recruiting world is a Shrineworld (along with the sons of pilgrim families that visit it) and I want to highlight the close bond the Chapter has with the Ecclesiarchy in general and the Sororitas Convent that protects the main Shrine in particular. I'd like to build the team using mostly Primaris Intercessors (a few Scouts are fine too). Here's the catch though: I want to use the new SoB minis as counts-as in place of any Oldmarines, so any Tacs, etc, included in the team can only have equipment that would also be carried by Battle Sisters? (So no plasma, but could have a flamer, heavy bolter, etc) One unit I would definitely like to include is an Intercessor Sgt (based on the new DA Lazarus mini, I think it's great and DA bits are perfect for Emperor's Blade!) not sure on weapons, his power sword is nice or maybe a hammer as I've got one of the cool heresy style ones from the mkiii kit knocking about? Doesn't have to be the Leader in gaming terms, I've heard it's worth making sgts Combat specialists instead? Not really much more to add, I'd like it to be 100pts or 125 if including elites. I'm not mega competitive, but I'd like it to be reasonably capable of taking on a variety of opponents? Anyway, if anyone has any thoughts about things to include, or even whether the idea will work at all, I'd love to hear them! Thanks Lysimachus Edited September 15, 2022 by Lysimachus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 23, 2020 Share Posted January 23, 2020 The issue with putting your Leader on the front line is that they're at risk of getting killed, halving the amount of Command Points you get each turn. That can have unfortunate consequences on the outcome of the game for you. That said, especially if you're playing a Level 1 Leader with a Combat/Zealot specialist alongside them, you can use the Level 1 Leader Tactic which works as follows: Lead By Example (1 CP): When this model is selected to fight in the Fight phase, another friendly model within 3" of them that is also eligible to fight can do so as well. The Leader and the other model can fight in any order. On top of this, Intercessor Sergeants have a 3+ armour save, T4, and 2 Wounds which all in all is a big deal in Kill Team and can ensure his survival even on the front lines, as long as you plan your combats and make sure the Sergeant doesn't get caught up in combat with unsavoury characters that could lay him low in an instant (though Space Marines do have access to Tactics which helps avoid this kind of unpleasant situation, such as Armour of Contempt (1 CP) for mortal wounds and the ever-powerful Death Denied (3 CP) which transforms an Out of Action result into a mere flesh wound! So, with that in mind, I'd suggest running an Intercessor Sergeant equipped with a thunder hammer and whatever ranged weapon you fancy as your Leader with a Vanguard Sergeant Celestian/Seraphim Sister Superior as your Combat/Zealot specialist. If you really want to double down on close-combat, I'd include a Combat/Zealot specialist (whichever you haven't chosen yet) to lead a second close-combat group. :tu: Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 25, 2020 Author Share Posted January 25, 2020 Thanks Dos, good ideas! I'm not totally against a ranged/balanced team, although the Chapter is religious they're not frothing colonies like... others... :lol: In fact, they view the Codex as a holy book, so they're very much inclined towards being adaptable? Other questions, perhaps I should have asked these first(!): I haven't actually picked up any of the KT rules books yet. What is the bare minimum needed to start working out a list? Core Manual obvs, and the recent Annual too? Anything else? Elites I suppose, assuming I decide to include veterans? I've heard Commanders is largely broken and not used by most? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dosjetka Posted January 26, 2020 Share Posted January 26, 2020 In my view, all you need to start out is is the Core Manual (for all of the basic rules and missions, as well as the majority of unit profiles) and the 2019 Annual (for even more missions, a few more Kill Teams, and updated datasheets for things like Intercessors). Elites can be purchased later, once you've played around with the Core book for a while. Commanders... I think GW really dropped the ball on this one. That said, if you have a gaming group where people are chilled out and play to have a blast, you could still look into this later on. Not necessary to buy it from the start though. brother Vorn_GarDos and Lysimachus 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted January 30, 2020 Author Share Posted January 30, 2020 So, started getting some bits together for the Team! Figured I'd better start planning out a list, here's what I came up with: Astartes Kill Team Salamanders (picked this one as I plan on giving them quite extravagant/well made equipment to represent the wealth of the Ecclesiarchy behind them, so Master Artisans felt right?) Intercessor Sgt (Combat) Bolt Rifle, Thunder Hammer Intercessor Gunner (Sniper) Bolt Rifle, Aux Grenade Launcher Intercessor Bolt Rifle Battle Sister Tactical Gunner Flamer Battle Sister Tactical Gunner (Heavy) Heavy Bolter Scout Sgt (Leader) Sniper Rifle, Camo-cloak 100pts on the nose. Obvs the Intercessor Sgt will be used aggressively, supported by the Flamer Sister. Other Intercessors and the HB Sister can be a bit more flexible, moving up or holding ground depending on opponent/mission. The Scout Sgt is there to stay back and grab the extra CP, sniper rifle/cloak to make him slightly more useful/survivable at long range. My main concern here is numbers, 6 is not great. To fix this, I could drop the Sgt's TH down to a Power Sword, and drop the Flamer Gunner to a regular Bolter girl (Tac Marine) that would save me 10pts that could be spent on another Scout, probably built as BP/CCW and used as a Squire for the Intercessor Sgt, for a total of 7 team members? Also not 100% about the guns on the Intercessors, basic Bolt Rifles seem the best option but not sure if Auto might be worth it on the Sgt so he can shoot and advance? Any thoughts/suggestions would be very welcome! Thanks for looking! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Axineton Posted January 30, 2020 Share Posted January 30, 2020 Such a cool model that Lazarus. I’ve got him too but I’m putting in my Deathwatch army eventually. Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted February 10, 2020 Author Share Posted February 10, 2020 link for WIP pics! Regarding the list, I wanted a few more Sisters/Tacs so I added some members for a 125pt list, giving me: Intercessor Sgt (Combat) Bolt Rifle, Thunder Hammer Intercessor Gunner (Sniper) Bolt Rifle, Aux Grenade Launcher Intercessor Bolt Rifle Sister Superior -Tac Sgt- Bolter, Bolt Pistol, Chainsword (am I understanding the listed options here, can she have all 3?) Battle Sister - Tac Marine- Bolter Battle Sister -Tac Gunner- Flamer Battle Sister -Tac Gunner- (Heavy) Heavy Bolter Chapter Serf -Scout Sgt- (Leader) Sniper Rifle, Camo-cloak Gives me a solid 8 man team, and will be 4 SoB minis that should balance nicely with the 3 big guys and 1 regular guy? C+C always welcome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lordsloth Posted February 10, 2020 Share Posted February 10, 2020 (edited) Since everybody and their mother wants a plasma gunsniper, you should take a tactical marine serg..I mean Sister Superior w combi plasma as your sniper specialist. (Yes, they can take this i the sororitas rules and the model exists .. join the plasma meta) The tactical sister with flamer is also a staple obviously. The heavy flamer would be better but not allowed on a tac boy and too expansive on a stern boy The tactical sister with heavy bolter is better in your list than in a sororitas list because of the heavy bolter tactic that causes mortal wounds. Def put one of those on the roster. A normal bolter isn't all that to write home about but a stern celestian with special issue boltgun might not be a bad model to have. Honestly, aside from that I don't see a lot of overlap between the battle sister models and the 'normal' marine options that would be worth it. Storm bolter stern celestians maybe but without the sisters tactic theyre probably not worth it over the special issue boltgun in most cases, only against horde lists with poor saves. I'd probably run something like Stern Celestian Sister Superior, Leader Tactical Sister Superior w combi plasma, Sniper Intercessor sarge w power sword, Combat Tactical Sister Retributor w Heavy bolter, Heavy or Comms, your choice Eliminator Intercessor w Auspex or Intercessor Gunner w Aux grenade launcher If you are really deadset on not having elites in your 100 pts list, replace the eliminator w missile camo scout and make the tac superior the leader (though thats dangerous with plasma, keep a CP for it). But honestly just run elites in 100 pts lists, everybody else does. To take it to 125 I might suggest just adding a scout to bulk out the model count and sit on objectives and either another sternguard or a tactical flamer sister depending on matchup. Or maybe scout/intercessor if you want more intercessors in your list. Edited February 11, 2020 by lordsloth Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted February 11, 2020 Author Share Posted February 11, 2020 Thanks lordsloth, great suggestions! Especially the combi-plas sgt idea, I had heard that plasma is the way to go in kt but couldn't figure how to make it work with classic SoB loadouts! I think I've now got a 125pt list I'm fairly happy with (see above), but once I've got that built I'll be looking at putting together a full 20 mini roster, will definitely be including several of your suggestions! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lordsloth Posted February 11, 2020 Share Posted February 11, 2020 (edited) Thanks lordsloth, great suggestions! Especially the combi-plas sgt idea, I had heard that plasma is the way to go in kt but couldn't figure how to make it work with classic SoB loadouts! I think I've now got a 125pt list I'm fairly happy with (see above), but once I've got that built I'll be looking at putting together a full 20 mini roster, will definitely be including several of your suggestions! I could be wrong but I think a tac sarge with bolter, bolt pistol and chainsword is not a legal model in KT (its either bolter + melee, bolter + pistol or pistol + melee from what I recall). I wouldn't run this main roster. Maybe as a melee threat against low armor save opponents roster option. I also wouldn't run the thunder hammer sarge if I was you. Its a scary weapon but it is nealy 1/4th of your points and it dies to one plasma shot. It almost forces you to use your CP only on death denied tactic. Unless you really really want that thunderhammer for modeling purposes, I would advise against it. Turning that into a power sword (which I believe you said also looked nice on the model you had in mind) still leaves the model as a viable melee threat while giving you 6 points to play with in beefing other models (like the normal bolter tac sister or the tac sister superior, neither of which seem very effective). Just my two cents though. Your mileage may vary. Edited February 11, 2020 by lordsloth Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted May 24, 2020 Author Share Posted May 24, 2020 Completed 125 pt Kill Team (I'll add the list later): Close ups: Sgt Rufus and Sister Phoebe (Special characters based on Intercessor Sgt and Sternguard Sgt, I'll post the DIY datasheets with the list) Space Marines (Primaris) Battle Sisters (Firstborn Marines, the Cherubim has no in game value, just looks cool and balances up the group pic!) Chapter Serf (Scout Sgt) Dosjetka and firestorm40k 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted May 26, 2020 Author Share Posted May 26, 2020 So, here’s my list, along with datasheets for the characters I’ve created for it. The Emperor’s Blade play as Salamanders Chapter Tactics (which is what I’d also use in proper 40k, with the rerolls given representing their version of the SoB’s religious miracles? Plus their IA mentions their preference for numerous flame weapons so that fits too!) Emperor’s Blade Kill Team 125pts (Elites) Brother Rufus – 20pts (Rufus is a standard Intercessor Sgt with Combat Specialist, the only change is to allow him to take a relic blade - it’s a hammer but is a Heresy era relic! - and I’ve made him a further 1pt extra to pay for his and Phoebe’s Sibling Rivalry rule (the idea being that the two fight well together, and push each other to be the best they can be?). It’s only usable in the Fight Phase and forces them to stay close if they want to benefit, so very situational hence the low cost.) Sister Phoebe – 17pts (Phoebe isn’t actually a special character other than the Sibling Rivalry rule, she’s just a Sternguard Sgt with standard equipment.) Otherwise, it’s a standard Astartes list: Brother Andronicus – 16pts Intercessor Gunner, Bolt Rifle, Aux Grenade Launcher, Sniper Specialist Brother Herodian – 15pts Intercessor, Bolt Rifle Sister Julia – 12pts Tactical Marine Sister Lydia – 16pts Company Veteran, Flamer (She was run as a Tactical Gunner with Flamer, but I found out the Co Vet is identical but with +1 Attack and Ld for the same cost!) Sister Dorcas – 16pts Tactical Marine Gunner, Heavy Bolter, Heavy Specialist Marcus, Chapter Serf – 13pts Scout Sgt, Sniper Rifle, Camo Cloak, Leader Specialist Dosjetka, Brother Tyler and brother Vorn_GarDos 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted July 6, 2020 Author Share Posted July 6, 2020 So, finished a second KT, this time for my renegade Astartes, the Black Hammers Heretic Astartes Kill Team (125pts) Subfaction: Black Hammers (Renegade Chapter) Berzerker Champion (Combat Specialist) - 20pts Plasma Pistol, Power Axe Terminator Champion - 35pts Mark of Slaanesh, Combi-plasma, Lightning Claw Chaos Space Marine Gunner (Sniper Specialist) - 16pts Mark of Slaanesh, Plasma Gun Chaos Space Marine Gunner - 16pts Mark of Slaanesh, Autocannon (Heavy Bolter model, but AC costs the same and is better!) Chaos Space Marine - 12pts Bolter Chaos Cultist Champion (Leader Specialist) - 5pts Autogun Chaos Cultist Gunner (Demolitions Specialist) - 8pts Flamer Chaos Cultist Gunner - 5pts Heavy Stubber Chaos Cultist - 4pts Autogun Chaos Cultist - 4pts Autogun and a couple of closer ups: A couple of the minis for this team were already built/painted so loadouts were set, but I had to get the cultists. I'm quite happy with the venerable old boy with the white beard, think he looks suitably like a respected clan elder to count as a Leader! I'm next working on an Asuryani KT, fairly common list with Ranger Leader, Dire Avengers plus Exarch, Grav Platform and crew, HB and SS Exarchs for close combat! firestorm40k, Brother Tyler, Inquisitor Eisenhorn and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dr_Ruminahui Posted July 7, 2020 Share Posted July 7, 2020 They look great - I love the flavorful touches, like old white beard. :) Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Inquisitor Eisenhorn Posted July 8, 2020 Share Posted July 8, 2020 Really enjoyed looking at these, very unique and inpspiring! Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted July 9, 2020 Author Share Posted July 9, 2020 Thanks guys! Started getting some bits for my Eldar list, fortunately my bro had an army with a few bits he wasn't using, got a grav platform and crew plus a metal Kharandras! Score!! (He'll only be a 'regular' Exarch, but I don't really like the massive head anyway, might give him a half mask head instead?) Also managed to Ebay one of the awesome BSF Rangers, so got a good start! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted September 21, 2020 Author Share Posted September 21, 2020 Commander for my Emperor's Blade Astartes KT, done as part of the Iron Gauntlet Challenges in the Liber Forum: and rules: My Eldar KT are also finished except for varnishing, so will have pics of them soon! I've also built minis for an Ork Team, so that's my next project! Dosjetka and Inquisitor Eisenhorn 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted September 24, 2020 Author Share Posted September 24, 2020 Asuryani Kill Team 125pts Subfaction: Craftworld Taka-Yoake (Biel-Tan) Ranger - 11pts Long Rifle, Shuriken Pistol (Leader) Dire Avenger Exarch - 11pts 2x Avenger Shuriken Catapults, Plasma Grenades Dire Avenger - 10pts Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Plasma Grenades Dire Avenger - 10pts Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Plasma Grenades Dire Avenger - 10pts Avenger Shuriken Catapult, Plasma Grenades Guardian Defender- 7pts Shuriken Catapult, Plasma Grenades (Comms) Guardian Defender - 7pts Shuriken Catapult, Plasma Grenades Heavy Weapon Platform - 11pts Starcannon Storm Guardian Gunner - 10pts Flamer, Plasma Grenades Howling Banshee Exarch - 17pts Executioner, Shuriken Pistol, Plasma Grenades (Zealot) Striking Scorpion Exarch - 21pts Scorpion's Claw, Scorpion Chainsword, Plasma Grenades (Combat) And some more close ups: Edit: couple of paint slips visible on the pic of the grav platform shield, they will be fixed next time I get the paints out! Dosjetka, Machine God, Brother Tyler and 6 others 9 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted October 29, 2020 Author Share Posted October 29, 2020 And the next team is ready for battle! WAAAAGGGGHHH!!!! Ork Kill Team (125pts) Subfaction: Evil Sunz Gretchin - 3pts Grot Blasta (Leader) Boss Nob - 22pts Kombi-Skorcha, Big Choppa, Slugga, Stikkbombs (Veteran) Ammo Runt - 3pts Stikkbombs Ammo Runt - 3pts Stikkbombs Kommando Nob - 17pts Power Klaw, Slugga, Stikkbombs (Combat) Kommando - 9pts Slugga, Choppa, Stikkbombs Kommando - 9pts Slugga, Choppa, Stikkbombs Flash Git - 27pts Snazzgun, Stikkbombs, Gitfinda Squig (Heavy) Burna Boy - 12pts Burna, Stikkbombs Ork Boy - 7pts Slugga, Choppa, Stikkbombs Ork Boy - 7pts Slugga, Choppa, Stikkbombs Ork Boy - 6pts Shoota, Stikkbombs And as usual, some more pics: (Really happy with these guys, the Flash Git is just a Nob with a shoota and a load of spare bitz. To me the runts look like they're telling him where to aim too, which fits great with their rules!) Anyway, Drukhari will be my next 125pt team! As always thanks for looking! Freakshow668, firestorm40k, Valistan and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Freakshow668 Posted November 19, 2020 Share Posted November 19, 2020 These are excellent, so characterful. Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Urauloth Posted November 19, 2020 Share Posted November 19, 2020 I like the gun on that flash git! Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
brother Vorn_GarDos Posted November 20, 2020 Share Posted November 20, 2020 the ork team looks good. did you build the orks mostly out of boyz box? Lysimachus 1 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted November 20, 2020 Author Share Posted November 20, 2020 Thanks guys! The Orks are mostly from the Boyz box (except Nobz/Grotz obvs) with other bits added for the specialists eg. Burna from the Burna/Loota kit and Kommandos have IG backpacks and GS bits (face covering and the goggles on the Nob). The Flash Git is just a Nob with a kombi shoota with loads of random stuff from my bitz box! brother Vorn_GarDos and Valistan 2 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted November 29, 2020 Author Share Posted November 29, 2020 Drukhari Kill Team (125pts) (Kabal of the Flayed Skull) Sybarite - 10pts Splinter Rifle, Agoniser, (Leader) Kabalite Gunner - 12pts Dark Lance (Sniper) Kabalite Warrior - 7pts Splinter Rifle (Comms) Kabalite Warrior - 7pts Splinter Rifle Kabalite Warrior - 7pts Splinter Rifle Kabalite Warrior - 7pts Splinter Rifle Kabalite Gunner - 9pts Shredder Klaivex - 16pts Klaive (Zealot) Incubus - 13pts Klaive Incubus - 13pts Klaive Mandrake - 12pts Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade Mandrake - 12pts Baleblast, Glimmersteel Blade And the close ups, pics are struggling to pick up the lighter areas properly which is annoying but the faces are actually painted! Kabalites: Incubi: Mandrakes: Thanks for looking! firestorm40k, brother Vorn_GarDos and Dr_Ruminahui 3 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lysimachus Posted December 26, 2020 Author Share Posted December 26, 2020 Another new KT, this one was super quick to paint. Contrast is awesome for all the textures on 'nids, I just undercoated black, then drybrushed progressively lighter greys up to white, then slapped on a bit of Flesh Tearer Red and Talassar Blue. Final details and done!! Tyranid Kill Team 125pts Subfaction: Hive Fleet Behemoth Tyranid Warrior - 22pts Deathspitter, Boneswords, Flesh Hooks (Leader) Tyranid Warrior - 22pts Deathspitter, Boneswords, Flesh Hooks (Comms) Tyranid Warrior Gunner - 24pts Venom Cannon, Boneswords, Flesh Hooks (Heavy) Lictor - 25pts Grasping Talons, Rending Claws, Flesh Hooks (Combat) Genestealer - 12pts Rending Claws, Acid Maw, Extended Carapace, Toxin Sacs Hormagaunt - 4pts Scything Talons Hormagaunt - 4pts Scything Talons Hormagaunt - 4pts Scything Talons Hormagaunt - 4pts Scything Talons Hormagaunt - 4pts Scything Talons And the usual closer ups: Thanks for looking! LameBeard, firestorm40k, Evil Eye and 3 others 6 Back to top Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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