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New to 40k & SoB


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well i say i'm new i played 15/16 years ago..and probably not well being a kid lol

I saw plastic sisters & just had to get them..so i got the collectors edition box

& now dont know where to go from here,i've got a 2k Warhammer world meet up start of april

And alot of modelling & painting to do (P.s hoping people can help with that as i've got a scheme buut dont know what paints i'm going to need) so any help would be appreciated

so far i've added

x2 BSS
x1 of repentia

next month i'm thinking 2+ exorcists  box of seraphim

all help appreciated thanks


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Nice. Paint scheme looks very Bloody Rose and reminds me of the sisters on the cover art from the old Witch hunters codex.


You're doing the right thing looking at getting a couple Exorcists and Seraphim.

You'll also want another Cannoness or two to fill put HQ slots some. Maybe even some immolators for small units transports such as your repentia.

Grab yourself an imagifier or two for their nice buffs. Hospitaller are optional but if nothing else they're a great looking model.

Nice. Paint scheme looks very Bloody Rose and reminds me of the sisters on the cover art from the old Witch hunters codex.


You're doing the right thing looking at getting a couple Exorcists and Seraphim.

You'll also want another Cannoness or two to fill put HQ slots some. Maybe even some immolators for small units transports such as your repentia.

Grab yourself an imagifier or two for their nice buffs. Hospitaller are optional but if nothing else they're a great looking model.

I've got 2 extra so far..well one & a custom one on the way in 5-6 weeks (forgot about them lol) Cannoness's that is :P


Immolators will probably be the last on list...i'm going to struggle getting this lot painted before meet but


yeah two groups repentia in immolators for up close and personal hacking sounds grand :biggrin.:

Got a St. Celestine yet? She's pretty great! Also: what order/playstyle are you wishing to take up? That'd help a lot in getting you in the right direction.

Not yet..i know she's nearly always an auto take the special models are giving me worry..i just want them to look so damn good but haha my skills are sub par


though..i did just find out i have 17 Metal sister that have been sat in a box in my brothers room for past 10+ years which was a happy bonus


2 Superiors

2 flamers

the rest bolter Sisters :biggrin.:


& i'm thinking Bloody rose in the Spirit of Blood angels being a up in your face army

You mention a custom cannoness on the way... which model are you using?


I've got the Wargames Exclusive Cannoness with Progenia: https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/battle-sisters/adeptus-sororitas-battle-sister-warrior-with-young-progenium/


She's not painted yet, but it is one of my favourite models in my collection. There's a Schola Progenium Territory in the Chronicle of Saint Katherine's Aegis campaign; this model is permanently stationed at that territory.


Raging Heroes also makes some pretty sweet ALT cannoness models too.

You mention a custom cannoness on the way... which model are you using?


I've got the Wargames Exclusive Cannoness with Progenia: https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/battle-sisters/adeptus-sororitas-battle-sister-warrior-with-young-progenium/


She's not painted yet, but it is one of my favourite models in my collection. There's a Schola Progenium Territory in the Chronicle of Saint Katherine's Aegis campaign; this model is permanently stationed at that territory.


Raging Heroes also makes some pretty sweet ALT cannoness models too.

ohh i got both a wargame & raging hero models


Cannoness from raging hero & repentia from wargame


this one...is actually a 3D model maker i used on a site in america and made it all myself from their list of armrour weapons facial stuff & poses


Got a St. Celestine yet? She's pretty great! Also: what order/playstyle are you wishing to take up? That'd help a lot in getting you in the right direction.

Not yet..i know she's nearly always an auto take the special models are giving me worry..i just want them to look so damn good but haha my skills are sub par


though..i did just find out i have 17 Metal sister that have been sat in a box in my brothers room for past 10+ years which was a happy bonus


2 Superiors

2 flamers

the rest bolter Sisters :biggrin.:


& i'm thinking Bloody rose in the Spirit of Blood angels being a up in your face army



Bloody Rose is definitely going to do that.  I would focus on Repentia and Seraphim... not sure about Zephyrim, yet, but they do fit the Bloody Rose moniker.


You'll want a Canoness with some sort of Chainsword, blinged up Chainsword to stand in for Benificence, that thing is just REALLY good.


Probably a Priest/Missionary as well, and an Imagifier or something for the group going up with your Canoness (or Repentia if you're fighting Knights... getting that extra STR is huge).


There's probably a little more optimizing you can do... but you'll start with a base of 3 Battle Sister squads to get some CP... maybe a second BN or a BDE for more CP... which would be another 3 units of Battle Sisters.  Then branch out to Repentia and Seraphim/Zephyrim, maybe get a delivery system for the foot troops as well.  Then take a step back and see where you are.  Then you'll probably want to finish with some artillery, as 40K is still a super-shooty game.




Got a St. Celestine yet? She's pretty great! Also: what order/playstyle are you wishing to take up? That'd help a lot in getting you in the right direction.

Not yet..i know she's nearly always an auto take the special models are giving me worry..i just want them to look so damn good but haha my skills are sub par


though..i did just find out i have 17 Metal sister that have been sat in a box in my brothers room for past 10+ years which was a happy bonus


2 Superiors

2 flamers

the rest bolter Sisters :biggrin.:


& i'm thinking Bloody rose in the Spirit of Blood angels being a up in your face army

Bloody Rose is definitely going to do that. I would focus on Repentia and Seraphim... not sure about Zephyrim, yet, but they do fit the Bloody Rose moniker.


You'll want a Canoness with some sort of Chainsword, blinged up Chainsword to stand in for Benificence, that thing is just REALLY good.


Probably a Priest/Missionary as well, and an Imagifier or something for the group going up with your Canoness (or Repentia if you're fighting Knights... getting that extra STR is huge).


There's probably a little more optimizing you can do... but you'll start with a base of 3 Battle Sister squads to get some CP... maybe a second BN or a BDE for more CP... which would be another 3 units of Battle Sisters. Then branch out to Repentia and Seraphim/Zephyrim, maybe get a delivery system for the foot troops as well. Then take a step back and see where you are. Then you'll probably want to finish with some artillery, as 40K is still a super-shooty game.


With the proper support, Benificance is one of the best weapons in the game



You can get the canoness up to 9 attacks with it, at str 5 AP -3 damage 2 (priest and imagifier). Warlord trait to reroll charges and wound rolls, and a strategem for +1 to wound, plus a sacred rite to get extra hits on sixes, and hopefully some miracle dice to guarantee those sixes. (A dialogus to treat 5s as sixes helps too)


I run mine with some Celestians, and together there isn't anything they haven't one rounded yet. Haven't gone up against a knight yet, but took out quite a few big Tyranids.

How are most players for models using a model with a weapon thats NOT the weapon
..i let my friend pick the weapon & well she picked a damn great axe for my Main canoness

because yeah it does look like a tasty weapon

As for the Zeph flying CC sisters..its a toss up fits the army wanting to charge headlong into the fight..but will they be any good at fighting stuff

I know for my trip to Warhammer world i'll be playing against Wolves/Thousand suns/& the rotting marines of brony land

So modeling is completely up to your tastes and those you play with.  Some people wouldn't care if you used a soda can, others are strictly WYSIWYG... you gotta find out where you are comfortable.


Personally, I go by the rule of: 1) is the model clearly distinguishable, and representative of the rules it has? and 2) does it look like you took the time and care to make it your own.  I'd rather give people the benefit of playing with cool models they crafted than being like: where's your plasma pistol, brah?!  Make it clear and a reasonable representation and we're good to go :D

So modeling is completely up to your tastes and those you play with.  Some people wouldn't care if you used a soda can, others are strictly WYSIWYG... you gotta find out where you are comfortable.


Personally, I go by the rule of: 1) is the model clearly distinguishable, and representative of the rules it has? and 2) does it look like you took the time and care to make it your own.  I'd rather give people the benefit of playing with cool models they crafted than being like: where's your plasma pistol, brah?!  Make it clear and a reasonable representation and we're good to go :biggrin.:

Ah well the model is definitely different haha

since SoB dont get axes it'll be easy to spot


yeah theres going to be some special heads..pistols & blood angels Iconography to make it feel like a new order from the Baal Region :D


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