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Can you cast a a psychic Power with no applicable target?

Holier Than Thou

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One of the new Grey Knights stratagems triggers on a successful cast to give +1 to further psychic tests. Smite is the easiest power to cast so would be the best power to start with to trigger the stratagem.


The Psychic Phase rules have the following order


Choose Psyker and Power.


Roll Test


Roll Deny


If successful, resolve power (details of which are described in the power’s entry).


So you have to take the test before you even consider range/targets. I think it’s (admittedly, probably a loophole) legal.

RAW I would say that you can, as the wording of Smite (and most psychic powers) are such that you select/determine the target of the power after casting, not before, so you could cast a power, then find there are no targets (or in Smite's case, see that there are no visible enemy units in 18") causing the power to have no direct effect.

In your example, I would say no as you don't fulfil the requirements of the spell in order to do the cast roll.


Can I ask why you would want to?


actually as other have said you dont check range until AFTER succesfully cast.

One of the new Grey Knights stratagems triggers on a successful cast to give +1 to further psychic tests. Smite is the easiest power to cast so would be the best power to start with to trigger the stratagem.


The Psychic Phase rules have the following order


Choose Psyker and Power.


Roll Test


Roll Deny


If successful, resolve power (details of which are described in the power’s entry).


So you have to take the test before you even consider range/targets. I think it’s (admittedly, probably a loophole) legal.


 Eldrads had this is day 1... however craftworlders smite goes up in difficulty with each attempt...


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