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Jacques Corbin

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So, are we using Impulsors? Why or why not? Are they the new Razorback?


The obvious argument against them is that we can spend CP to infiltrate, and we can deep strike a lot of our favorite units.


Well, the CP we spend to infiltrate, can be used on other stratagems or rerolls. Also, given my own experiences, once you drop in, you are foot slogging. Also, back to what I said about being the new (flying) Razorback, that Missile Launcher makes up for not having a heavy weapon option for in Primaris infantry squads.


So, are they feasible transports? Are they worth adding a Frag/Krak/Flak missile shot?

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I have no experience with them so am certainly no expert, but my gut reaction to them is that they would be good for some other chapters, but probably the worst fit for us.


Other chapters' units seem to hit harder or be more durable. Ours trade some of that raw power for maneuverability. Sure, you could save a CP by spending 85 points or whatever they cost, but even if you felt that's a good trade you'd probably be better off having most other CTs / stratagem suite than RG's. Plus MoA or SftS is just more reliable - I'd expect to lose at least 2 Impulsors on turn 1 against most armies, and I think I'd just rather the 170 points elsewhere seeing as we don't really need transports. The same question in salamanders or imperial fists or something I think would be a very different answer.


Maybe the one way that would make them really work is a total threat saturation list. High on extreme threat units that want to be targetted turn one either because they have high damage output or extreme speed. Low on tanky, low-damage or purely scoring / detachment filling units. In a list like that, where there are 7 or so really high priority targets (mortis dreads, planes, MoA centurions, devastators, etc.) an Impulsor or two would probably be a good fit, because it will help make your troops more of a threat and will give another unit that will either be targetted (taking heat off other high threat units) or left alone (allowing it to be useful, so long as you've loaded something scary into it).


Anyway, just my two cents :)

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The single missile launcher, which only hits on a 4+ after moving (which is his job), seems like a total waste. The shield dome is the "standard" choice, since the save never degrades further than 4+, unlike the usual 6+ when targeted by standard AT weaponry. Soaking up twice the firepower makes more sense than maybe getting a shot off half the time - use shield dome, only lose half the number of Impulsors, use the saved points for actual firepower.


The one thing the Impulsor should help us with would be providing a fast brick that can lock stuff in CC and take objectives. Its guns are negligible, its resilience nothing to speak of, but being a large obstacle still works. The move-disembark rule was nice before the supplement to increase midfield presence turn 1, but with the supplement we have so many options to do the same. And for 98p I can get another HQ and start a Vanguard Detachment (or something similar) with the units present anyway, which would get me a CP which would transport the unit (that would have been embarked) all the same, with more options.


In recent lists, I've played around with the thought, but it simply never made sense. Just one or two vehicles in the entire list (otherwise infantry only) are simply targets and nothing more, if they blow up the unit has to footslogg instead of using our other options. So yes...no idea how to make it worth it with my usual lists. When playing a vehicle-centered list, it might be fun, being an unappealing and "worthless" target that can pull a Leeroy Jenkins and lock stuff in CC.

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I use two in my list to help support my Executioner and Intercessor/Incursors, but I don’t use the Ravenguard chapter tactic. I use chapter tactics that synergies to my style of play as a Raptor player; those are LRM and MA to offset the 4+ for moving. Yes I use the ML option more or less. It’s also funny should the Impulsors live to turn two it’s nice to target a Character.


I more or less use these guys to as a threat option for my opponent. I found that it can get dicey for my me/opponents when I flex from transport to DS denial gap filler to AT. At times it boils down to attrition in which you gamble on what your opponents pick


It’s mainly a gamble and it works 60% of the the time 100% of the time. That and I think for my experience if you were to add impulsors there are more viable options out there for an RG Force that tends to be more infantry centric. I added them because trying for an pure Primaris list I wanted a theme and because I miss my Whirlwinds. Simple as that. Hope that helps.

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At some point I plan on getting one an putting a list together with a 5 man squad of auto bolt rifle intercessors for rapid deployment

Have them jump out and use the auto hit stratagem

Whether or not it's effective who knows


I like the model though :)


We do have a lot of deployment options to get us close though

Impulsor seems better for counter assaults

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I don't see the point for Raven Guard.  97 points is a good price point but they dont help RG do anything they cannot already do for CP.  


for 97 points orless  you could an additional centurion, a primaris chaplin, 5 intercessors, 5 incursors, 3 suppressors, or 3 eliminators.  All better options imo.


However, if you do not have good terrain then I think they have a place.  Some people just dont have access to tables with good terrain so then it becomes necessary to protect assets from first turn wipeouts.  I would consider impulsors under such circumstances.

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See, I was thinking of having them to reposition units that dropped in via Grav Chutes, and/or keeping them in reserve and loaded up with a Quick Reaction Force of sorts.


I guess a squad of Primaris in an Impulsor is just no substitute for 5 Scouts in a Land Speeder Storm.


I really want to make 5 Auto Bolter Intercessors with a Primaris Captain with the Bellicose Rifle work. I would run him with Echoes of the Ravenspire. I mean, sounds like a great wild goose chase to send an opponent on. Chase down the warlord, his screen, and their ride, and keep committing to doing so, and when they almost got him, he pops smoke, and appears on the other side of the table.


I still think the Ambulance idea is fun. 5 Auto Bolter Intercessors riding with a Primaris Apothecary, speeding towards a midfield unit of Incursors or Infiltrators that have taken casualties, and arriving to drop off 5 more bodies with Objective Secured, and getting those casualties back up and shooting again.

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I'm planning on running a pair with Domes in my all-Phobos list. They're mobile screens against assault units that like to charge Turn One or Two. Use them to clog avenues of approach, fall back with fly, etc.

The giant footprint with Fly is the draw for me.


That actually sounds pretty solid.  Just annoying points efficient bumper car that messes up gunlines.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't have a plan for the Impulsor in the near future, and honestly "as is" I like how they quasi-resemble how I feel the Whispercutter would work . . . but when I so this . . . .  




 . . . . would make a nice Command Vehicle. Bonus, apparently the specs are good enough you can pop the kit on and off ,so as to return it to its "as is" state if desired.



modelsandminis.com looks like a sweet kit 

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I really have learned to like the model. For any other Astartes army I’m sure I’d be bringing two to every game. It just doesn’t suit how I see Raven Guard successors play though. Especially those of us taking the Reasonable Marine route. Pregame I see them having swooped in Whispercutters and taking positions in advance of the enemy and Striking from ambush (Shadows). In game though I’m not seeing it for a Raptor like army.


As a side note:

I would like to see SftS cost 2 CP for Elites and Heavies so we might see less Centurions on the table at every competitive event but in return allow the Lord of Deceit work similar to Master of Ambush for RG Phobos units.


I mention this because while I feel the Impulsor is a valuable tool it’s our movement shenanigans that set us apart from Iron Hands and other Astarte factions. I don’t want the recent tournament scene nerfing what makes us ... us again after getting caught up in the Aloha Legion nerf a couple years ago.

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