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Deathwing by contrast.


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Hail Sons of Caliban. I managed to pick up 8 of the 9 space marine heroes terminator and Deathwing is the only reasonable option as they are a mix of ranged and close combat dudez. I even pulled the captain to run as a Deathwing Master. Super fired up.


My question is painting these guys using contrast paints. I have wraithbone primer and most of the paint line. I also have extensive non contrast options but I’m looking to lay down a nice bone armor. Any tips?


Thank you much.

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So, while I didn't use contrast paints, I did use Wraithbone on the Deathwing Bone areas on my Deredeo dreadnought and Terminator Characters:



It's Wraithbone > Seraphim Sepia > Wraithbone > Ushabti for the colours. Quite quick and easy actually.


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