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I'm so convinced it's ghaz, Makari, book, done.


I'd be amazed if there's anything else. I stand by to eat my words again though like before :biggrin.:

Hope you're hungry... :wink:



Like Grom, always!


Alas I already have ghaz down to be eaten!

Ghaz is Def redemptor in size.


Another teaser image on warcom

Where are you seeing that please? I can’t see anything except the short story and a piece on Waaaghs from the past.


Never mind, I see him in the background of the Makari picture.

Edited by Holier Than Thou

I mean, Ghaz has to be revealed at the toy fair the 22nd right? They're ramping up all the Ork articles so it really makes sense to me

Based on last year's reveals - box games, I don't think that we'll see ghaz at the toy Fair.


Doesn't fit with what they tend to show



Makari rules preview. He's a Goff, has a super-Grot statline (WS4+, S/T 3, 4 wounds), a 2++, a dagger with no stays buf does d3 mortal wounds one a 6+, and gives his leadership of 6 to nearby gretchin units.


Also, a sort of confirmation that Makarai is a Dread Pirate Roberts style title that Ghaz gives.


Not sure Makari has an actual, in game use, but if his points are cheap enough, he could fill an HQ slot in a battalion you don't mind having as Goff or mixed-clan.

Maybe I'm reaching with this, but the unfortunate implication of that is Ghaz will be like the new T'au Shadowsun, in that he’s a GOFF and can be taken without breaking Kulture but also won’t buff non-GOFF units. Makari buffing non-GOFF would have been a good omen...

I don't think Makari being goff or non goff even matters he's a grot and normally grots do not gain anything from Ork clan culture. 
The only exception I can think of is if He has his own special rule about using the Goff ability, which I would only expect because he is a special character/ named model. 

Given the quite sturdy statline of Makari I'm still holding out hope Ghaz is bumped up all they way to 16 wounds and just becomes a complete monster. Give him a Mangler squig type bracket system from AoS (meaning he's weak at the middle bracket but super strong again near death) and makes his kustom klaw D4 and 7 attacks.


He really might be close to redemptor sized I think and characters usually have a few more wounds than a model their size "should" (heck just look a 4 wound makari) so it's not that crazy I think.


Make his statline something like:


M14" WS2+ BS5+ S8 T7 W16 A7 Ld9 Sv2+

@8W M10" S6 A5

@4W M12" S8 A7


Expand "the prophet of Gork and Mork" ability to also reduce incoming damage by 1 to a minimum of 1. Up the damage on the klaw to 4 and switch out his twin bigshootas to twin supa-shootas. Keep the rest of the abilities the same with the exception that he fits into any klan, not just Goffs.


That'd be my dream for Ghaz, not just a slightly upgunned version of what we already have.

What do people think will happen in regards to the "create your own custom Clan" rules, given it's been somewhat solidly established since the Clans were a thing that these are the only ones there are? I know we can already take different Kultures in different detachments, but I could see GW giving Orks the ability to take multiple Kultures in the Warlords detachment, so long as there's at least 1 unit of the Warlords Kulture for each different one in each organization type. In other words, you can take Evil Sunz bikers in your Death Skull army, you've just got to have some Death Skull koptas or something, you can't just mix-and-match to have the best Kulture for every unit.

I tend to agree with you, @Lord_Caerolion. One of the beautiful parts of Ork fluff is how things are written into their very DNA, which not only causes the appearance of the Meks and Doks but also the same clans, without some sort of connection to orks from other worlds. It means Orks have a super consistent kultur, which is unique when considering the scale of the galaxy and how any normal species would diverge greatly from one another over time due to the vast distances in the void. However,

There are six clans in particular that have spread from one side of the galaxy to the other:

This sort of opens the door for the fact that there could be minor clans. I'm leaning 60% towards "no kustom clan rules", but if it happens, I won't be surprised. I don't think they'd have anything that could overcome how good Deathskullz (due to all the things their trait gives) and Bad Moonz (due to the Showin' Off! stratagem being tied to the kultur) are, but I could see something replacing Evil Sunz as the go-to for hordes of boys.

What do people think will happen in regards to the "create your own custom Clan" rules, given it's been somewhat solidly established since the Clans were a thing that these are the only ones there are? I know we can already take different Kultures in different detachments, but I could see GW giving Orks the ability to take multiple Kultures in the Warlords detachment, so long as there's at least 1 unit of the Warlords Kulture for each different one in each organization type. In other words, you can take Evil Sunz bikers in your Death Skull army, you've just got to have some Death Skull koptas or something, you can't just mix-and-match to have the best Kulture for every unit.

There are the 6 main/ major clans. There are however clans that don't fall under the classics. As such I fully expect custom clans like they've done for marines, tau, GSC, Eldar, etc.


No reason not to really.

It's really only 2 clans. Goffs and all those weedy gits over there..wishing they were Goffs.  

I don't see what the problem actually is, 8th edition lest players take multiple detachments so take a detachment of any clan you way filled with which ever units you want. 
I can't even guess at what a custom clan trait would be. What don't the 6 clans cover that would be wanted for traits. (If the answer isn't Orky it wont count.)

There's definitely been mention of "minor" Clans before. Specifically, the old Ork Codexes would always introduce the concept with something like "there are many, many Ork Clans, but only six really big ones."


That said, I kind of hope we don't have rules for them.

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