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Ultramarines Test Scheme


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Finally got a scheme that I like for my Ultramarines, the long process of painting the grey sea will begin. I did create a thread on asking advice to add character to Ultramarines. I have taken on board the advice and ordered greenstuff for that end. With this one though I just wanted to get the gold, silver and blue sorted - really happy how they turned out. I do still have to add the tactical sign on the shoulder, I will use a transfer for this as freehand would add to much time imo. I am also playing around with the leather pouches, probably going to go for quite a dark leather to not take away from the model. I will add a bit more brown pigment to the base. C and C is welcome.



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Thank you for the kind words.


How did you do the base that’s amazing?

The base itself is bought from:


They are really good, only complaint I have with them is that models dont sit naturally on a jagged surface. I have had to greenstuff some foot platforms on some of the bases. You can make the bases pretty easily but I just dont have time atm.


I used various greys and browns to make the base utilising airbrush, dry brush, washes and pigments.


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