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LVO Top 8

Shadow Captain Vyper

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So, LVO completed their cut to top 8 tonight, and drumroll please...we have two Raptors lists in the top 8! Both are running Lias Issodon as well! Big props to Brad Chester and Steve Pampreen!


Lists available here: https://www.frontlinegaming.org/2020/01/25/lvo-2020-top-8/

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Help me out. I don’t see the point of Lias in either of those list. I tend to focus on his ability to maneuver Firstborn units around. I would think Shrike would synergize better with the Phobos units being used than alias with Sniper Scouts?

The core of the lists is Centurion spam, especially the CC version. I'd guess Lias offers 3 interesting points for those:

  1. Free deep strike for up to 3 units (instead of spending CP)
  2. Bubbles start with full reroll to hit, and free choice of WL traits (unlike other named characters) can increase that
  3. +1" for all movement means charges go down from 9" to 8". For CC deathstars, that's huge

So yeah...interesting to see such a use, but it doesn't feel particularly Raptor-y. But at that level, lists aren't exactly designed for fluff or theme, just for power.

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MN has the right of it, more or less. Pampreen was on the 40k Stats Centre stream, and was interviewed about his list and they discussed this. Against certain lists (TFCs are a great example) he doesnt start the sniper scouts on the board, they go into reserve with Lias so they can come in on T2 (with our super doctrine) and do some damage. Against those lists, your scouts just die t1, and do nothing.


Otherwise, great value in the movement bonus I think.

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Meh,Scouts. Take Eliminators instead ... and just shoot through the wall like a real Mor Deythan (and then grab Engineers).


Yeah . yeah easier said than done ;) 



Very exciting to see list that are similar to my Eliminator / Aggressor heavy (plus one Assault Centurion unit) list. Means I should be competitive locally if I learn to drive my build correctly. 


I hope there ends up a Youtube of at least one of the games both play. I'd like to see how they deploy. With a Astartes heavy Top 8 seeing someone going second with list like these would be a great teaching learning moment for myself. Of course my real thought becomes how future proof are these list? I haven't started building my Centurions yet but I'm strongly suspecting a nerf along with the Chappie Dreads and Thundercannon given how prolific they have become. 

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I think the TFC itself isnt too bad, but Tremor Shells / Shoot Twice is very strong. Chaplain dread is most certainly too strong. Handful of IH items need nerfed, and Assault Cents probably need a minor points increase.


Brad ran 20 sniper scouts AND the Eliminators!

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I think we pointed out something that’s hard to quantify it just the past couple of comments. The thunder fire cannon is deadlier in some chapters and then others just as the assault centurions are extremely efficient with raven guard but not nearly as much with other chapters
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Yeah, I've been an advocate of that thing for the entire edition. Once you get mileage out of the repairs, even its old price point of 127p was worth it.


Now at 93p, with two strats that boost its value to the point where it counters certain lists hard, it's a clear auto-include. Especially at tournaments where said hard counter might decide the entire event.

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