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As the sun rises on Gaia, the citizens go about their day to day activities under the watchful gaze of The Tower, blissfully unaware of the dangers that they face from beyond the stars. Lord Shaxx peers over at the latest batch of recruits and smiles at their progress, soon they shall make fine Guardians and they shall bring the Light of the Emperor to all manner of Heretic, Xenos, and Mutant scum!


Hello everyone! Marshal Van Trapp here, taking a break from my Tau and Black Templars to finish up an army project that I accumulated last year but never actually started working on, a Destiny themed Space Marine army. After getting really involved with Destiny 2 and really falling in love with the lore, I started thinking of ways to incorporate that into 40k especially in a Space Marine chapter, and thus the Guradian Host was born.


Lore is still in the WiP stages but that has yet to stop me from building models! So far I have a few Peraonalized DI intercessors that I gave older mk armor panels and other decorative elements to make them look like guardians who are hodgepodge armor sets since I like the look of that.





Additionally I have 2 characters, Lord Reclusiarch Shaxx, my Primaris Chaplain, and an as of yet unnamed Primaris Apothecary






Obviously both kitbashed and very WiP still but I'm happy with the results so far.


The basic idea when to comes to paint scheme is going to be something akin to deathwatch, they're going to have a left arm and pauldron in common with probably a silver or black steel color, with the chapter badge on it, then the rest of the marine will be painted with whatever color scheme and designs they see fit. obviously each squad will have the same personal heraldry in order to keep my opponents from having a hard attack and so I don't have to come up with like 200 different color schemes haha.


I also have a few eliminators built up but as they are really just stock (with the exception of the kitbashed spare parts ones) I'll just leave them till I start painting.


C&C is welcome and if anyone has any idea on how to make the marines look even more individual lemme know!

I see that shining dome on the apothecary and all I can think of is Zavala Jr.


I think battle damage, pouch/grenade/knife placement, and small changes to helmet and pauldron lines can help personalize individuals. 

How about this for a Titan mock up?



It's kinda reminiscent of the Destiny 1 exotic cheat armour 'armamentarium'

I'll be honest I saw that and was thinking of doing that with Mr. Stabby there with knife scabbards haha


I've been looking into doing battle damage and more like stuff on marines, the one there reloading has gotten a bunch more ammo pouches because he always has to be prepared!

I did some work on the bases of my marines, I want the army to have bases related to the usual places they operate, some some will be city bases, some will be woodland ruins, and some will be blasted, barren planet soil. These here fall into the woodland ruins category:


The idea I went for here was putting some ruined versions of the city bases I made, then filling around them with some Liquitex Coarse texture medium. Once they're painted I'm going to go over them with green and browns to make it look like moss and dirt reclaiming the old abandoned ruins.

Not much to show, last week has taken a lot out of me so I haven't really had time to work on them but I did manage to get one more intercessor built with a bit of character:



I know IH are the kings of bionics (the flesh is WEAK) but I figure having a few marines with prosthetics in the form of bionic limbs or eyes could be a nice bit of character to help make them all not look so cookie cutter


Let me know what you guys think of his bionics and pose

It might be the colour and angle, but are there three or four rods in the bionic leg?

Four, 2 in the center and then one in the front and one in the back, it's probably kinda hard to see in the white on white on white haha.


Love that Chaplain conversion that is really cool! :tu:

Thank you sir, that means a lot coming from you, I've always looked up to your conversion work!


I'm slowly but surely pushing through my remaining marines I'm so happy to be making progress


To build:

3 intercessors

3 lieutenants

1 captain

6 aggressors

15 infiltrators

9 suppressors


Built, ready to prime:

1 chaplain

1 apothecary

10 incursors

17 intercessors

9 eliminators


I think this makes me right around half way built! I am waiting on some heads I ordered online to help with the customization but other than that I think I should be able to start painting in a few weeks!

So I got around to finishing the remaining 3 intercessors and decided to start on the aggressors. I DESPISE big lanky ammo cables so I decided to do I minor conversion to make them a bit easier to pose and get rid of those ugly cables, it DOES make the fists a bit bulkier but I'm pretty sure they can still swing them around




I'm also 100% sure that the ammo boxes add a lot of bulk to the gauntlets and make them even killier


Let me know what you guys think of them, stupid, just plain bad, kick ass. C&C is welcome!

I like them in principle but I'd try them out hooked right up to the ammo feed location on the side there. They'll stick out might but it might look more natural. Also try your mock-up with the backpack and shoulder pads added on temporarily to see how it looks with everything on. They add a lot to the shape.

I like them in principle but I'd try them out hooked right up to the ammo feed location on the side there. They'll stick out might but it might look more natural. Also try your mock-up with the backpack and shoulder pads added on temporarily to see how it looks with everything on. They add a lot to the shape.

They are hooked right up to where the ammo feeds from, the slot in the gauntlet next to them is the cartridge ejection port, I just carved down the little extra bit of plastic from both the feeds so it wouldnt be an extra 3mm stuck out because that just looked silly

So I finished the aggressors and I'd say that they are looking very nice now:



Couple of things I did, first I filled in the little slot on the bottom of the ammo boxes with a bit of plastic rod, I think it gives the part a bit of visual interest and also helps cover that unsightly slot. Second, I covered the pegs on the back pack with the flamestorm fuel tanks with all the cables cut off, this to me makes them look like some kind of reserve fuel tanks for the armor, maybe I'll make some bit of fluff about aggressors from the chapter using extra fuel tanks with lower ammo reserves so they can operate for longer and further from their drop points.

I think overall these guys look very brutal, like their fists are just as deadly as the guns strapped to their arms!


As always any C&C is always welcome!

Well the Aggressors are done, as are the second squad of them.




As you can clearly see I went a different direction with the second squad.

After seeing the Honour Guard made by the Amazing Chapter Master Valrak I decided to go with a similar design while still keeping them distinctly Aggressors. Thus each one has an Assault Bolter from the inceptors kit as well as some form of heavy terminator weapon (the sergeant has a Thunder Hammer, the others have a powerfist and chainfist)

After I put these guys together I knew i was going to love them and as my play group said, they're going to need the Blacksmith Shader haha


C&C as always

Did some more assembly work, got the incursors all fully built as well as 3 suppressors which I've mounted to some makeshift flying stands (since I hate the stock clear plastic ones)



I'm very happy with these guys bases but they were very time consuming, for the remaining 6 I'm going to do a kind of foamboard reinforced with plasticard instead of straight layering plasticard (or trying to drill through many layers of plastic bits) also since this picture was taken I've weathered the ruin pieces and primed them all in prep for painting



So my 2k marine list is looking like thus


Chaplain (primed)

Captain (unassembled)

Lieutenants x3 (unassembled)



20 intercessors (primed)

10 incursors (primed)

15 infiltrators (unassembled)



6 aggressors (primed)

Apothecary (primed)


Fast attack:

9 suppressors (3/9 primed, rest unassembled)


Heavy support:

9 eliminators (primed)

I'm getting into the home stretch in assembling my marines and soon it will be on to painting then I get to test out my Shader skills!

More work has been done, I finally finished the remaining suppressors as well as the infiltrators and my chapter master



For these guys I decided to go with just a few extra accessories as well as throwing the reiver skull masks to make "The Reapers" firesupport fireteam. With their powerful Accelerator autocannons they rain death upon the enemies of the Imperium.



Next up are "The Heavensborne" from the sky they descend like Avenging Angel's to purge the heretic, the witch, and the mutant from their wretched holes. (Most of the customization for these guys will come down to their angelic paint scheme)



And last but not least "The Leadfarmers", precision gunslingers that leave their enemies riddled with bullets.



Infiltrators are just some head swaps and arm swaps so that they dont have any of the exact same models in the squad since they're made from shadowspear models.



Last but not least we have Chapter Master Zavala, wielding his signature Huntsman-pattern bolt pistol (although those AoS hand crossbows are way bigger than I thought they were) I have him the sequitur body since I thought it fit an officer of high standing such as himself (Although I need to smooth out the top a bit where I had to cut away his pauldrons)


Last on the building block is the 3 lieutenants of the army, Ikora Ray (although she'll be a man not a woman obviously) Cayde-6 (complete with loads of bionics) and Saint-14 (going to NEED to find a way to make that signature head Crest too)


After that painting will hopefully begin, it's been gross weather here in Jersey but I have some of the other models primed already so I can start painting them in earnest once assembly is complete on the others

I have to say, as someone who played Destiny from the open beta of the first game on the 360, this is bloody awesome. Making each Marine their own is an brilliant idea and you've pulled it off.



Big question: Are you going to make the amazing Cayde-6?

Well I've finished off the lieutenants for my marines meaning I now have a full 2k point primaris army all assembled and hopefully soon ready to paint


First up is the great Saint-14



I went with the deathwatch helmet off their upgrade sprue as his head just because I do not have the greatest sculpting skills and it's the best bit I had on hand and honestly I think it works great for its needs. I'm not 100% sure what that clenched fist is supposed to be but I like to imagine Saint slamming his chest in challenge ready to headbutt any opponents into the ground!


Next is the hot-shot Cayde-6



I figure exos would be hard to explain in 40k terms so I opted to make Cayde-6 more machine than man. Threw a pair of bionic legs on him and gave him the hooded head from the eliminators that makes him look like a robot so I think it works well for cayde, I can also hear Nathon Fillion's voice coming out of him telling the tyranids where they can solve their bio weapons.


Lastly is Ikoro Ray (based personality wise on Ikora but obviously there are no female space marines)



This one is kinda just run of the mill marine, I didnt really feel like modeling a whole full robe for him to match ikora but I also didnt want to use another sequitor body cause then he and Zavala would look to similar model wise and it'd be harder to tell them apart. I'm thinking of modeling a ruined wall to put behind him just to have him like butted up against it holding his guns up in preparation to jump out guns blazing.


Overall I'm glad I got his whole army built up and I'm going to have a blast slapping paint on everything so I cant wait to finish priming the last few models and start the great paintathon

Saint looks great, as does The Man They Call Cayde. HOWEVER, where is his horn? His beautiful horn?



Also suprising you went with a standard Primaris body for Not-Ikora and not a Librarian.

Saint looks great, as does The Man They Call Cayde. HOWEVER, where is his horn? His beautiful horn?



Also suprising you went with a standard Primaris body for Not-Ikora and not a Librarian.

AHH I forgot his horn! I'll have to add that in with some plasticard! As for not-iroka I didnt want him to be my librarian as Eris Morn is a MUCH better librarian in my eyes (she is way more powerful and mystical than ikora as far as warlocks go) but I also may not make this ikora and make this another member of the top brass from the Tower and make a proper ikora librarian to accompany my 3 vanguard leaders

Love this idea


I've always thought Dead Orbit was a cool name for a Space Marine chapter and that their badge would good on a shoulder pad.


Will be watching this thread for sure.


If you can make a space marine missile launcher in Gjallarhorn I'll be seriously impressed! 

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