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Imperial Fist Leviathan Dreadnought Loadout


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I'm considering picking up a Leviathan Dreadnought for my IF successor force. I need some advice on the load out from more experienced IF players.


Should I equip two Stormcannon Arrays for 20 S7 AP-2 (AP-3 w/doctrine) D2 shots or should I take one Stormcannon and a Siege Drill (3 S16 AP-4 D4 attacks) so I can have some defense against getting charged? I typically take a DCCW with my DW dreadnoughts to discourage my opponent from charging. 


I think for the rule of cool, dual Stormcannons would be amazing, but from a survival/flexibility point of view, I think the Siege Drill (or Siege Claw?) may be a good idea?

Dual cannons is if you really wanna pump out some serious pain at any distance. 

I also feel the same way you do about the claw/drill; I never like to leave home without it.

It's really up to how you play, honestly. I vote for Claw/Drill and Cannon, but that's because I like to punch face. Go dual cannons if you feel you really need that extra firepower. 

I personally expect a large point hike on the storm cannon and possibly some nerfs to how the Levi interacts with keywords in the near future. Point being don't get attached to any particular option and magnetize the weapons. I prefer the closer range weapons as no one expects them and storm cannons are overdone. The bombards are my personal favorites just for no one expects them. I might add a claw to mine and drop a bombard.


Dual Storm cannon is highly effective as LVO has shown although they don't quite mesh as well with fists as every dread meshes with IF.

I personally expect a large point hike on the storm cannon and possibly some nerfs to how the Levi interacts with keywords in the near future. Point being don't get attached to any particular option and magnetize the weapons. I prefer the closer range weapons as no one expects them and storm cannons are overdone. The bombards are my personal favorites just for no one expects them. I might add a claw to mine and drop a bombard.


Dual Storm cannon is highly effective as LVO has shown although they don't quite mesh as well with fists as every dread meshes with IF.


That's a really good point, I forgot that GW just announced that they're going to take over rules publications for the FW units. I may need to wait & see what changes if anything to see if it'll still fit into my list after the updated rules.


Dual cannons is if you really wanna pump out some serious pain at any distance. 


I also feel the same way you do about the claw/drill; I never like to leave home without it.


It's really up to how you play, honestly. I vote for Claw/Drill and Cannon, but that's because I like to punch face. Go dual cannons if you feel you really need that extra firepower. 


Well you've been a big help! J/K  :lol:   I tend to like to play conservatively, and have flexibility, so I think I'm leaning towards a cannon/fist combo JIC it get's charged. 10 shots is still a lot of potential hurt and the dual HF & the crazy strong fist may keep it alive/shooting longer b/c charging it could be a bad idea... magnets & play testing may be my best bet, but I didn't want to buy extra arms right now...


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