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Top 50 LVO Win - A Exercise in Group Think


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Hey Team,


If you haven't heard yet Matthew Allee placed Top 50 at the LVO. He's running his "Rubric Spam" list with a Hell Forged Scorpius:




This guy is a world class player who plays 1kS for the love, so I thought it'd be interesting to have the community analyze the list, make suggestions like Cults, or provide observations.


I'm still mulling things over so I'll provide an opinion later, but pretty cool news!

Thanks for bringing it up. I know of the guy and that placing is incredible really. 

the list just looks kind of.... boring to me. I mean I stopped playing my Black Legion competitively because at the time they really only worked with cultist blobs. 

this looks like a very static blob of Rubrics marching behind Cultists looking to fight twice. It’s effective but I’d like to think that now, with RotD, we could hopefully do something a little more dynamic. 

Unfortunately the article doesn't go into any detail so it may as well just be a list of the lists, but as mentioned this is not what I'd call Rubric spam or even much of a Rubric list at all? A few MSU bare bones squads is not exactly an endorsement :confused:


I don't think people go into tourney to play fun lists though, so if it works it works - more of a statement on the state of the army as Boom says. Hopefully we can see some diversity with the new additions from RotD. That said I don't think any of these are enough to change any unit in a significant way :ermm:

He has been on the Tizcan podcast talking about his old, mono Thousand Sons list. He used to play it with a lot of 5 man rubric squads. Spreading them out to stand on objectives, and using the black matter crystal turn 1 to get a 5 man squad hidden close to the enemy lines, but outside of line of sight. Meaning that they shielded his characters from being targeted. Then he moved his untargetable characters up midfield and started the smiteathon. Usually won due to attrition and because his rubric squads were hard to shift from objectives and key anchor points. Or lost terribly against sniper armies.

The alpha legion detachment seems new though. Same with the big cultist unit. I get how the AL stratagems could be useful, and that the oblits gives you some needed ability to reach out and remove a threat that is far away, but that can't be the entire reason behind it. He is a smart player, so he should have some interesting reasoning behind his choices. Hopefully he will be back on the podcast.

Yea I could see that. 


You have to remember ITC blocks out LOS from first floor of ruins making that strategy even more viable. 


I still think the cultists are just there to recycle, and potentially double fight. It's a decent front cheap line for those smites.

Well I'll be (ritual of the) damned!


In Cultist news, I've a half a mind to headswap some Hysh Warcry folk into being regular Kairic Acolytes, whilst then using their mad masked heads to set about Prospero Spire Guarding some other (as yet undecided) models. Might take a bit getting the sizes/scales right, but I'm hopeful!


That way the Cultists would at least be visually compatible with a Tzeentchian Cabal army.

It’s interesting to note how one individual skews our results so severely. 

there’s only 9 Thousand Sons players with 5 being mono. Yet we come in 6 th in winning percentage. I think that the one guy who went 5-1 definitely played a big part in that number. 

I’m not going to comment on the marines as it’s not the place for it but I do hope Thousand sons participation numbers go up as I suspect Grey Knights and Dark Angels definitely will. 


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