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Executioners IV Battle Co

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So here’s an image of one of my three Death Speakers for the 4th Co.


Still trying to post pics from my iPhone 11 to this forum and learning as we go!


Any tips on posting pics is MUCH appreciated!

That dreadnought looks pretty good!
With regards to pictures and posting on mobile, I would recommend using the image tags.

[ img ] and [ / img ] (though remove the spaces.)

If you put the link in between the image tags, like this, you'll find that you get the image right in your post (though they can be a little large sometimes).

[ img ] http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_16116/med_gallery_69148_16116_105633.jpeg [ /img ]


Good luck with the rest of the project! A whole battle company is no mean project to undertake. However, I expect it will look quite impressive once completed, based on what I see here. :thumbsup:

[ img ] http://bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_16116/gallery_69148_16116_46380.jpeg [ /img ]


THANK YOU for the advice. Now not sure why pic is sideways!

Remove the spaces here inside the tags, and use the first link you posted. It isn't sideways, but the second one is. Not sure why though. 


And didn’t work. Sorry for my struggles. Maybe using the ‘full version’ will help.



You have a backslash instead of a regular slash here. A quick edit should fix it here. If not, let me know and I'll find someone who can. :tu:



4th Co. Death Speaker Shim’son, a legend among the Chapter, walking amongst his axe brothers of the 4th Company and providing sage council to the battle company’s warlord/captain; whilst maintaining the tales and exploits of his fellow fallen brethren on internal data spools during their imposed crusade to regain their home world, right to recruit again, and most of all...honor.


So photobucket has helped! Anyone know how I get rid of that annoying ‘photobucket’ stamp?


Wanted to all to be able to see the back banner and claws; shots of the back of the Dred to follow.

Full disclosure; I’ve been into 40k since about 11-12 years of age, back when Gamesdays were held in local club halls in random small MD towns at a Knights of Columbus or local VFW. Now at 41 I’m purely into the hobby for modeling and painting and building armies that I take an interest in.

Being a fan of the old school 40k compendium I was hooked by the Badab War a long time ago and then again when FW released the 2 volumes by Bligh.


Now back to the project at hand. One half of my Executioners army will be mostly from the basic SM Codex and use the old school blue and grey urban camo theme, while the other half will be from the SW Dex and the more modern gun metal theme.




The basic fluff idea is that many decades into their forced 100 year penitent crusade, each of the chapters companies start to diverge from the prescribed codex in some ways at the squad level, due to consolidation and attrition and not being able to recruit. So, veterans take on the recon scout role, like space wolf scouts do. Tac squads are more specialized like grey hunters, etc. But, some habits die hard like replacing a codex dev squad with a stern guard squad of vets, 3 death speakers to a company; troops wanting to get to grips with the enemy to earn honor, trophies, close range fire fights, and so on.


Now I give you a shot of Ancient Shim’son’s back banner,




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