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50 Power Level T-Sons


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Hi All,


I play 50 Power Level at my FLGS. I'm getting ready to play with my first game since PA4 came out, and I was wondering if anyone had any advice for lists, Cults, Stratagems etc...


Opponents play a range of armies, from Primaris to Tyranids to Necrons to Imperial Guard, usually with at least one heavy damage unit, so I have been struggling if I take an infantry-heavy list.


My most powerful damage-dealing units are 5-man Scarabs and a fully kitted out Predator (twin lascannons, two more lascannons and the Havoc launcher), so I'd like to include them.


Strats seem very useful, so I would like to squeeze in a Battalion, and this is what I am leaning towards:


Ahriman (7) - Prescience, Glamour, Wartime

Exalted Sorc on disk (8) - Gaze of Fate, Temporal Manipulation


5-man Rubrics (7) - Weaver

10 Tzaangors (4)

10 Tzaangors (4)


5 Scarabs (11) - Weaver

Predator (9)


I'm planning to take this as a Cult of Magic, with the Exalted Sorc on disk as the Warlord.


Tzaangors would be purely for shielding, charging and trying to force my opponents to fire at them so my other units survive a bit longer, and I can't fit a Shaman in, so I'm not expecting much from them.


Any thoughts ideas would be greatly appreciated!

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This looks like something I would lean toward and offers a lot unit versatility.


Gaze of fate is demon only and do not believe we benefit from Discipline of Tzeentch even on disc. I could be wrong and if I am that's great news. Though the Chaos Familiar strat at 1 cp would open it up to you I think. Maybe you meant Infernal Gaze?


We have a lot of great strats it all depends on conditions and opportunities. I think you have 5 cp? After Relics decide if you want Magister. Use the balance as needed and what you think is the best application.


With you small numbers having the chance to use Fusillade, VotW for some damage dealing are great uses if you can create the conditions to use them. Even Cycle of Slaughter if conditions are good for your goats.


Indomitable Foes and Adepts of the Immaterial are good to have at the ready.


The rest are opportunistic plus your 5 cp can go quick especially if you go relic heavy. I personally would leave the crystal at home for small games and look at helm and the cult relic. Are you taking the cult WLT? If so might look at a spell swap, for your exalted. Maybe drop Temporal Manipulation for another damage dealer to maximize the WLT. Though if you meant Infernal Gaze, that combined with Smite and the cult spell should cover you. The 1 cp use of The Great Sorcerer and your Warlord can straight up assassinate HQ, units or Multiwound baddies with enough MW spells and Cult of Magic WLT.


Also consider the long term use of Prescience and with such few numbers will it see much use late game.

Sorry, I should have been more specific, yes, I'm spending 1CP pre-game for Chaos Familiar to use Gaze of Fate. A re-roll that doesn't cost CP


I was thinking of spending another CP pre-game to give Ahriman his Warlord trait too (3++).


It's a battalion, so i'll get 8CP to play with. 6CP remaining if I do both of the above. VotlW, Infernal Fusillade and Sorcerous Infusion look good. Also, The Great Sorceror, for an extra spell cast, could get more use now that every psyker in the Cult has an extra spell.

Hmm you could just spread out lots of Weavers throughout the army (I usually give All is Dust units Weaver because it's pretty much the entire table covered thanks to its 24" range). 


That way, if you forsee Ahriman being in danger, he can always get a 3++ and you won't be forced to make him have the warlord trait.

Sorry, I should have been more specific, yes, I'm spending 1CP pre-game for Chaos Familiar to use Gaze of Fate. A re-roll that doesn't cost CP.


I was thinking of spending another CP pre-game to give Ahriman his Warlord trait too (3++).


It's a battalion, so i'll get 8CP to play with. 6CP remaining if I do both of the above. VotlW, Infernal Fusillade and Sorcerous Infusion look good. Also, The Great Sorceror, for an extra spell cast, could get more use now that every psyker in the Cult has an extra spell.

Ah, good deal on Chaos Familiar.


Also if you make Ahriman your WL you don't need to spend a cp to get his WL trait. Once you pick him or Magnus as your WL the trait comes stock.


Thanks for reminder on CP for a battalion I was thinking 5 was low. Geez I need to play more, lol.

Thanks for the advice.... I still got spanked.


I played against against Drukhari, who got first turn and wiped out my predator and I was always on the back foot after that. I won't bother with a bat-rep, but I lost 27-10 (Power Level of units killed).


Drukhari had many 48-inch range weapons, so once my predator was gone, it took a couple of turns before even my Smites were in range, let alone the Astral Blast (15-inches). I deployed at the front of my zone, but the Drukhari hung back at the edge of the table. I'll look at making my units more mobile next time.


I'm a very fluffy player, and my opponent was a min-maxer, so i was always going to lose, but it would have been nice to at least make it a close contest.

Bummer man. Not too familiar with Dark Eldar though when playing power levels units get all the toys stock. Against some armies I am sure its unbalancing.


Was terrain a factor? I have a buddy who plays Imperial Guard always wanting as little terrain as possible so he can have a shooting gallery. He always accuses me of trying to hide when I vote for more terrain, lol, heck yeah I am especially on first turn.

My mistake, it was Aeldari, not Drukhari.


The 48-inch range Aeldari were tucked away behind buildings, but the board was reasonably open. I had no choice but to advance. Slowly.


The 50PL is the decision of the FLGS, and I am restricted in when and where i can play, so in the near term it's unlikely I can play any other way, but I'll look into it.


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